So I guess Proposition 8 in California is going to stay for the time being.I had a couple thoughts and questions about this.One interesting thought I heard was that nowhere in the states have people voted for homo sex marriage, but it was always the governmental figures.I also think that it is good for us as Christians to stand for this issue to a degree as the government are ministers of God for righteousness and certainly we do not want any crime to be committed.A question I had was this. It would seem I am not sure that the tide of homosexuals and liberal views is progressing so fast that it is inevitable apart from a strong move of God for this law to pass. I mean if the votes are almost 50/ 50 now and the gay community is rapidly growing I think that the majority of the vote will at some time be swayed right? Or is it not progressing that fast? So it would almost to just campaign politically to be a waste of time.
When did we get the right to turn our nose up at any sinner? These people are lost sinners in need of a touch from the Lord just as we once were. I understand that this lifestyle is openly named as an abomination, but so is pride. Blessings Greg
Hi Smokey,I didn't think I was snubbing anyone or being proud. I know we are to love our enemies, give mercy, and seek the sinner out, and the homosexual sin is not the only sin out there.I offered my thought because I thought it correct after I thought over it for some time. I don't know I am open to opening this up for discussion. The question being should we as Christians stand for prop 8. I think we should because just as we as Christians should seek for the government to make rape illegal so we should also for homosexuals. But I don't know maybe there is something I am not considering and I am open to reason. So I guess this question can go out to all to get some input?I am thankful for your consideration in pointing out that pride is also a great sin that is often overlooked, but I think you may have spoken sharply to me as well and quickly judged me.
My only concern is that we prayerfully consider all our comunication regarding the un-converted. I believe that our first duty is to reach out with the truth, and then pray for God to work. All to often it seems that our first response to these issues is to jump up and condemn..I am sorry if my initial response was too strong, but there is a need for more ernest sincere empassioned prayer for the lost..Blessings Greg