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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Church of Scotland abandons Bible - allows gay pastor

[b]Church of Scotland abandons Bible - allows gay pastor[/b]

LONDON - The Church of Scotland has approved the appointment of an openly homosexual minister - the latest case of tensions over sexuality to prompt division in the Anglican Communion.

The church's ruling body voted Saturday by 326 to 267 to support the appointment of the Rev. Scott Rennie, 37, who was previously married to a woman and is now in a relationship with a man.

Rennie was first appointed as a minister 10 years ago, but has faced opposition from some critics since he moved to a church in Aberdeen, Scotland, last year. ...

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2009/5/27 15:37Profile

 Re: Church of Scotland abandons Bible - allows gay pastor

Very sad. The Church of Scotland has been a dead denomination for a long time. The blind are leading the blind, where else could they end up but in a ditch...........Frank

 2009/5/27 16:24

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW

 Re: Church of Scotland abandons Bible - allows gay pastor

It is probably not a church anymore.

 2009/5/27 16:28Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


To even get to this point as an issue shows that one abandoned the apostolic faith a long time ago.

Jimmy H

 2009/5/27 18:21Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Praise the Lord, come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Turn to the Lord Jesus now, too late may come too soon.


 2009/5/27 18:39Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Church of Scotland abandons Bible - allows gay pastor

Times Square Church has posted an update on their upcoming short-term missions trip to Scotland...

[url=]Scotland Outreach[/url]

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2009/5/27 18:48Profile


HI Ron,

Thanks for posting that. It is a great answer to prayer that the Lord so moved upon Carter Conlons's heart that he was directed to return. I was there that night and the power of the Lord was awesome. There was definately a breakthrough, of that I have no doubt. God will move in a significant way I believe on the streets of Greenock, perhaps one of the most violent, drug addicted towns in Scotland. I praise God that He is no respector of persons, He loves the whole world and He gave His only Son to prove it. We were priveledged to witness a notorious sinner come to Christ when we were there last year, right there at the back of the hall. One of the Scottish organizers came up to me, and said "She is just the beginning." I praise God for that and for men who can look with Spiritual ayes and understand the Frank

PS..For those who would, please pray that in this harvest, my brother and sister will be saved. One a heroin addict, the other an alcoholic and drug addict.

 2009/5/27 19:51

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