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Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Praise You for today may our heart be One with Yours...create in us a clean heart.

may we understand our call and be obedient as the days are evil and time is short.

may we use our life wisely redeeming the time.

may we be busy about Your business knowing what is of eternal value.

may we not try to save our life in this world but to be spent for You truly dead to self and Alive In You.

may we desire daily transformation a heart diligently seeking after You.

may we bow spending precious time at Your feet seeking Your face.

may we Love and value the things important to You.

change our heart....whatever it takes.

Lord we bow in complete surrender……Holy Holy Holy

 2009/6/27 9:37Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Praise Honor and Glory to our First Love who has captured our heart with Agape Love Mercy and Grace.
Praise You our eyes are on You our ears open to Your voice.

we rejoice knowing that You are In control and have the plan nothing happens by chance may we abide always in step with You.

Praise You that time on our knees softens our heart to hear and be obedient no matter the cost picking up our cross.

may our life be a life of prayer producing a beautiful life that preaches Truth being obedient to Your Word.

may we be compassionate and forgiving knowing we desire this from You doing to others as we would want done to us.

Praise You that You are our source of transformation we look to You.

Praise You for being our Provider seeing our every need no good thing do You withhold to those who walk upright.

we trust In You to know what is best for us You are a Faithful Loving God.

Praise You we are Strong In You and the power of Your Might.

we understand to take up the whole armor being able to withstand in these evil days having done all we stand trusting In You.

may we pray always with all prayer and supplication in Your Spirit being watchful persevering for our brethren understanding there is One body and You desire no schism that we should care for one another with Your Love.

Lord we bow needing to be still at Your feet ……Holy Holy Holy

 2009/6/28 9:35Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Praise You that we dwell in a peaceful secure place.

Praise You in quietness and confidence we have strength.

Praise You for this priceless precious time to lift up Praise to our First Love...Jesus You are God Faithful and True.

Praise You for forming us for Yourself to declare Your Praise.

You are Holy Holy Holy Praise You for eyes to see all Your Glorious Majestic Beauty our heart is captured forever.

Praise You we will worship You for eternity.

we hunger yearning for the day when we see You face to face.

Excitement rises anticipation fills our heart what a Glorious day that will be!

Praise You for Your highway as we walk on it we will never go astray.

Praise You for redeeming us to walk this road filled with joy and gladness.

Praise You for directing our way.

Praise You for You are Wonderful in counsel and Excellent in guidance.

Praise You for our ears hearing This is the way walk in it.

Praise You that You go before us and are our rear guard.

Praise You for double doors.

Praise You for Wisdom and Knowledge is our stability.

Praise You for being our Beautiful Precious Cornerstone a sure foundation our Redeemer.

Praise You that no one can deliver out of Your hand. You work and who can reverse it.

Praise You that You call us Your beloved.

Praise to You our Everlasting Light covering us in a robe of righteousness.

Praise You that You call us by our name we belong to You.

Praise You we are Your witnesses Your servants who You have chosen.

We declare Your Praises You are Worthy of All Praise and Worship.

Our lips will not keep silent but declare Your Goodness Love Grace and Mercy. Great is our God and Greatly to be Praised.

Beautiful Holy King of Kings and Lord of Lords we bow in silent reverence at Your feet our heart is in Your hand.....Holy Holy Holy

 2009/7/1 9:46Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Holy One Awesome Perfect Faithful and True King of Kings and Lord of Lords Almighty God.

Praise You for You Rule and Reign in our heart Amazing that You should Love us.

Captured by Holy Agape Love …such Love that You would lay down Your Life for us.

Holy Lamb...Worthy of All Praise Honor and Glory...we lay down our life before You our First Love it is All about You.

Trusting Believing in Your Faithfulness to take us through any fire All to Your Glory…be Glorified in our Life.

Absent from the body present with You Glory Glory Glory we rest In You.

Perfect Love casts out all fear.

Grace Wonderful Grace... Mercy never ends our Hope is In You.

we pour out Your Love to You from a redeemed grateful heart consumed by Your Majestic Holiness.

Eyes of Faith Knowing You are our Shield and Buckler Lord of our heart.

Words can never express our heart…we Love You Holy King.

Every breath we take reminds us of Your Presence In You we Live and move and have our being.

Obedience brings confidence to come before You with clean hands and pure hearts.

Lifting up holy hands to give Praise Worthy of The King.

Surrendered fully surrendered able to worship In Spirit and Truth.

Walking worthy of our calling True step with You living our life to bring Glory to You.

Praise You for being our Stronghold safely Hidden secure looking to You in total Trust.

Faithful and True King we Love You bowing in Reverence Awe and Adoration of Your Glory and Majesty...Holy Holy Holy

 2009/7/2 9:24Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

we come before You this morning to Praise You for there is nothing that fills our heart with Joy than to exalt Your Holy Name.

Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty …Great God I AM… Perfect Wonderful Awesome Faithful and True… King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

we Praise You with our whole heart consumed with Love for our King.

Reverently we Fear You for our heart You have touched…we tremble before You.

Praise You that Your Merciful Kindness is toward us…Your Mercy endures Forever.

Praise You for Your hand has fashioned us and Your Word makes us wise for You have taught us… Your Word is a lamp to our feet.

Lord may You direct our steps today safely led in Truth.

Praise You for Great Treasure…we Bless Your Holy Name Forever.

Lord God You Reign in Awesome Beautiful Majesty.

we bow in Awe and Adoration filled with Agape Love seeking Your face………Holy Holy Holy

 2009/7/4 9:15Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

This is the day that You have made we rejoice lifting up Praise to our First Love.

Praise You for being our First though as we awake.

Praise You for being a merciful God.

Incredible that You fill our life with Your Glorious Presence.

Such safety and peace knowing we are never alone.

Drawing close as things speedily move ahead all our Trust is in You.

Praise You for Words of Life placed in our heart and mouth.

Praise You for Divine Agape Love.

Praise You for Your body full of Your Love in one accord bringing Honor to Your Holy Name.

Our desire is to be like You daily conforming to Your image.

may we walk today in Your fullness being all You have called us to be sent ones having beautiful feet.

we marvel at the work You are doing in us as we submit laying our life before you for Your service.

Praise You for it is All by Your hand All the Glory to our Holy God.

The honor of being used as Your vessel is the desire of our heart.

You are our Life our very breath our All.

may we be filled Lord that we can pour out Your beautiful fragrance that they will know You are Alive and we have been with You.

Beautiful Glorious God we bow in Awe and trembling....Holy Holy Holy

 2009/7/5 10:51Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Praise Honor and Glory to the King of our heart and Lord of our life.

We worship in the beauty of Your Holiness.

Praise Praise Praise to Lord God Most High.

Praise You for Your Agape Love so beautiful real and Holy it cannot be counterfeited.

Praise You the enemy trembles when he sees this Love knowing it only comes from You.

Praise You that we will be known by Your Love in us.

Praise You for You are Love and everyone who loves is born of You and knows You.

Praise You as You have loved us we ought to love our brother.

Praise You for Your commandment those who love You must also love their brother.

Praise You that everyone who loves You loves those begotten by You.

Praise You as we love one another all will know we are Your disciples.

Praise You Love does no harm to its neighbor love is the fulfillment of the law.

Praise You that fervent love for each other covers a multitude of sins.

Praise You for You laid down Your life for us we should also lay down our life for our brother.

Praise You that If we love one another You abide in us and Your Love has been perfected in us.

Praise You that whoever abides in Love abides in You and You in us.

Praise You that Perfect Love casts out all fear.

Praise You for Your Love placed in our heart.

Praise You it All about You the work of Your hand.

Praise You for Abiding with us today.

May we walk with You hearing Your voice being obedient to Your command to love not only the brethren but our enemies.

Praise You for Grace.

Praise You our First Love our heart is in Your hand You have captured us with Love Mercy and Grace.

Praise You for You are our life our very breath.

We love you beyond words giving our life to be used by You submitted to Your Will.

Beautiful Glorious Majestic King of Kings and Lord of Lords we lay down before You in complete surrender…Holy Holy Holy

 2009/7/6 8:00Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Majestic King of our heart and Lord of our life.

Great is our God and greatly to be Praised.

Jesus You are God Holy Righteous and True.

Praise You for the song in our heart producing Praise to our God.

Praise You for Your Love filling our heart leading us to desire to share and serve today.

No longer us who live but You In us …In You we live and move and have our being Glory!

Praise You for the ability to Love without hypocrisy being kindly affectionate honoring giving preference to one another.

may we not be ensnared hindered from obedience to the absolute Truth of Your Word.

may we be peacemakers full of wisdom gentle showing mercy and good fruits.

Praise You for teaching us to obey from our heart living for the benefit of others.

we humbly submit reveal any hidden issues of our heart may we acknowledge and ask for cleansing renewing.

may our eyes be set on You and Your Word filling our heart desiring to follow Your example.

may we operate from Kingdom principals obedient able to shine Light and speak Truth.

may our heart be ready and our eyes opened to Divine appointments.

Praise You for Your Love flowing may we speak Truth may they leave the Divine appointment knowing they have encountered You In us.

may we sow Good Seed laboring with You our Master.

Praise You for teaching us to be busy about Father's business may we be faithful to serve others.

may our consuming desire be to please our Wonderful Glorious God.

may we have the mind to serve knowing our life is not our own.

may we be found faithful observing all You command create in us a clean heart.

Praise You for the privilege to serve the joy of being used may we faithfully serve You today.

may we rightly Love the things You Love.

may our feet be beautiful.

Beautiful Majestic King of Kings and Lord of Lords we Love You beyond words…Holy Holy Holy

 2009/7/7 10:03Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


 2009/7/13 14:25Profile

Joined: 2009/3/16
Posts: 90


Good Morning Lord Jesus

Praise Honor and Glory to our Awesome Holy GOD.

Great is Your Faithfulness…watching over us with tender mercy and loving kindness.

We lift our hands and voice this morning to our First Love our Treasure.

Praise You for this day for You guide us in the way we should go…never do You leave or forsake us. Praise You for our steps are established.

Praise You for we rely on You for You are our vision…our heart captured with Love Mercy and Grace…a new song fills our heart.

Praise You for Your Blood our soul rests knowing we have entered into Your rest…peace flows. We Love You Lord...beyond words....with our life.

Looking to the eternal our eyes are fixed on You knowing heaven is next.

Praise You we rest for Your Grace is sufficient able to endure all things...nothing is impossible when we believe and obey.

Our heart yearns for the Glorious day when we will see You face to face….until then our heart lifts up Praise to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords who rules our heart.

Beautiful Glorious Majestic Holy King we bow in Awe and Adoration………Holy Holy Holy

 2009/9/24 8:48Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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