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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : Confirmed cases of H1N1 virus approach 900

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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


Thank you for wishing me God's peace.

I wish you God's peace also.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2009/5/5 19:22Profile


Oh Well, here we go -

The WHO done do-ed it.

ETA - stirring it up again is what I mean.
It being brought up to moving to Phase 6.

One reply to this Article by a Brother was that they'd be posting this same type article for the next year.

Just take the pure-powered form of Vitamin C and not to worry. :-)

 2009/6/9 14:25

Joined: 2009/3/17
Posts: 308
Central Alberta, Canada

 Re: Swine Flu: Now Full-Scale Pandemic

[url=]Swine Flu: Now Full-Scale Pandemic - Phase 6[/url]

The World Health Organization today declared the global outbreak of the H1N1 influenza virus to be in Phase 6 -- a full-scale pandemic. The announcement essentially warns WHO's 194 member nations to expect the arrival of the new flu strain, which is likely to infect up to one-third of the population in the first wave and return in later waves over the next several years.


Even though there is a phase level 6 pandemic under way, this does not mean that it is severe; some people getting it is very mild. This could change though as the strain mutates, and with one third of the world's population at risk, the next few years may very well prove to be a trying time. There are many things we can do to protect ourselves and our families such as eating right and there are natural remedies one can buy which help reduce symptoms. One clinically proven remedy is ColdFX from I know there are others such as Virastop from

I am really hoping this flu pandemic does not become serious like the[url=]1918 flu epidemic.[/url]


 2009/6/11 17:37Profile

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