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China News

 2009/5/5 1:53

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Can we have a little fun in the midst of this ... umm well..controversial subject? I got this in my email this morning...

"It was once said that a black man would be president 'when pigs fly.' 100 days into Obama's presidency. . . . . swine flu."


Sandra Miller

 2009/5/5 9:47Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


I went to an intro class for Bible Study Fellowship last night. At one point we were encouraged to greet each other but the leader pointed out that if we were concerned about the flu, we should not shake hands.

This is clearly a trick of the enemy, for one of his missions is to divide the people. Not shaking hands and wearing a mask is not going to save us from getting the flu - it is our Lord Jesus Christ that saves us.

By turning to the devices of the world for our protection, we are aligning ourselves with the enemy, and making a proclamation both to the world, and to the powers of darkness, that this is where we put our trust.

I do not know how long the "World Health Organization" has existed, but they clearly are not doing a very good job for almost everyone that I know is sick and on at least two or more kinds of drugs. From what I can tell, all they do is promote fear. Here is the definition of health:

HEALTH, n. helth. [from heal.] That state of an animal or living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions. In this state the animal feels no pain. This word is applied also to plants.

1. Sound state of the mind; natural vigor of faculties.

2. Sound state of the mind, in a moral sense; purity; goodness.

There is no health in us.

3. Salvation or divine favor, or grace which cheers God's people. Ps.43,

4. Wish of health and happiness; used in drinking. Come, love and health to all; an elliptical phrase, for, I wish health to you.,health

It is our fear that makes us vulnerable. I am happy to say that at the BSF meeting everyone was shaking hands and hugging each other - if they had not, I probably would not have returned for that very act would have told me where they put their trust - or rather, did not put their trust.

1. Romans 16:16
Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.

2. 1 Corinthians 16:20
All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss.

3. 2 Corinthians 13:12
Greet one another with an holy kiss.

4. 1 Thessalonians 5:26
Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.

 2009/5/5 10:19Profile


Neither I nor the brethren I know are fearful of this thing but I do find the humor in this as well.

Someone posts an Article from the main stream news reporting what the World Health Organization has said and gets to hear "Warning others that they may be or that they are spreading misinformation or falsehood is not wrong." ---- yet when a Republican president was in - oh my - we had to show the utmost respect and Never post any Articles unless they WERE from the Main Stream media or it would be called misinformation or conspiracy theories.


Well that was last year & before, but now it's this year.

We no longer need to say "Mr." before the President's name.

We can speak ill of this President and blame what WHO says and what starts in Mexico on him alone.

All in good fun friends - I just think the freedom of speech has gone through a paradigm switch with this issue of presidents & pigs.

I'm with you HeartSong - my main point is don't let this "divide us" - allow the freedom of speech.

We shouldn't pick and choose what 'we' believe is a conspiracy and forbid others who have other ideas or are just posting what these main stream maniacs are putting out there ...... because the same one who is being told not to post main stream news now, was also told not to post an "Alternative News" reporter from England not 'that' long ago.

I'm praying we can all lighten up on each other and keep a good spirit through this and all the other junk they have planned - as Brethren - whether we agree with one another or not. That's our Main Prayer.

 2009/5/5 11:41

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


We shouldn't pick and choose what 'we' believe is a conspiracy and forbid others who have other ideas or are just posting what these main stream maniacs are putting out there ...... because the same one who is being told not to post main stream news now, was also told not to post an "Alternative News" reporter from England not 'that' long ago.

We must do that which the Lord directs us to do. Not talking about something does not make it go away - it is just another form of denial. We are commanded to encourage one another in the Lord.

I just can't figure out where WHO came from. When I first saw the acronym I thought it was a joke - have they been around for long?

We can speak ill of this President and blame what WHO says and what starts in Mexico on him alone.

Who did start WHO? What qualifies them to make these kinds of determinations - things that affect the entire world?

 2009/5/5 12:12Profile


Sis, WHO is just like the U.N. or IMF or World Bank - like the CDC on steroids. Everything is Global now, so we'll be hearing from them until the LORD Returns.

Back in the 80'a there was a British Program on TV called "Dr. Who". :lol:

No wonder I took David W's advise and through that squak-box out the window.

Editing to add wikipedia quote:

"The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. Established on 7 April 1948, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health Organization, which had been an agency of the League of Nations."

 2009/5/5 12:29

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


Established on 7 April 1948 . . .


I guess when we don't rely on God for our protection we end up with all kinds of organizations running around doing "WHO" knows what.

 2009/5/5 13:04Profile


'Who' is right. The most interesting part of all of this is that it all happened around the same time that Israel became a nation. The UN declared or made Israel a nation. The UN came into existance and all these Global entities attached to it, like WHO, the IMF, ETC ETC but through gradualization, they allowed folks to think that we were running on Sovereignty when actually - we've been in the NWO since WW2 with the League of Nations and NATO and more solidly based with the UN in 1945 after the war. "That generation".

Gets me happy personally and I get tears when folks think they can't "fight or stop" this when it's truly existed this long - it's just finally Now, in your face.

We had a fascade of "choice" in this nation for all these years - but if we really look and research this out, we find that we've only lost more and more of everything that made this country what it was since then.
My husband being born in 1947 could tell you how far we've come in every fascet of our society, nonetheless our parents who are still alive. What a morph. Demopublicans and Republicrats.

Jesus will be back in our generation. THAT brings me Great JOY - no matter what we face tomorrow, this month - the next month - next year - 3 years from now and however long or horrible it gets - compared to ETERNITY - Wow - it's like a second in time. "Occupy until I Come". Amen :-D !

 2009/5/5 17:54

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


I'm praying we can all lighten up on each other and keep a good spirit through this and all the other junk they have planned - as Brethren - whether we agree with one another or not. That's our Main Prayer.

One of the ways that we can gaurd the spirits of others is by not putting the world's junk before them to feed upon.

Never once do we read of any sort of 'news', 'rumor' or 'supposition' that came from the mouth of God when the Lord Jesus Christ spoke.

Neither did He command us to put the world's information smut in our mouths and to retell it to others.

Edit: when I say "any sort of 'news', 'rumor' or 'supposition'" I mean in the wordly sense of these words that we understand them today.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2009/5/5 18:48Profile


Brother, do you realize what you're saying, that is connected with who started this thread and on which section?

I pray you'll pray about this.

His Peace to you.

 2009/5/5 19:12

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