God looks on the heart , and the associations we have are all judged by God , as to whence the issue flows from , that causes us to be in associated with someone. the association that we have with humanity through adam is one of a twisted , or crooked nature both physically and mentally . These are only the results of sin, as far as i see the truth to be saying , and not actual sin itself . This nature is a result of sin and not actual sin . There is not any place i know of in scripture that makes us guilty in any way , because of our natures . I do not see at all where our natures are sinful , i do see a nature that is because of sin and the results of sin but as far as my bible says Christ Jesus blood cleanses us completely , spirit soul and body from ALL SIN and this means just what it says . This cleansing does not take place at our physical deaths . This cleansing takes place when we accept Christ and ABIDE IN HIM . through the power of His ressurection and the fellowship of His sufferings we know that the ernest [ down payment ] of our complete salvation [ Jesus bringing all things back to God } , the ernest of our salvation is the Holy Spirit coming to reside in us and lead us and guide us into ALL TRUTH which sets us free from all sin and keeps us from all sin . The gospel is easy enough for all mankind to comprehend ,because it fits PERFECTLY within all of our relations . There are four areas of relationships in this life , and they are to go in this order God first , yourself second others third , and things fourth . Now all the moral crookedness that can be in any of these relations has to do with voluntariness , meaning choices must be made for them to be right or wrong , perfect or sinful , Holy or selfish . All of sin has to do with choosing , this is why the bible says " choose you this day whom you will serve " . this life is basically a probationary period and we all need Jesus to be our advocate and except Him as our savior so that we are not found guilty [ of not excepting our great advocate [ lawyer , savior ] Abiding in Jesus is the only way to know , that the down payment [ Holy Spirit ] has actually rebirthed us spiritually and made us alive to God , because the Holy Spirit is the revealer of Jesus and then Jesus takes us to Himself and brings us to where God is and into the very presence of the Heavenly Father where we worship Him in Spirit and in Truth . I am so thankful for this New and Living way that has been opened up for us by one mans obedience , notice this obedience was choice of Jesus', the son of man , and as God it was the Great Giving of Himself which came from who He is, and He is Love. I love the fact that i can have unction from the Holy One , we all can be as one with Jesus and God and each other , and this is the place we will be delivered too , as long as we Abide in Christ we will be tuned in to Gods effectual working that He is doing, and we will have vision to be co-laborers in Christ, every member fitting together under our Head . God bless you in you relations with your family members and give you wisdom from above when communicating with them , wisdom is master of all , this is why solomon had so many serving him , it was actually wisdom being served . God bless you , ceedub , Clint _________________ Clint Demoret