Poster | Thread |
| to Lysa and Dmoney | | Brethern, Lysa, forgive me if it seemed like I was tearing dmoney down, that wasnt my intention at all, ie, referencing "trolls". I should have been more clear. It wasnt precisely aimed at him. and dmoney, if I offended you in anyway, I ask your forgiveness.
What I feel has been happening a lot, is all sorts of initial posts have been thrown out there, to foster a kind of sectarian spirit in a guise of "what do you all think of this 'thus saith'?"......and then the disagreements fly, and the arguments, and how many angels fit on a pinhead, etc.
I dont know if I'm being clear, BUT, I do mean to apologize if my post was taken badly, or I seemed out of order.
Here's where God has been leading me: I yearn, thirst and hunger for more of God, I am praying pleading to be burnt out, to die to self, self-will, fleshly ambitions, to KNOW MORE of Jesus, to live holy, as holy as a saved sinner can live, embrace a simple faith, child-like and recognizing my absolute utter dependency on God, and finally to re-embrace my "first Love", and that can only be done on my knees...y'know? "watching God work on my knees", the ministry of private prayer work, travailing prayer. Please give me that Lord
so, when a question comes up, "who or what will the anti-christ be?"....I fully recognize that we should all have liberty in Christ to explore these questions....oh yes, but speaking for myself, I dont care about such questions, as I want to know Jesus and Him Crucified more fully. maybe I shouldnt have posted anything, but I did, and if I stumbled or offended anyone on this forum, i repent fully.
in Jesus' love, neil |
| 2009/5/13 12:28 | | MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: to Lysa and Dmoney | | Greetings
I was sharing this topic a little with my boys this morning and asked what they thought about the subject of who the anti Christ is? My 16 year old said that for him personally, he does not really get caught up in the who? or the How? He said for him as long as he knows who Jesus is, and Jesus knows him, well the rest will just take care of itself. He said that knowing Jesus personally as in a relationship with Him daily living, obeying, listening to His voice as He speaks is the best way to go through what ever lays ahead because if he knows Jesus through and through then any pretenders are just going to be seen for what they are, a fake. So in his opinion its not such a big deal who the anti Christ will be but it is a huge big deal that he know who Jesus is personally, daily, walking in relationship with, so he won't be deceived by any pretenders.
God Bless Maryjane |
| 2009/5/13 13:34 | Profile |
| MJ | | May God bless that dear young son of yours!
from the mouth of the babes, huh? what a mature young man, may God always have His Way in that dear boys life, amen.
(still praying for your other child's health)
much love in Christ, neil |
| 2009/5/13 14:26 | | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Logic,
One thing is for sure, the one who rebuilds the 3rd temple is the one whom the Jews will call "Messiah", & he will be the anti-christ.
Now before I do I just want to say that I think otherwise and am only offering my thoughts for edification not to repeatedly counter.
You may be right that the anti Christ will rebuild the Temple. And you may be right that Israel will call him Messiah because of it.
I know that there are passages which state that he will bring false peace, but I am not sure about rebuilding the Temple maybe.
Some thoughts I have are this. There have been those in times past who have rebuilt the Temple but were not called Messiah.
I also just thought of this if this man is the anti Christ in the sense that He comes saying that He is the Christ then He "must" be Jewish. But, I am not sure that He is coming to say He is Messiah unless he is unless in being the ultimate anti Christ he tries to replace Him for I have heard that the word anti can be translated another or something like that.
| 2009/5/13 18:24 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Savannah,
thanks for you answer. |
| 2009/5/13 18:27 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | nearthecross,
-Islam is awaiting the Imam Mhadi (the Islamic redeemer). They are also waiting for the return of Isa (the false Jesus of Islam). These two are unequivocally the antichrist and false prophet (false Jesus), who will perform lying signs and wonders, just as the Lord said he would.
From what I understand there are many religions looking for a Messiah. I was once thinking about writing an article about how so many different religions have in their eschatology a Messiah figure and how that can possibly prepare them for the anti Christ or at least shows how man is in need of a Savior.
-The Antichrist will come from Syria. Isaiah mentions many times "the Assyrian", "the King of Assyria", "the king of Babylon"; Ezekiel mentions the "prince of Tyre"; Daniel mentions "the king of the North" (Syria), etc. This should not come as any surprise as currently Syria is the powerhouse of the Middle-East. And it is the center of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Leaders from all over the world are coming to negotiate with, or pay homage to, president Bashar Al-Asad. Syria has a strong grip over Iraq (Babylon) and pretty much controls Lebanon (modern-day Tyre, hence "the prince of Tyre").
I think that possibly the anti Christ will come out or Europe. There are other kings of the north and I am not sure these are specifically speaking of anti Christ.
This is interesting stuff and I am considering it if you have more scripture references and so forth please post thanks. |
| 2009/5/13 18:31 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Broclint,
All of us can make comments, but many of them, since the fulfillment of the things written have not yet become completely plain, end up "prophesying" ourselves, and soon lose our credibility by speaking what we do not know, but only speculate.
Honestly this is a good point that men of the past have believed such and such was the anti Christ. I have considered this before and try to take it into account in extremities. You know I would not be surprised if I lived in the time or Nero or some that I might have thought they were anti Christ. It is also true though that these were anti Christ's. I would still like to remark that there does seem to be something different about our times namely increase in pangs, the establishment of Israel, and so forth. |
| 2009/5/13 18:35 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | ccrider,
thanks for you contribution. |
| 2009/5/13 18:38 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Quote:
With all due respect to the original question of this thread... "what do you think?
Yeah I was asking this question to just hear what people think and to just inquire and listen and who knows what would happen. So, a lot of the time even if I do not agree I am thankful for having the chance to consider it. |
| 2009/5/13 18:41 | Profile | anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: to Lysa and Dmoney | | Natan,
What I feel has been happening a lot, is all sorts of initial posts have been thrown out there, to foster a kind of sectarian spirit in a guise of "what do you all think of this 'thus saith'?"......and then the disagreements fly, and the arguments, and how many angels fit on a pinhead, etc.
I am not saying for sure that you are saying that you feel this about the posts I have made. Anyhow just let me say that the reason I have posted is because I am interested too look deeper into these things and therefore naturally want to discuss them. |
| 2009/5/13 18:45 | Profile |