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anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Krispy,
I could say "the grass is green" and someone will want to argue w/me about the Biblical implications of the color green, and the doctrine of mowing grass.
lol. |
2009/5/12 13:47 | Profile |
MaryJane Member

Joined: 2006/7/31 Posts: 3057
| Re: Bro Krispy and Mary Jane | | Greetings Neil Thank you for this encouraging reply.
God Bless and keep you Maryjane |
2009/5/12 14:59 | Profile |
Logic Member

Joined: 2005/7/17 Posts: 1791
| Re: What do you believe about the anti Christ and why? | | Quote:
anonymity wrote: What do you believe about the anti Christ and why?
I believ that he will be Semitic in origen; not Jewish, but Muslim.
He will be Muslim because: [b]1John 2:22[/b] [color=990000] Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son.[/color]
Allah is not a "father", nor does he have a son.
What nations is God fighting all through the Old Testement? Muslim nations.
[url=]Here is a good read[/url]
[url=]Another good read[/url] |
2009/5/12 21:24 | Profile |
| Re: | |
Whomever this son-of-perdition will be - he would have to be one that both "Christians & Jews" have been warned in His Word to not follow and with the atmosphere being what it is these days, I seriously don't believe that Christians or Jews 'may' follow anyone who is Muslim.
Anyone have any thoughts on Daniel 8?
2009/5/12 22:09 | |
anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | Logic,
thanks for your contribution! I value it.
It would seem that Islam is the most anti Christ religion on the face of the planet since so many of their doctrines are exactly the opposite of Christianity. I think unless I am wrong that many of the Muslims in the middle east are from Ishmael which were always a people that persecuted Israel as was foretold.
Off the top of my head I would guess though I definitely and looking into things and am open that the anti Christ may be a Jewish man like Judas though I think he may come out of actual Rome or Europe as a king. It would be hard to me to think that a Jewish man would be a Roman king though. So I guess it could just be a man like Hitler. Maybe He will also be a Gentile since it is the Gentiles who seek to kill Israelites. |
2009/5/12 22:25 | Profile |
anonymity Member

Joined: 2009/1/16 Posts: 392
| Re: | | JesusisGod,
could you be a little more specific or are you just looking for the whole chapter explained.
I would like to give some input as I have a fair general clear somewhat simple understanding of it.
As for your thoughts on the anti Christ needing to be one that is accepted by Christians and Jews. I do know that a great delusion will be given so this will greatly deceive many as they have wanted it so because they do not love the truth. Off the top of my head I would guess that it would probably go beyond Islam since the anti Christ will set himself up as God and I am sure no fundamentalists of most religions would accept that so once again the great delusion would have to kick in and Christians would def not follow though there will be a great apostasy in the last days. Maybe it will be similar to as it was when the Roman or Greek Emperor tried to say He was God like in Egypt too I think and you would have to give incense to them. I think we may seem an inclination of this in Obama. |
2009/5/12 22:28 | Profile |
Logic Member

Joined: 2005/7/17 Posts: 1791
| Re: | | One thing is for sure, the one who rebuilds the 3rd temple is the one whom the Jews will call "Messiah", & he will be the anti-christ. |
2009/5/12 22:55 | Profile |
Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: crsschk & KrispyKrittr | | Mike & Krispy & Neil,
I humbly submit that there was no cause to tear down dmoney like that. I know that if you offered advice to him in a "helpful" way, he would take it. How do I know? because I did and I see a change in his posts.
Even if you disagree with it, he has something to say and maybe quite possibly he needs a mentor to show him how to post shorter discussions to make his point clearer and to stay more on track; instead of just shooting his information down?
Krispy wrote: Kinda like in the Old West... you get labeled a gun slinger and everyone wants to see if they can beat you at your game.
I understand but the gunslinger is the only one who can hang up his guns!! :-D
I know you guys will probably disagree with me but that's ok! It's just my two cents... not worth much these days.
God bless you all!! _________________ Lisa
2009/5/12 23:48 | Profile |
Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: | | Quote:
Logic wrote: One thing is for sure, the one who rebuilds the 3rd temple is the one whom the Jews will call "Messiah", & he will be the anti-christ.
So true!! Thank you for the "logic" in that!! :-)
God bless you, _________________ Lisa
2009/5/12 23:49 | Profile |
savannah Member

Joined: 2008/10/30 Posts: 2265
| Re: antichrist(s) | | The only N.T. writer who mentions the word antichrist(s) is the apostle John.
You will only find the word used in 4 verses in the entire 66 books of the Holy Scriptures.
Here are those four verses:
I John 2:18; I John 2:22; I John 4:3; & II John 1:7
1 John 2:18 Little youths, it is the last hour; and even as ye heard that the antichrist doth come, even now antichrists have become many--whence we know that it is the last hour
Here the apostle uses the plural form, antichrists to inform us that many were present at that time.
Also note that at that time the apostle tells us 'we know it is the last hour'. The apostle wrote this epistle not many years after the LORD'S life,death & resurrection. Four verses later John affirms the nature and a characteristic of antichrist.
1 John 2:22 Who is the liar, except he who is denying that Jesus is the Christ? this one is the antichrist who is denying the Father and the Son
Any and all who deny that Jesus is Messiah may justly be called antichrist as John writes, 'this one is the antichrist who is denying the Father and the Son'.
1 John 4:3 And every spirit which does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God; and this is the antichrist which you heard is coming, and now is already in the world.
Again John tells us who antichrist(s) is/are 'and now is already in the world'. He also tells us another characteristic of antichrist(s). Antichrist(s) do not confess that Messiah Jesus has come in the flesh (i.e. the teachings of the gnostics known as gnosticism).
2 John 1:7 Because many deceivers went out into the world, those not confessing Jesus Christ to have come in the flesh, this is the deceiver and the antichrist.
John again tells us the exact same thing as he did in 1 John 4:3.
Rev. 13:18 Here is the wisdom! He who is having the understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for the number of a man it is, and its number is six hundred and sixty six.
Here the beast mentioned is a man.
Letters in the Hebrew language had numerical counterparts.
This was a common practice at the time of John's writing and those who had such 'wisdom' and 'understanding' as he mentioned would have figured out the mystery of the 'name' of the beast-man by counting the numerical value of the name of the man who was the emperor in power in their time. John was writing to first-century Christians, warning them of things that were "shortly" to take place. Those John was writing to with 'wisdom' and 'understanding' could discern the number of the Beast and the number of his name. If the Beast was not around at that time, he would have been giving them false information.
To use the word Antichrist for a present-day or future political leader is to take it out of its biblical context.
In Hebrew here are the equivalent numerical values for the letters which would have spelled the name Neron Kesar or as many in our day know him as Nero Caesar:
N=50 R=200 W=6 N=50 Q=100 S=60 R=200 = 666 The believers John wrote to would no doubt known of whom he spoke.
They'd have been familiar with the book of Daniel and recognized the Roman Empire and consequently the Roman Emperor who was the most horrific persecutor of christians and was even called a 'beast' in his day.
Numerous early christian writers also connect Nero with the beast of revelation. As well as many thru the centuries to our present day.
It is no new trend to hear speculation about who might be the antichrist and what the number 666 means.
A search through history and books of the past ages will surely bear this out.
If the multitudes would do away with their newspaper theology and get their eschatology from the Scriptures such foolish and harmfully unsound erroneous speculations would soon have no place in the biblically informed spiritual mind.
To the christian of the first century Nero was a political antichrist, the Roman emperor who demanded to be worshipped as did King Nebuchadnezzar. When Nero claimed for himself the title Lord, the emperor became for Christians a rival Christ, an antichrist.
2009/5/13 0:24 | Profile |