[b]JEHOVAH SHAMMAHTHE LORD IS THERE[/b]To be a member of Gods true church, you must be known by the name of Jehovah ShammahThe Lord is there (Ezekiel 48:35). Others must be able to say of you, Its clear to me the Lord is with this person. Every time I see him, I sense the presence of Jesus. His life truly reflects the glory of God. If were honest, we have to admit we dont sense the Lords sweet presence in each other very often. Why? Christians spend their time involved in good religious activitiesprayer groups, Bible studies, outreach ministriesand thats all very commendable. But many of these same Christians spend little if any time at all ministering to the Lord, in the secret closet of prayer. The Lords presence simply cant be faked. This is true whether it applies to an individuals life or to a church body. When I speak of Gods presence, Im not talking about some kind of spiritual aura that mystically surrounds a person or that comes down in a church service. Rather, I am talking about the result of s simple but powerful walk of faith. Whether thats manifested in a Christians life or in an entire congregation, it causes people to take note. They tell themselves, This person has been with Jesus, or This congregation truly believes what they preach. It takes much more than a righteous pastor to produce a Jehovah Shammah church. It takes a righteous, shut-in people of God. If a stranger comes out of a church service and says, I felt the presence of Jesus there, you can be sure it wasnt just because of the preaching or worship. It was because a righteous congregation had entered Gods house, and the Lords glory was abiding in their midst.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Amen.I noticed this last week that he seems to be going through the Names of GOD. Such joy!
In the secret placeHE is waitingAmen