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Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Three things we must learn to abhor. | | Below is a passage from, The Pilgrims Progress, a Christian allegory written in 1678 by John Bunyan. I am paraphrasing and adding a little of my own stuff, but I thought this was really good.
[First, you must abhor anyone or anything that turns you out of the way of truth; as well as your own consenting to follow these falsities, because this is to reject the counsel of God for the sake of the counsel of a worldly man. The Lord says to strive to enter in at the narrow gate, the gate to which He has called us; for narrow is the gate that leads to life, and few there be that find it. Following worldly wisdom will cause you to stumble and ultimately bring you to destruction; hate therefore the world for turning you out of the way of truth, and abhor yourself for hearkening to it.
Secondly, you must abhor anyone who labors to render the Cross odious unto you; for you ought to prefer the Cross above the treasures of Egypt. He that will save his life shall lose it: and he that comes after Him, and hates not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and more so his own life, he cannot be My disciple. For anyone to labor to persuade you, that the Cross shall be your death, without which, God has said, you cannot have eternal life, that teaching you should hate. For we are all called to take up our Cross daily and bear in the sufferings of Christ, for this is our glory! If we do not learn the Cross and Him crucified our knowledge of God will be false.
Thirdly, you must hate everything that sets your feet in the way that leads to death. For the wages of sin is death. Therefore anything that causes you to sin against God and His Holy Spirit, cut it off. We must learn to hate the bondage of sin.]
When Christians unto Carnal Men give ear, Out of their way they go, and pay for t dear; For Master Worldy Wiseman can but shew A Saint the way to Bondage and to Woe.
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2009/4/26 21:33 | Profile |
| Re: Three things we must learn to abhor. | | To abhor 'a person', if we mean "hate", is not right.
No one can turn me away from the Truth nor could anyone render the Cross odious to me. Either would be by my own choosing. No one can 'make' us believe anything that we are not responsible before GOD for believing. Heresy means "the opinion chosen" by the individual themselves.
I don't think we should give anyone a reason to "hate anyone." We're told to love even our enemies and who are they but the enemies of Christ and the Cross. Avoid such, and only if He directs, but not hate.
"I hate every false way" but I don't think I'm to hate the false person.
Abhor can also mean "to shrink from in fear". I suppose this may be necessary with some heretics, but even then, "fear" is another word that we're not to have toward any man. I don't fear being led astray doctrinally nor from Jesus and His Cross, but I can't handle being around liars or those who lack reverence for Him or His Word.
Maybe it's just Bunyan's old English? |
| 2009/4/26 22:30 | | loveyouall Member

Joined: 2008/1/14 Posts: 204 India
| Re: | | Malachi 1:2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacobs brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Does God hate a person , or He hates a person what he does? _________________ R.Chandrasekaran
| 2009/4/26 23:08 | Profile |
| Re: | | "He that will save his life shall lose it: and he that comes after Him, and hates not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and more so his own life, he cannot be My disciple."
This "hate" is not literal "hate" - it is to love less in comparison to our love for GOD. Or GOD comes First always.
Years ago a Brother posted everywhere that GOD had blessed Esau after his fall over the pottage. I don't think GOD hates His Creation - I believe it's their hatred of Him that keeps Him away so that they cannot benefit from His Love. They keep Him away by their hate or better stated - they stay away from Him. Hate is from Satan and "GOD 'is' Love." Agape Love is 100% of GOD's Holiness and 100% of GOD's Love which makes it impossible for us as humans to "achieve to" but only "through" HIM are we able to Love like this. Man [and satan] is always looking for a reason or excuse to hate a human and I wouldn't open that door of approval to hatred of another human at any cost. Maybe I've read too much of Corrie Ten Boom or Richard Wurmbrand or others like them?
Editing to add this - [url=]Posted by Roniya[/url]
| 2009/4/26 23:22 | | enid Member

Joined: 2006/5/22 Posts: 2680 Nottingham, England
| Re: Three things we must learn to abhor. | | Have read Pilgrims Progress many times, and you don't wonder it has become a classic.
Concerning sin, as Christians, we should have a perfect hatred of sin and anything to do with it.
We should ask ourselves, does God love us more than He hates sin, or, does He hate sin more than He loves us?
Psalm 97v10 says, 'You who love the Lord hate evil...'
Does that mean we love evil less, or hate it as the word of God says?
Again, the word of God says in Psalm 5v4, 'You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness...
Or, in other words, God hates wickedness.
In the same Psalm it says in verse 6, 'You shall destroy those who speak falsehood, the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.
Psalm 7v11, 'God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day.
Every day? As it says, every day.
And before we start the Old/New Testament divide to support our preferences...
Gal 5 lists the works of the flesh and says in verse 21, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Or, will go to hell for eternity.
Roman 1 through to chapter 2 tells us of how debase man is, to the point of exchanging the truth of God for a lie.
Verse 32 of chapter 1 tells of the righteous judgment of God, and that those who practice sin are deserving of death.
Let's not kid ourselves that we are more loving than God. |
| 2009/4/27 4:59 | Profile | MSeaman Member

Joined: 2005/4/19 Posts: 772 Michigan
| Re: Three things we must learn to abhor. | | Quote:
When Christians unto Carnal Men give ear, Out of their way they go, and pay for t dear; For Master Worldy Wiseman can but shew A Saint the way to Bondage and to Woe.
Is this from a hymn? _________________ Melissa
| 2009/4/27 9:20 | Profile |
| Re: | | Jesus was GOD in the flesh.
Jesus told us that the world will Hate us because they hate HIM.
We are to hate sin because it is sin that caused His death and all the martyrs ever since but no where will you find Jesus saying that we are to hate human beings - as wretched as they / or we are, compared to HIS HOLINESS.
If any of us, allows a drop of hatred to begin in our hearts toward sinners, we will not be able to endure the days ahead.
I don't care who wrote this first post, but even if Carter Conlon or David Wilkerson or Art Katz had preached "hating sinners" I would reject their words.
Normally, I would not come against anything from the likes of Bunyan or anyone of his calibar, but on this I feel compelled to say what Jesus told us once again, The whole world will hate us because they hate Him and love the darkness more than the light but Love your/His enemies.
Editing to add = |
| 2009/4/27 11:48 | | run2win Member

Joined: 2009/2/1 Posts: 164 USA
| Re: | | quote: "you must abhor anyone who labors to render the Cross odious unto you"
Did not Christ demonstrate that this is addressing the spirit of antichrist, and not flesh and blood nor the souls of men, when He rebuked the spirit of Satan which was opposing the way of the cross through Peter?
Matthew 16:21-23
In the verses preceding: Matthew 16: 15-17, Jesus blessed Simon Peter for speaking the truth revealed to him through the Father about who Jesus was.
This is all about what kind of spirit comes forth from a man--it is either the spirit of truth as revealed through the Holy Spirit, or the spirit of antichrist which comes from the devil. We must all be on guard, and we must hate the spirit of antichrist. |
| 2009/5/1 11:04 | Profile |
| Re: | | I understand the fury of The LORD completely, but in man, it must be tested & tempered by His Word & Spirit constantly. There's an Extremely fine line between "righteous-indignation" and "hatred" that only He can show us.
I've heard firey sermons that put one in tears because of the amount of "Love" that was felt in that "anger." THAT type of anger, one can drink up. We knew that the vessel bringing forth that "anger" had cried and shook for as long as they knew they were going to "have to" deliver such a message.
All the prophets of old Mainly spoke To "GOD's people" and not that often to heathen, with the few exceptions where He gave certain nations a chance to repent or as in 1 Kings 18 - in the sense that they were actually dealing with False Prophets who are NOT GOD's people - unless they Repent.
Love the human but hate the "falseness" or filth that comes from them - I agree & understand that.
I Know GOD's FURY with False Prophets and Teachers. Any of us can be tempted with "hatred" of these and not just toward the Balaam type false prophets & teachers, but ALL of them. "Anti" also means "in place of" and every one of these false prophets & teachers try to "take the place of Jesus or His Spirit" in the hearts & minds of the peoples. "Look to me" they say - "I hold the answer you need to hear" or "I am your source" - rather than The WORD alone and John 16:13 - to the Chief Shepherd of souls. To "Where" are they pointing His Sheep? - that is what determines if they're working through the "spirit of anti-Christ" or not. The other trick I've seen them use is to "come against" what is commonly known to be false and then hit the people with that 1 or 2% spiritual arsenic. Every minute, a new url is opened by another false prophet these days. That is a Frightful thing and if we can't reign in our anger under His control, it could very easily turn into 'hatred' of the responsible parties and GOD forbid that, and GOD help us all. We expect Lies & persecution from the unsaved world - but when it comes from the "religious" - that's when we are Truly tested to the gills & only the testimony of the persecuted & martyr's love will get us through what's coming or what is already. GOD help us all even today, please. "I hate every false way." Psalm 119:104 & 128
A dynamic message about [url=][b]FALSE PROPHETS - Jer 23 +.[/b][/url]
| 2009/5/1 17:06 | |