Demeter suffered for many years in Communist prisons. He had remained strong in spirit during his confinement, but his body was beginning to wear down. There was a certain prison warden who amused himself by beating on Demeters spine with a hammer, which permanently paralyzed him. But Demeters Christlike attitude never wavered, and he was eventually released from prison. Twenty years later, he heard a knock at the front door of his home. He was shocked to see the same prison warden who had so cruelly beat on his spine and paralyzed him years before standing before him. Still, Demeter did not waver in his expression of faith. Even before Demeter could offer a greeting, the former warden said, I realize I can never be forgiven for what I have done to you. It was too heinous. But please just listen to my words of apology and then I will leave. Demeter paused only for a moment as he gazed with compassion and wonder at the man. He replied softly, For twenty years I have prayed for you daily. I have waited for you. Twenty years ago, I forgave you already. If we are willing to show love and forgiveness to everyoneeven those who have hurt usthen the love of Christ can conquer all.[i]Most people will never suffer deliberate physical torment. However, the wounds that others inflict upon us emotionally can be just as devastating. Memories of unkind words, a betrayal by a friend, a bitter divorce, can stay with us for a lifetime. We are tempted to hold a grudge, or even perhaps to exact revenge against the offender. Forgiveness does not come naturally to us, but it is inseparable from Gods nature. If we have tasted Gods grace, then we can allow others to share in Gods forgiveness. Forgiveness does not depend on the offenders asking for it first. It is an act of obedience, as well as an act of faith. Ask God to open your heart to the miracle of true forgiveness.[/i]
If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.Matthew 6:14-15Praise God we can do all things through our JesusMay the Lord Bless you keep you make His face shine on you and give you peace