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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Church practices: numbers

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 Church practices: numbers

I've been wondering about something for a while and thought I'd post here and see what some of you folks think on the matter.

Is there a Scriptural basis for keeping track of how many "members" churches have; how many "converts" churches gain; how many "lambs" are still astray and not yet returned to the Shepherd?

Why are we keeping score?

I ask because... well, shouldn't we be seeing the lost and broken and feel the urgency to draw them to Christ and His glorious Kingdom? Why do we need to see the numbers in order to motivate us to go out and preach the Gospel?

I guess I just have a lot of questions, and I must admit I haven't yet studied this in light of Scripture, so please bear with me. ;-)

 2009/4/9 20:25

Joined: 2009/2/1
Posts: 164

 Re: Church practices: numbers

Questions are good. I encourage you to learn to dig for yourself and thus grow in your faith and in your knowledge of the Lord and His Word. My answer only grazes the surface!

Our goal as followers of Jesus Christ is to take the gospel to all the world as God's fellow workers. We are planters and waterers--it is God who causes the growth. This principle is found in 1Cor3:5-9.

It is not unbiblical to keep accounts of new converts. There are recorded in the Acts of the Apostles several numberings of converts (example Acts 2:41, Acts 4:4, Acts 5:14); that said, our boasting should always and only be in the Cross of Jesus Christ (Gal. 6:14) and our power in His Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

If we are born of God, we will have a burden for the lost, and we will rejoice in the conversion of souls. (see Luke 15) Our hearts will be a reflection of God's heart.

There will always be those who desire growth out of wrong motives, but as you grow in your walk, you will know by their fruits the ones born of the Spirit.

All to His glory and for the further progress of the gospel! Keep seeking truth and growing in His grace.

 2009/5/1 15:42Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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