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Christ Jesus HAS freed me from the law of sin and of death.

Taken from the teaching of Watchman Nee

Romans 8:2; "For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death."

It is important to know that it is not special Christians only who are delivered from the law of sin and of death. Every Christian is delivered from the law of sin and of death. It is possible that they do not know it but the fact remains that EVERY person who is born again is delivered from the law of sin and of death. Before we were born again were lived under the law of sin and death. We had no power or ability to ever get away from this law. It was our master and we were its slave. We were unable to do anything to get free. The history of many Christians is one of constant resolutions and constant breaking of resolutions. They continually resolve to do something and continually fail. They may even thank and praise the Lord that God's Word says that they should be free.

I repeat that it does not take special Christians to overcome the law of sin. No Christian has to remain without power. Every Christian can experience true deliverance from the law of sin. Now, it is a fact that Christ set us free the second we were born again. This freedom is a gift from God. It is NOT a command that we must perform or somehow have to work out. Every Christian should enjoy these experiences. Yet many do not experience the facts in God's Word. How sad this is!

What does it mean to be free from the law of sin and of death? First, we need to understand the term law. The common understanding of a law is that it is something that remains the same all the time, something that allows no exceptions. Moreover, there is power in a law. This power is a natural power, not an artificial power. All laws have power. For example, gravity is a law. If you throw something up, it will eventually fall back to the ground. The earth has a force that pulls it down. An object in the air will fall the same today and tomorrow. Any object in the air, as long as nothing is holding it, will fall regardless of time and space. A law remains the same all the time and allows no exceptions. It is a natural force which requires no human effort for it to exist. If I drop my handkerchief, it goes downward. Wherever the handkerchief is dropped, the same thing happens. Gravity pulls it down, so this is called the law of gravitation. Not only is gravity a force; it also is a law. If the handkerchief is only occasionally pulled to the earth, then this force could not be reckoned as a law. A law is something which always acts in the same way. If I throw my Bible upward, it will fall down. If I throw a chair up, it too will fall down. If I jump upward, I will also come down. No matter where or what, what goes up will come down. Then I realize that not only is there a gravitational force exerted by the earth, but there is also a law of gravity.

A law simply means it is always so. It permits no exception. If something happens once one way and another time a different way, it is a matter of history. But if something always happens the same way, it is a law. If a person commits a crime on the street, he will be taken into custody by the police. Should he commit this crime at home, he still will be taken into custody. Whoever murders, regardless of whom or where he murders, he will be taken by the police. This we call a law. A law applies to every person; there are no exceptions. If a man kills someone today, he is taken into custody by the police. But if he kills someone tomorrow and is not taken, kills again the day after tomorrow and is taken, then the matter of taking people into custody cannot be considered a law.

May I ask, does anybody need to hold onto the earth's gravitational force? Does someone need to pray that this force will quickly pull things down? No, there is no need to pray, for the earth most spontaneously attracts things downward. It is a law. All one needs to do is to remove his hand, to not purposely hold onto things. When the will is not working, then the law is manifested. When the will is not interfering, the law operates. In a similar way, the Spirit of the Lord in us does not need our help. If you are afraid that the Spirit of the Lord in you may not be responsible and so you rush to help when temptation comes, it shows that you have not seen that the Spirit of the Lord in you is a law.

The law of gravity does not depend on anyone believing in it or even understanding it. It's force remains constant no matter what we think , believe or understand about it. Have you ever been setting in a chair and get concerned that you might float up to the ceiling in your home? Have you even made any efforts to keep yourself from floating away? Of course not. As long as we live on earth, will live under its power, influence and force. The only escape from gravity would be in outer space. In space you would need to make efforts to stay in a chair and need to be concerned about floating away.

Now if you are not born again, you are now living under the power, influence and force of the law of sin and of death. Like the law of gravity it does not depend on anyone believing in it or even understanding it. It is fact. It is not that I sin accidentally or occasionally; it is not that I sometimes sin and sometimes do not; sinning is a law to me, for I constantly sin. Because this occurs all the time, I know it is a law. Whenever I would do good, evil is present. When Paul's eyes were opened to this, he realized that all his own efforts were futile. What had he tried? He had tried to do good. He had thought his will could overcome sin, not knowing that no will can ever overcome sin. But as soon as he saw sin as a law, not just a conduct, he immediately conceded that to will was useless. The will could never conquer the law. This, indeed, was a great discovery, a very great revelation.

When through God's mercy anyone is brought to see that sin is a law, he instantly knows how ineffective any method of overcoming sin with the will must be. Before he sees this, he is always making resolutions. When tempted, he bites his teeth and determines to overcome, but eventually he fails. The second time he is tempted he surmises that his first resolution was not strong enough, so this time he makes a firmer resolution to not sin again for any reason. But let me tell you, however strong his resolution is, he still fails again. He may yet conclude that something is wanting in his resolution, so when again tempted, he once more resolves before God and asks the Lord to help him. Since he is not sure of his resolution, he prays, "O Lord, please have mercy on me. Help me that I may not sin this time." After he gets up from his knees, he once again fails. He wonders why he cannot overcome sin by making resolutions. The answer is that it is because no amount of will effort can ever conquer a law.

I do hope that you will be clear on the nature of sin. If you see this law, you will be delivered from many hardships and sorrows. If you are willing to accept God's Word, you will know that sin is a law and that you cannot overcome it with your will. Then you will be able to see the real way to victory. It is a great blessing to find this law. It may take many defeats, possibly hundreds or thousands of defeats, to discover for yourself this law of defeat. You have to be so utterly defeated that one day you realize you can never overcome sin by your will. Sooner or later, sin will rise up and declare that it is a law, so what can you do? Let me tell you, all who trust in their own willpower will have to acknowledge that they can do nothing about it. Since sin is a law, what can you do? You cannot resist it; the power of your will can never overcome the power of sin.

We know man is not delivered by exercising his will. When he is using his willpower, he is unable to trust God's way of deliverance. He has to wait for the day when he submits himself to God and confesses that he is utterly undone. Then he will pray, "Lord, I am not going to try again." Whenever one has no way but still thinks of finding a way, he will draw upon his will to help. It is only when he acknowledges he has no way and is not going to find a way that he forsakes calling upon his will for help. Then he will begin to see how to get real deliverance.

Romans 7:15-25 says, "For what I work out, I do not acknowledge; for what I will, this I do not practice; but what I hate, this I do...For to will is present with me, but to work out the good is not. For I do not do the good which I will; but the evil which I do not will, this I practice. But if what I do not will, this I do, it is no longer I that work it out...I find then the law with me who wills to do the good, that is, the evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God according to the inner man, but I see a different law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and making me a captive to the law of sin which is in my members...So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin."

In verses 15 through 20, Paul repeatedly uses the word will and the phrase do not will. The emphasis is on willing or not willing, resolving or not resolving. In verses 21 to 25, there is another emphasis on the law. These two things are the keys to this passage of the Word.

Romans 7 shows us that Paul was trying to be free from sin. He was trying to free himself from sin. He wanted to please God. He did not want to sin or to fail. However, he eventually admitted that his resolutions were all futile. He said, "To will is present with me, but to work out the good is not." He did not want to sin, yet he sinned. He wanted to do good and walk according to God's law, yet he could not do it. In other words, what he willed he could not do, and what he resolved to do, he was unable to accomplish. Paul willed again and again, but the result was only repeated failure. This shows us that the way to victory lies not in the human will or human resolution. Paul willed and resolved again and again, but he still failed and sinned. Obviously, to will is present, but to work out the good is not. The best that a man can do is make resolutions.

The willing is present but not the good, because sin is a law. Following verse 21 Paul showed us that he remained defeated even after he made numerous resolutions. This is because sin is a law. This law of sin was present with him every time he resolved to do good. He was subject to the law of God in his heart, but his flesh yielded to the law of sin. Whenever he willed to obey God's law, a different law rose up in his members, subjecting him to the law of sin.

Paul was the first person in the Bible to point out that sin is a law. This was a very important discovery! It is a pity that many who have been Christians for years still do not realize that sin is a law. Many people know that gravity is a law and thermal expansion of objects is another law. But they do not know that sin is a law. Paul did not know this at first. After sinning repeatedly, not voluntarily but involuntarily by a powerful force in his body, Paul discovered that sin is a law.

Our history of failure tells us that whenever temptations come, we try to resist them. But we are never successful in this resistance. When temptations come again, we again try to resist them, only to end up in another defeat. This experience repeats itself ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times, and we still find ourselves defeated. This is the story of our failure. We fail again and again. This is not something that happens by chance; it is a law. If a person committed only one sin in a lifetime, he could consider sin as something incidental. However, those who have sinned a hundred or a thousand times will say that sin is a law; it is something that continually drives them on.

Paul failed because he exercised his will to make resolutions. After verse 21, Paul's eyes were opened. He saw that the enemy he was dealing with SIN that was nothing less than a law. When he saw that sin was a law, he could only sigh and say, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?" He realized that it was impossible for him to prevail over sin by his will.

What is the will? The will is man's own volition. It is what man wants, determines, and decides to do. It is man's opinions and judgments. Once a man's will resolves to do something, he begins to carry it out. Man's will can produce some power. Therefore, there is power in the will.

But herein lies the problem. When the will comes in conflict with the law of sin, which one prevails? The will usually prevails at the beginning, but ultimately sin prevails. Suppose you hold up a book that weighs one pound with your hand. Gravity is pulling it down while you are trying your best to hold it up. But the unceasing operation of the law of gravity will eventually prevail, and the book will fall to the floor. You may try to hold it up with your hand. You may prevail for an hour, but after two hours you will feel tired, and after another hour your hand will no longer obey you. Eventually, you will let go of it. Gravity never tires out, but your hand does. The law of gravity is pulling the book down continuously, every hour, every minute, and even every second. Your hand cannot fight against the law of gravity forever. The longer you hold the book, the heavier it feels. The book has not become heavier, but the law of gravity has triumphed over the power of your hand, and you feel as if the book has become heavier and heavier. The same principle applies when you try to overcome sin with your will. The will can stand against sin for a while. But the power of sin far exceeds the power of the will. Sin is a law; it is not destroyed by the resistance of man's will. Whenever the power of the will slackens, the law of sin surfaces. The human will cannot persist forever, but the law of sin is always active. The will may prevail for a little while, but in the end it will always be overcome by the law of sin.

Before we see that sin is a law, we keep trying to overcome it by our own will. When temptation comes, we hold our breath and try to overcome, only to find that it has overcome us instead. When temptation comes again, we make a stronger resolution because we think that our last failure was caused by a faulty resolution. We tell ourselves that we will not sin this time and that we will overcome. But the result is the same - we fail again. We do not know why our resolution cannot bring us victory over sin. We do not realize that overcoming sin by the will never works. We will never be free from the law by our own efforts. No human power can overcome it. Paul did not learn this lesson at first, so he exercised his will repeatedly to no avail. It is impossible for man to try to overcome the law of sin by his will.

Once the Lord grants you mercy and shows you that sin is a law, you will not be far from victory. If you continue to think that sin is an occasional act and that victory can be secured through additional prayers and struggles against temptations, you are far from victory. Paul's story shows us that sin is a law. The power of sin is strong; our own power is weak. The power of sin always prevails, while our own power always fails. As soon as Paul realized that sin is a law, he knew that none of his methods would work. His determination was useless; he would never overcome the law of sin by his will. This was a great discovery, a great revelation to him.

Paul saw that a man cannot experience deliverance by the exercise of the will. As long as a man trusts in the power of his own will, he will not turn to God's way of deliverance. The day will come when you will prostrate yourself before God and acknowledge that you can do nothing and henceforth will do nothing. That will be the day you find deliverance. Only then will you understand Romans 8. Please do not belittle Romans 7. We must first have the knowledge of chapter seven before we can have the experience of chapter eight. The problem is not whether you understand the doctrine in Romans 8 but whether or not you have emerged from Romans 7. Many have buried themselves in Romans 7; they are still trying to deal with sin by their will. The result is nothing but failure. If you have not seen that sin is a law and that your will can never overcome this law, you are trapped in Romans 7; you will never arrive at Romans 8. Our newly saved brothers and sisters must accept God's Word as it is written. If you try to find your own way out, you will end up with nothing but sin. You will sin again and again, and your eyes will continue to be veiled. You will remain in your blindness. Your eyes need to be opened to see that all your willing and struggling is in vain.

Since sin is a law and the will cannot overcome this law, what is the way of victory?

Romans 8:1-2 says, "There is now then no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death." The way to victory is to be freed from the law of sin and of death. Notice that this verse states "The law of the Spirit of life HAS freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death." Many Christians see the Spirit of life setting them free from only sin and death. They do not see the law of the Spirit of life freeing them from the law of sin and of death. It takes many years for some Christians to realize that sin and death are a law in them and that the Holy Spirit is another law in them. When the Lord opens their eyes, they will see that sin and death are a law and that the Holy Spirit is a law as well. The realization of the Holy Spirit as a law is a great discovery. When we realize that the life-giving Spirit is a law, we will jump up and exclaim, "Thank God, Hallelujah!" Man's will cannot overcome the law of sin, but the law of the Spirit of life has freed us from the law of sin and of death. Only the law of the Spirit of life can free man from the law of sin.

Once we realize that sin is a law, we will no longer try to do anything by our will. When God grants us mercy to see that the Holy Spirit is a law, we will experience a great change. Many people only see the Spirit of life giving us life. They do not see that the Holy Spirit is another law in us, and that we can be freed spontaneously from the law of sin and of death when we trust in this law. There is NO effort involved for this law to deliver us from the other law. We do not need to will, to do anything, or to hold on to the Holy Spirit. We do not need to be that busy when the Lord's Spirit is in us. If we fear that the Lord's Spirit will not work in us unless we rush in to help Him in times of temptation, we have not seen the Spirit as a law within us yet. May we see that the Holy Spirit is a spontaneous law within us. The way of deliverance from sin is not through the exercise of the will. If we exercise our will, we will end up in failure. God has given us another law which spontaneously frees us from the law of sin and of death. The problem of one law can only be resolved by another law.

There is no effort involved when we try to overcome one law with another law. We have mentioned before that gravity is a law. It pulls every object down to the ground. But helium is a gas which is lighter than air. If we seal it in a tight balloon, the balloon will rise up. It will rise spontaneously; there is no need to fan it or support it by any force. As soon as we let go, the balloon will rise. The rising is a law, and we do not need to do anything about it. In the same way, no effort is involved when we deal with the law of sin and of death by the law of the Spirit of life.

All victories are unconscious victories because the law of the Holy Spirit is operating and upholding us, not our own will. This kind of spontaneous victory is genuine victory. Once you experience this, you will realize that only the indwelling Spirit can keep you from sin; you do not have to will not to sin. It is also the indwelling Holy Spirit who is enabling you to overcome; you do not have to will to overcome. Since this law dwells in you, you are delivered from the law of sin and of death. You are in Christ Jesus, and the law of the Spirit of life is in you. Spontaneously, you are free. As long as you do not rely on your own will and effort, the Holy Spirit will bring you into victory.

Victory over sin has nothing to do with our effort. We did not exert any effort when the law of sin directed us to sin. Similarly, we do not need to exert any effort in order for the law of the Holy Spirit to free us from sin. Genuine victory is one that requires no effort on our part. There is nothing for us to do. We can lift up our eyes and say to the Lord, "All is well." Our past failures were the result of a law and today's victories are also a result of a law. The former law is powerful, but the present law is more powerful. The former law is indeed potent in bringing us to sin, but the present law is more absolute in saving us from condemnation. When the law of the Spirit of life is expressed through us, its power is far greater than that of the law of sin and of death.

If we see this, we will truly be freed from sin. The Bible does not say that we can overcome sin with our will. It speaks only of freedom from sin: "The law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death." The law of the life-giving Spirit has pulled us out of the realm of the law of sin and of death. The law of sin and of death is still present, but the one on whom it worked is no longer there.

Every saved person should be clear about the way to deliverance. First, we must see that sin is a law in us. If we do not see this, we cannot go on. Second, we need to see that the will cannot overcome the law of sin. Third, we need to see that the Holy Spirit is a law, and this law frees us from the law of sin.

The sooner a new believer realizes this way of deliverance, the better it is. In fact, no one needs to wait for many years before seeing the way of deliverance. You do not need to suffer many hardships before experiencing freedom. Many brothers and sisters have wasted their time unnecessarily; they have shed many tears of defeat. If you want to experience less pain and tears, you should realize from the start that the way to deliverance lies in these words: "The law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus." This law is so perfect and powerful that it will save you to the uttermost; there is no need to do anything to help it. This law frees you from sin completely, sanctifies you wholly, and fills you with life spontaneously.

Now do not think that the Holy Spirit within us only expresses His life through us occasionally. If we think this way, it proves that we only know the Spirit; we do not know the law of the Spirit. The law of the Spirit expresses His life continuously. It remains the same at all times and in all places. We do not have to tell this law to behave in a certain way; it behaves the way it does without our guidance. Once the Lord opens our eyes, we will see that the treasure within is not just the Holy Spirit or a life, but a law as well. Then we will be released, and the problem of sin will be over.

New believers should accept what the Word of God says. If you have to wait to find out for yourself, you may have to commit many sins. Even after sinning repeatedly, your eyes still may not be opened. You will have to come to the point where you see that all your battles are futile. Paul said in Romans 7 that it is useless to battle, for who can overcome a law? Thus, at the start of Romans 8 he says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death" (v. l-2). You have seen that sin is a law. You have also seen that it is not possible for man's will to overcome that law. Where, then, is the way of victory, the way of deliverance?

The way of victory is here: "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." The word "condemnation" in the original Greek has two different usages, one legal and the other civil. If the word is used legally, it means "condemnation" as found in the English translation. But in its civil usage, the word means "disabling" or "handicap." According to the context of this passage of Scripture, probably the civil usage is clearer.

We are no longer disabled. Why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ has given us deliverance. It is something the Lord has done. But how does He do it? It is very simple, for it is explained by the second verse: "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death." This is the way of victory. Can you alter Romans 8:2 and read it this way: "The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from sin and death"? I suppose ten Christians out of ten would read the verse this way. But what does it say? It says that "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death." Many have seen only the Spirit of life setting them free from sin and death, but have failed to see that it is the law of the Spirit of life which sets them free from the law of sin and of death.

To learn the lesson that sin and death is a law may take years. But even as it may take a great deal of time and resolution and failure to realize that sin is a law, so it may take years for many believers to discover that the Spirit of life is also a law. Sin has followed us for years and we have had a close association with it; yet we still do not know that it is a law. Likewise, we may have believed in the Lord for many, many years and have known the Holy Spirit in our lives, yet not known Him as a law.

It is a day of great discovery when our eyes are opened by the Lord to see that sin is a law. It is a day of even greater discovery when we are given the revelation that the Holy Spirit is also a law. Only a law can overcome another law. The will cannot overcome the law, but a higher law can overcome a lower law. We can never overcome the law of sin by our human will, but the law of the Spirit of life can set us free from the law of sin and of death.

Let us say it another way. To see sin as a law is a big thing, for it makes you decide against battling sin with your willpower. Likewise, seeing the law of the Holy Spirit in your life is another big crisis. Many seem to understand how the Spirit of life gives them life, but have yet to learn that the Holy Spirit in them, that is, the life which God has given them through Jesus Christ, is also a law. If you let this law operate, it will naturally deliver you from the law of sin and of death. When this law delivers you from the other law, it does not require an ounce of your strength. You need not make one resolution, spend any time, nor even lay hold of the Holy Spirit.

May new believers see that the Holy Spirit in them is a spontaneous law. If anyone is to be delivered from sin, he has to come to that deliverance naturally. Should he try to get deliverance by exercising his willpower, he will again be defeated. But now those who are in Christ Jesus are no longer handicapped, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made them free from the law of sin and of death. It is all so simple and so natural. We have been given another law which naturally delivers us from the law of sin and of death.

Someone may ask how this comes about. I do not know, but have you not had some such experience? For example: someone comes to you; he scolds you, quarrels with you, and even beats you. He is utterly unreasonable in all that he does. You should be very angry with him, but somehow you let everything go without knowing why. Afterward you begin to wonder why it was that when you were scolded you forgot to get angry. After that person did so much, you ought to have lost your temper. If you keep on remembering all that he did to you, you will no doubt be very angry. Yet, to your own amazement, you just unconsciously let everything pass. Let me tell you, victories are all won unawares.

Why is it that you overcome without being conscious of it? It is because a law is working. If it were a matter of your will, you would have to think and hold on. But what the Lord does is to give the victory without your awareness. Such victories are real victories. If you have experienced this even once, then you will understand the revelation that the indwelling Holy Spirit is able to keep you from sin. He is able to make you victorious without the help of your resolves. You do not need to make resolutions, for the law in you will deliver you from sin. If you really see before God that since you are in Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life is also in you, then you will find that the Lord puts His Spirit in you in order to carry you through to victory quite naturally. You do not need to will or to grasp; you will just surprisingly be brought into victory.

To overcome sin does not require an ounce of strength, for it is the work of the law. There is one law which makes me sin without my effort, and there is another law which sets me free from sin - also without my labor. Only that which requires no exertion is true victory. I have nothing to do. Let me tell you, we now have nothing to do but to raise our heads and tell the Lord, "Nothing of me." What happened before was due to law; what is now happening is also due to law. The former law did a thorough work, for it made me sin continuously; this new law does an even better work because I am no longer handicapped by sin. The law of the Spirit of life has manifested itself; it is far superior to the law of sin and death.

If new believers can be brought to see this from the first day of their Christian life, they will then walk the road of deliverance. The Bible never uses the term "overcome sin"; it only uses the phrase "made free" or "delivered from sin." It is said here in Romans, "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death." The law of the Spirit of life has pulled me out of the realm of the law of sin and death. The law of sin and death is still present, but I am no longer there for it to work upon. The earth's gravitational force is present, but if things have been removed to heaven, there is no object for it to act upon.

The law of the Spirit of life is in Christ Jesus and I am also now in Christ Jesus; therefore by this law I am made free from the law of sin and of death. "There is therefore now no disabling to them that are in Christ Jesus." The man in Romans 7 is labeled, "disabled." But this disabled person who is so weak and always sins is now, Paul says, no more disabled in Christ Jesus. How? By the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which has set him free from the law of sin and of death. Therefore, there is no more disabling. Do you see now how this problem of deliverance is completely solved?

The earlier a new believer knows the way of deliverance, the better it is for him. There is no need for a delay of several years before he can know deliverance and freedom. Within a few months he can have many experiences of learning. It is not necessary for him to suffer many wounds before learning. It is possible for a Christian not to be defeated. So, when you are faced with a difficulty, do not strive, using your willpower. If you are defeated, do not turn back. Learn the way of deliverance step by step. The first step is to see that sin is a law to you; the second, to see that the will cannot overcome the law; and the third, to see that there is another law which does overcome the law of sin. Upon experiencing these three steps, the problem is wholly solved.

May all Christians be able to sing the victory song of praise. How many miles are walked unnecessarily; how many tears are shed because of defeat. If believers see this way of deliverance and freedom from the beginning of their Christian lives, they will be saved many sorrows and tears. What is the way of deliverance? It is that the law of the Spirit of life has set me free. It is a law, perfect and powerful. That law is able to deliver me to the end. It does not require my help. As the law of sin in the world causes everybody to sin, so now the law of the Spirit of life in us naturally leads us into complete victory over sin. It naturally makes us holy, full of life, and full of its power.

You have already received life. Never think that the Holy Spirit sometimes manifests life and sometimes not. If this is your case, you do not know the Holy Spirit as a law. Since He is a law, He is always the same. He is the same wherever, whatever, and whenever it may be. He is the same, not because you make Him so, but because He is so. Do you believe He is a law? I have no way to persuade you to believe. If you have not seen this, you will not believe what we have said. May God open your eyes that you may see this. We have in us not only the Holy Spirit, not only life, but also a law. Thus we shall be delivered.

Having seen this law, our problem is resolved. It is not enough to see the indwelling Holy Spirit; we must see Him as a law in us. Then we shall begin to praise. Hereafter, we shall live a transcendent life. How wonderful it is.

Worrying may possibly decrease a man's height, but it certainly never added anything to it. "Be not anxious ", are His words. "Consider the lilies, . . . they grow". He is directing our attention to the new law of life in us. Oh, for a new appreciation of the life that is ours! What a precious discovery this is! It can make altogether new men of us, for it operates in the smallest things as well as in the bigger ones.

Do you remember when I said the only way to be free from the law of gravity is to be in outer space? Well the only way to be free from the law of sin and death is to die. The Glorious good news is - Christ has already done this for you. The fact is that, you are not living under the law of sin and death any longer. Now you need to just enjoy being free because nothing you do will change that fact.

Romans 7:4; "Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God."

May God open our eyes to see this way of deliverance. May He

 2009/3/23 8:14

 Victory over sin has nothing to do with our effort

Victory over sin has nothing to do with our effort. We did not exert any effort when the law of sin directed us to sin. Similarly, we do not need to exert any effort in order for the law of the Holy Spirit to free us from sin. Genuine victory is one that requires no effort on our part. There is nothing for us to do. We can lift up our eyes and say to the Lord, "All is well." Our past failures were the result of a law and today's victories are also a result of a law. The former law is powerful, but the present law is more powerful. The former law is indeed potent in bringing us to sin, but the present law is more absolute in saving us from condemnation. When the law of the Spirit of life is expressed through us, its power is far greater than that of the law of sin and of death.

If we see this, we will truly be freed from sin. The Bible does not say that we can overcome sin with our will. It speaks only of freedom from sin: "The law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death." The law of the life-giving Spirit has pulled us out of the realm of the law of sin and of death. The law of sin and of death is still present, but the one on whom it worked is no longer there.

 2009/3/23 11:46

 Re: Victory over sin has nothing to do with our effort

Paul failed because he exercised his will to make resolutions. After verse 21, Paul's eyes were opened. He saw that the enemy he was dealing with SIN that was nothing less than a law. When he saw that sin was a law, he could only sigh and say, "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?" He realized that it was impossible for him to prevail over sin by his will.

 2009/3/23 16:46

Joined: 2009/3/17
Posts: 308
Central Alberta, Canada

 What is the law of sin and death?

It seems some people do not understand this; I will try and explain it so it is easy to understand.

The power of sin is in the Law (as delivered to Moses), and the wages of sin is death...for through the Law, I have knowledge of sin and sinned revived and I died. (This is the Law of sin and death)

But the law has no power over me now...why?

...because I have no sin...and because I have no sin, I am not under the law.
If I had sin, the law would have power over me, and I would be under the law.

Now this is the key to understanding this: How do I have no sin?

Jesus nailed my sins to the cross and this is called grace; (I am under Grace)therefore, I have no more sins before God, and I am completely made righteous before the throne of God, and being made free from sin through the cross of Christ, I have peace with God the Father.

This is the righteousness which is by faith and not by works, do you understand? I am sin free before God because Jesus took away my sins, and where there is no sins, the righteousness that the Law of God requires is fullfilled.

Now does this mean I do not have to have good works? ...of course not!! How shall we who have been freed from the law through the removal of sin live any longer there in! God shall enable us to live free from sin in our lives:

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

verse 11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

(meaning God will enable us to live holy with good works!) My body is physically the Temple of the Holy Spirit (I was bought with a price)...meaning a part of me is God (that part of me that has the seed of God). I have His seed born into my spirit (the holy of holies is the place of His residence which is my heart...and I love Him so) which grows and brings forth fruit unto righteousness (righteous works), but but the Spirit, I serve God...inwardly which manifests outwardly through righteous works. herefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

And every day is Holy and is the sabbath...Jesus my rest...because He is within me...flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones...I am His physical body on Earth as are others too (We are the Body of Christ)! We live every day in holiness to God...for without holiness, no one shall see Him.

My repentance is true, and I stand on the righteousness which comes by faith in the finished work of Christ.

In Christ I have no sin, for He took my sin away and nailed it to the cross,
...and where there is no sin, the righteousness that the law of God requires is fufilled...thus is explained the righteousness by faith and Christ fulfilling the law of God.

How comes this righteousness? is by works? or is it by faith? Yes it is by faith, not by works...I am one of the elect of God and I know it, having repented of my sins and turned away from them, and turned to the God of my salvation with a pure and undefiled heart.


 2009/3/23 17:16Profile

Joined: 2009/3/17
Posts: 308
Central Alberta, Canada

 Re: What is the law of sin and death?

further to what I have written:

Someone once asked me:


But did Christ remove the possibility of me sinning?

My reply was"

No He did not.

Paul says, likewise "reckon" yourselves to be dead indeed to sin.

The one thing, that is provided to us is the Holy Spirit.

He could only come when there is no sin, not that we have no sin, but that Christ took the sins away. And because there is no sin, the Holy Spirit of God could come. The Holy Spirit is critical to the christian walk, and the new life, and we have to know Him personally. Why so many Christians spend so much time speaking against Him, puzzles me.

Before Christ died for sins, and was resurrected, and ascended to the Father, The Holy Spirit could not be given as indwelling us (because God cannot behold sin) ...the very seed of God which causes us (in our spirit) to be born (again) not of the flesh, but of the Spirit and in the Spirit.

We become a new creation different from what God did with Adam on the 6th day.

We are an unfinished work of God as of present.

Even the Apostle John did not know what the finished product was going to be when he wrote:

Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. 1 John 3:2-3

Keep in mind that John was with Jesus and saw Him on the mount of transfiguration, also was a witness to the resurrection. Yet he says:
"it has not yet been revealed what we shall be"

Conclusion: we are still being created into something not yet revealed.

Again it is written, “ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

...But we are still in our corrupt flesh at this point, so where does this leave us?

As we once yielded our bodies as instruments to sin and unrighteousness, so now yield our bodies as instruments to righteousness, as those who are alive from the dead.

Paul states that if we through the Holy Spirit(who indwells us) do mortify the deeds of the flesh (human body), we shall live.

Our battle is with the human body that we are housed in (not some mysterious force that exists that makes us sin), the human body is not subject to the will of God, and we have to intentionally bring it under subjection to His will.

Separate you mind (which is renewed after Christ) from the wants and desires of the flesh, whether it be anger, lust, covetousness, what ever the flesh desires that is contrary to the will and Spirit of God.

We are dead to sin through Christ, and as a consequence, sin has no power over us at all, because Christ took the sins away.

The Law of God (as delivered to Moses, AKA the Law of sin and death)has no power over us because we have no sins (through Christ),
which is called the law of grace.

We are dead to sin, but we are still in the human body, which is not subject to the will of God. We have to bring it under subjection to our will (which is renewed after Christ) through the Holy Spirit yielding our will to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Although we are made perfect to God through Jesus, in the sense that we have no sins(Jesus took away the sins) it is still up to us to access the Holy Spirit given to us to bring our minds and conscienceness subject to the Holy Spirit by yielding to Him, and to bring our human bodies subject to our will which is renewed after Christ through the Spirit of God. (how well we suceed at this is called the amount of fruitfulness we will yield, some 30 fold, some 60 some 100...)

The Apostle John said, My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: 1 John 2:1


 2009/3/24 12:44Profile

 Re: I am confused

Please help me understand what you are saying

You wrote


The power of sin is in the Law (as delivered to Moses), and the wages of sin is death...for through the Law, I have knowledge of sin and sinned revived and I died. (This is the Law of sin and death)

But the law has no power over me now...why?

...because I have no sin...and because I have no sin, I am not under the law.
If I had sin, the law would have power over me, and I would be under the law.

Now this is the key to understanding this: How do I have no sin?

Jesus nailed my sins to the cross and this is called grace; (I am under Grace)therefore, I have no more sins before God, and I am completely made righteous before the throne of God, and being made free from sin through the cross of Christ, I have peace with God the Father.

Then you say say it is possible for a Christian to sin.

What are you saying about a Christian who does sin?

Are they back under law again?

You said

Jesus nailed my sins to the cross and this is called grace; (I am under Grace)therefore, I have no more sins before God, and I am completely made righteous before the throne of God, and being made free from sin through the cross of Christ, I have peace with God the Father.

Are you saying than if a Christian sins that this is really not a sin before God?

I am sorry but I do not understand what you are saying.

I hope you will clear it up for me.

 2009/3/24 14:12

Joined: 2009/3/17
Posts: 308
Central Alberta, Canada



freecd wrote:
Please help me understand what you are saying

You wrote


The power of sin is in the Law (as delivered to Moses), and the wages of sin is death...for through the Law, I have knowledge of sin and sinned revived and I died. (This is the Law of sin and death)

But the law has no power over me now...why?

...because I have no sin...and because I have no sin, I am not under the law.
If I had sin, the law would have power over me, and I would be under the law.

Now this is the key to understanding this: How do I have no sin?

Jesus nailed my sins to the cross and this is called grace; (I am under Grace)therefore, I have no more sins before God, and I am completely made righteous before the throne of God, and being made free from sin through the cross of Christ, I have peace with God the Father.

Then you say say it is possible for a Christian to sin.

What are you saying about a Christian who does sin?

Are they back under law again?

You said

Jesus nailed my sins to the cross and this is called grace; (I am under Grace)therefore, I have no more sins before God, and I am completely made righteous before the throne of God, and being made free from sin through the cross of Christ, I have peace with God the Father.

Are you saying than if a Christian sins that this is really not a sin before God?

I am sorry but I do not understand what you are saying.

I hope you will clear it up for me.

I know that this is hard to understand for some.

No, if a Christian sins, they are not back under the law of sin and death, because they are in Christ still; they just need to ask forgiveness when they err.

It is not okay to sin, how shall we who are dead to sin live any longer therein? But we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (through the Holy Spirit) that we may be able to know the things of God.

you wrote:
[i]"Are you saying than if a Christian sins that this is really not a sin before God?"[/i]

I am not saying this at all, sin is sin. What I am saying is, if we sin a sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. That if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Imagine a rocky road if you will. Lot's of boulders and rocks in the way on this road that is hard to navigate sometimes.

Repentance is like this rocky road. It is a rocky road that is sometimes hard to travel, especially when you first become a Christian, but one that must be travelled. This is us when we first become a Christian and are learning the ways of the Lord.

It takes time to get rid of the sins that so easily beset us. Likewise the Apostle of our faith has told us: let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.

...and then it says, for you have not yet resisted unto blood striving against sin.

Repentance is a rocky road, and we are bound to stumble on it sometimes, but if we stay on this rocky road of repentance, it soon leads to the straight and narrow way (which is a smooth road), that leads to eternal life. Jesus has promised us that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

Sanctification is therefore instantaneous upon conversion, and is a process of growth and maturity as we grow in the Lord.

But consider as we grow and mature in the Lord what begins to happen:

...again it is written,

Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this we will do if God permits.


 2009/3/24 14:57Profile


Nothing of Nee can be understood until one first absorbs his book "The Release of The Spirit"

Nothing of walking as HE did can be understood until we die to "I, me, mine."

 2009/3/24 15:04

Joined: 2009/3/17
Posts: 308
Central Alberta, Canada



Jesus-is-GOD wrote:

Nothing of walking as HE did can be understood until we die to "I, me, mine."

Yes and no to this.

WE have to seek which means "I" have to seek. Not for the purpose of vain glory, but so that "I" may love Him. Only those that are truly born of Him can truly be in Love with Him. Believe it or not, it is spiritual intimacy. Oh to be like soul thirsts.


 2009/3/24 15:12Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Only those that are truly born of Him can truly be in Love with Him. Believe it or not, it is a romantic love.

This is error. I am not romantically in love with God; the very thought of this opens one up to grave error, as romanticism is the chamberfellow of eros. The love of God and our relationship to God by the blood of Christ hasn't the slightest inkling of "romance"; God's is a pure love that is nothing short of celestial, an agape love that is transcendental of your understanding and of mine. Any explanation less than this is earthbound, and an attept to define the union between God and his saints by virtue of earthly, visceral, and hence, limited knowledge...from which you've arrived at your "romantic" deduction.

I would halt this error now, before it continues and blossums into something that will embarrass you at a latter date.

Paul Frederick West

 2009/3/24 15:20Profile

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