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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : miracles getting bigger

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Joined: 2008/8/4
Posts: 201

 miracles getting bigger

just really struck in this moment at how much bigger a miracle it is (well, at least in my teeny human mind it seems that way) for someone to even be saved nowadays with all the confusion out there of who Christ is, what church means, who the Father is, etc. yet He does. the fact that anyone could be redeemed at all is such a huge miracle of phenomenal proprotions...and then to be rescued out of all this....
wow...God is SO powerful and SO kind.

 2009/3/3 16:00Profile

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151

 Re: miracles getting bigger

evidence that regeneration is really a work of the Holy Spirit.

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/3/3 18:09Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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