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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : God saved our home from buring

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Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida

 God saved our home from buring

Today we called the vet and made arrangements to take our little white dog, Bell, in to be checked. She is VERY sick.

Got through the vet experience and headed home. As my husband was driving towards home, I suddenly had the horrible realization that I had put a pot of water on the gas stove to boil to make our breakfast eggs. We had gotten sidetracked with her being so sick and I forgot all about it.

I immediately began praying and looking to the sky, towards God. I did not mention it to my husband, no point in getting him upset before hand. About one mile from the house, as I was now scanning the sky for dark clouds of smoke, still praying for God to save our home and the dog we left inside, and it came to me, 'He could make the propane bottle run out!" Immediately after that thought ran through my mind, I remembered, pray believing! So I did.

We got home and I left my husband to take the little dog to the pen in the backyard and I rushed inside to see the gas still turned on but the flame was out because - He HAD made the propane bottle run empty. The water had not even boiled out, so it ran out way before the chance of any danger.

Then I confessed to my husband what I had done and how marvelous our Lord was in His attention to our safety.

Other than telling him, I have found no one else today to tell who cared to hear. I struck up a conversation with a woman at a sale we stopped by later this morning and she walked off before I was through. Muttering, 'You never can tell . . .'

I know
I CAN TELL - Jesus is Lord.
He answered my prayers.
Our God is an awesome God.

additional thought added:
Since the water had not boiled away, God saved our home BEFORE I even knew it was in danger. But I still think he told me of the gas running out.

I will not pray for the little dog to live, only for His will to be done. She could keep living but in much pain, better for His will to be done. So be it.


 2009/2/28 16:41Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 Re: God saved our home from buring

Praising the Lord and praying for Bell.

He is an awesome God :-).

 2009/2/28 17:04Profile

Joined: 2007/2/16
Posts: 231
Longview WA


praise God.
He is truly faithful.


 2009/2/28 23:17Profile

Joined: 2008/8/26
Posts: 62

 Re: God saved our home from buring

Thank you for this post. It spoke to me, especially 'He could make the propane bottle run out!"

 2009/2/28 23:30Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida

 an update

I have been giving much reflection to what I wrote earlier. Remember I said the water had not boiled out? This means the gas ran out way before I knew there was a problem. This was a lesson to keep me humble and at His feet in prayer.

It was not my prayer that saved the house - it was His good Providence. If I had seen evidence of my prayer working it is possible I could have taken that in a prideful way - God forbid. Praying and watching is the natural position for a Christian.

As for our little dog, God took pity on her suffering and took her yesterday evening. This was the first time we have ever had to physically bury a body. While it was difficult and hard work, especially as it was dusk when we started with no lights, it was not unnatural. After we placed her in the grave and began covering her it felt somehow to be right. We feel her spirit is with God, she is at peace and no longer in pain. 3 more dogs to go. . . .

Thank you for your thoughts,
white stone


 2009/3/1 9:42Profile

Joined: 2008/10/31
Posts: 320

 Re: an update

In one day there is both blessing and heartache.

Mike Jones

 2009/3/1 10:58Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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