Yesterday morning there was thunder and lightning, and the Lord poured down ice pellets. Later in the morning it snowed, and in the afternoon it rained. By evening, everything was frozen.Later in the evening, needing to take the garbage out to the street, and put a letter in the mailbox, I decided to brave the ice. Actually, it wasn't too bad. The snow under the ice created a texture that gave pretty good traction - kind of a frozen moonscape effect.Expecting more snow, I got a tool and cleared the ice from in front of the door so that it would open easier. Having done all that, I went to open the door . . . and it wouldn't open! Being home alone, this was somewhat of a problem. So, standing in the cold wind, with my head against the door, I prayed. When I tried the latch again, it opened. Oh thank you Jesus!Curious as to why the door wouldn't open, I checked out the latch. It was frozen in place, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it to release again. But that was o.k. since I was now safely inside.
God is a Great God, who loves His Children.God Bless.Nellie
yuep. pretty crazy act. this could be used as a witnessing tool... just an idea.