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Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Watching trafficking, Uzbekistan


Watching trafficking, Uzbekistan

A group of girls from Uzbekistan has been set free during special operations conducted by the Tbilisi police [Georgia]. The girls were held at one of the apartments in Tbilisi to be sold to a brothel in Dubai.
The investigators reported that the girls were brought to Georgia allegedly to be employed as tea-packers. But in Tbilisi the 'employers' said they were planning to send them to Dubai. After the girls expressed outrage concerning such a prospect, their passports were taken and the girls were locked up for quite a long time.
Two girls managed to escape and report the incident to the police. After proper actions were taken, all girls were released and at the present time they are held at the police facility.

From the trafficking watch unit at Intercessors Network

Lars Widerberg

 2004/8/6 4:13Profile

 Re: Watching trafficking, Uzbekistan

This Trafficking Watch Unit at Intercessors Network is rather new, isn’t it?
Many brave secular men and women are working hard in this area of human relations to fond ways to safeguard and protect women and children.
Arranging prayer cover for them is of great importance, as God’s heart is with “Orphans and widows”.

 2004/8/6 11:20

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318


This issue has been a burden on my heart for quite a while.
Like you say, God cares in particular for women and children who are being abused.

To put it rather pointedly, true spirituality allows for men and women to take part in the burden of the Lord.
“This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God, the Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27.

We are praying for leadership at many levels who engage themselves in this particular issue.
Margareta Winberg, Sweden, and Elisabeth Rehn, Finland have both held positions within the governments of the two nations. The are now fully employed within E.U. and U.N. in the work to bring relief to the many who are captured by the slave market. We are moving in behind these two and many others in prayer.
Lars W.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/8/6 14:44Profile


This Trafficking Watch unit as well the many other parts of the work of Intercessors Network are true and also rare expressions of a close walk with the Lord, He who cared in a special way for the downtrodden.
Time and effort should be spent in these areas in much prayer, legal work and financial support.
To me, this is a true, a sensible outcome of the listening to the messages displayed at this web site.

 2004/8/7 4:12

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