[img]https://www.sermonindex.net/images/forum/2004/may/featured_news.gif[/img]ERITREAN POLICE RAID CHRISTIAN WEDDING, ARREST 30 PEOPLEPolice disrupted a Christian marriage ceremony in the Eritrean town of Senafe Sunday, July 25, and arrested 30 guests and members of the wedding party. Charging in and demanding a halt to the ceremony, police officers ordered everyone who was not Pentecostal to leave the premises immediately. Many of the guests did so, but the 30 Christians who remained were hauled off to a police station and jailed. All but two of the prisoners were later released after signing a document promising not to participate in any evangelical Christian wedding in the future. Police continue to hold an evangelist, identified only as Michel, from the Kale Hiwot church and Teame Kibrom, a man in his 80s. Officials declared the two responsible for the wedding that allegedly defied a government ban on evangelical church activities. More than 400 evangelical Christians remain in Eritrean jails because of their faith, including prominent pastors Haile Naizgi, Kiflu Gebremeske and Tesfatsion Hagos.From the news flow at Intercessors Network
_________________Lars Widerberg