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Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW

 The Righteous Prayer

Thank you Lord,

That I know the truth, I do not fall into the errors of the watered down prosperity gospel.

Thank you, Lord, that I read all the good old time classics and not the contemporary writers.

Thank you Lord, that I can discern the errors of modern false teaching.

Thank you Lord for all the old time hymnal, rather than the soft rock choruses.

Thank you Lord for all my concordances and commentaries, helping me to defend my faith.

Thank you, Lord for my knowledge about church history and theology.

Thank you Lord for my sophisticated vocabulary.

Thank you, Lord, that I am not like the man in the back.

* * * * * * * *

In the back pew he sat, battered and bruised, in dirty clothes, lamenting:

I have given my money to the prosperity preachers,

The flock were I belonged was scattered by wolves.

I could not wait for the kingdom to come and squandered all my wealth in hope of my best life now.

I thought my Christian experience was all real, I could have my best life now and heaven, too.

It burst like a bubble, huu-huu.

I have read all the self-help books to no avail.

I fell down under the blessing prayers of the celebrity preachers.

I awoke from the stupor of Babylon’s maddening wine.

I got sick of its riches, it wares, its fake glamour.

The make up of the whore has come off.

I craved choice morsels of fine food, the most delicious and trendy from the acclaimed chefs of contemporary preaching; but I ended up eating pods among squealing pigs.

I thought I was advancing in my faith because of all the things Lord blessed us with.

I danced around the golden calf, in merry companionship that proved to be a fool’s paradise.

Now I am naked and wretched and poor.

I can barely see clearly, I need some ointment for my eyes.

I deserve all this, make me one of the hired servants, so that I at least get some food of the word, shelter in saintly fellowship and a cover for my shameful nakedness.

Will they welcome me back? Will I make it through the gates of Zion? I will try the Dung gate, surely no angry watchman will repel me there.

 2009/2/8 20:01Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri

 Re: The Righteous Prayer

Will they welcome me back? Will I make it through the gates of Zion? I will try the Dung gate, surely no angry watchman will repel me there.

I think that the angry watchman should be aware that some that have gone through the process of realizing what Narrowpath has written, or something similar, didn't know any better. They were not born in the fires of revival, but into a mass of chaos that was a mixture of truth and lies.

And yet God is merciful and loving not desiring that any perish, but that all come to repentance. New Born babes and toddlers tend to put all kinds of junk in their mouths. They need a parent to guide them to what is good until they could come to full age.

Error begets error. It is hard to find truth when lies dominate at this level. But light comes sometimes a little at a time. Here a little and there a little until the comic book perceptions of our former hero preachers are brought to reality and the warm fuzzy feelings and defensive postures fade and we can hear their doctrines criticized and feel no need to defend them.

At least that is what happened to me. I used to defend those guys. Not anymore. They need to repent of their false teachings. But in the mean time I want to love those that are caught in the grip of it and look on them with compassion. It matters not to me what gate they come in, but that when they do they have 'seen' and 'heard' the beckoning of a loving Savior.

Robert Wurtz II

 2009/2/9 10:05Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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