anyone knows or has any good classic books Please let me know. I am intrested wether for sale or whatever..
Check out, although, I have gotten to where I enjoy printing and reading the text sermons found here on this site. I have enjoyed them as much as the books I have been reading.
_________________Mike Jones
If you mean new copies of old Christian classics, Banner of Truth is an excellent publisher. I purchase books primarily from these sellers:MonergismBooks.orgCumberland Valley Bible Book Store - www.cvbbs.comAmazon.comSolid-ground-books.comFor fancier looking classic books, check out are also several companies that make hardback collections of classics, such as Everyman and Folio Society.
Ditto to theopenlife's post.I would suggest any of Puritan Paperback series - my favorites are Thomas Watson and Thomas Brooks.I would also recommend Spurgeon's work "All of Grace" as a good place to get started.Also, reading over the old confessions can be beneficial, such as the 2nd London Baptist Confession, Westminster Confession, or the Belgic Confession. Like Michael suggested, check out ...With care in Christ,Taylor
_________________Taylor Otwell
Here is Leonard Ravenhil's top 41 book recommendations: