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Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida

 Considering the Ice Storm in the center of the USA

Hello everyone,

On many of the other forums to which I belong we have many members who are trapped in their homes with no power. Many of them have backup generators and have been giving birds eye views of the situation in their towns. It is a grave picture they paint.

My main concern is for members on this forum, of course. Maybe I can ask you all to 'raise your hand' if you are OK? You can do that by just a short post telling us where you are and how things stand in your area.

I am located in North Central Florida, the low tonight is supposed to be in the 20's. No snow/ice, though.

I will be praying for you all and waiting to see your names on a thread so I will know all is OK. Of course, I know you are all in God's hands but I want to hear you say 'Hello, I'm still here.'

Kind regards,
white stone


 2009/1/30 19:39Profile

 Re: Considering the Ice Storm in the center of the USA

'Hello, I'm still here.' :-D

This is so kind of you, sister. We did have ice and snow but nothing bad. No loss of power or anything like that. We do have friends in Arkansas who were without power last time we heard, as well as friends in Paducah, KY; Hopefully they have it back on by now.

(Southwest Missouri)

 2009/1/30 21:30

Joined: 2008/10/31
Posts: 320


From Southeast Misouri. 1" ice 2" sleet 4" snow. Never lost power. Doing fine. Just south of us, an entire city lost power and will be without til next week.

Mike Jones

 2009/1/30 22:13Profile

Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453

 Re: Considering the Ice Storm in the center of the USA

We're OK in south Michigan. This has been the most severe winter we've had in a long time, but no power outages so far.

Wayne Kraus

 2009/1/30 22:23Profile

Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA

 Re: Ice storm

We experienced one of the worst ice storms in New Hampshire early December. We were without power for 6 days. To make matters worse, most people in this area are without town sewer and water, so we had not running water or flushing toilets! Hotels in the area were all booked and even the 24 hours Wallmart shut down for 3 days! When Wallmart did re-open, they had not bottled water, dairy, meat or frozen foods left. I've never experienced anything like it in my life.


 2009/1/31 10:29Profile

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


I have power, although there are thousands around me who don't.

Josh Parsley

 2009/1/31 11:55Profile

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


I ran across this photo from my area and thought is gave a good description.

Josh Parsley

 2009/1/31 13:41Profile

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