[img align=left]http://christianaudio.com/images/Abandoned_To_God_product.jpg[/img]There are just a few more days to download Christianaudio's free book of the month, Abandoned to God: the life of Oswald Chambers. This is an excellent book and the reader is really good also. http://christianaudio.com/free_download.phpI highly recommend taking advantage of this wonderful offer. :-)
Thnak you sooooo much for posting this. This book is awesome!!!! It marked a turning point in my walk with God reading it.
_________________Aaron Ireland
Just wanted to point out this that this free download is only to the end of this month. :-)
Wow! Thanks much, this book is very goodBarry
_________________Barry Voss
Oh no, I missed it. They are offering the February free book now. Thanks much still. Barry