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Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151


I do not intend for this to create tension or strife within the forum, but it is something that is on my heart that I feel I should share.

Before I go any further, I want to point out that I have no problem with tract distribution. I think it is a great way and believe that people can be saved through a tract (as long as the Spirit is working on their hearts). God can use anything to bring the lost to himself.

I have noticed that some in the forum associate tract distribution with evangelism. Now, it is a type of evangelism, but I want to urge you all to consider the effectiveness, more importantly the Biblical justification of tract distribution.

The main problem I have with tracts is that most times when I recieve a tract, it is merely handed to me. There is no conversation, no interaction, nothing. No one tries to explain the Gospel. If some took the time to talk to me, they would discover that I am indeed saved.

How many people do you suppose are led astray because they are handed a tract and then left to figure it all out on their own. I know some people place phone numbers or church names on the tract so the person can follow up, but is this really something most people will do?

Evangelism is a personal thing. Consider your salvation. Did you figure it out all on your own? Chances are there was someone involved. You can probably still see the faces of those who were influential in your conversion (even though the true conversion is really a working of the Holy Spirit).

I implore you to consider your life. Are you living for yourself or for Christ? Who is your life impacting? Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are you a witness for Almighty God or are you leading others astray? Our lives are to be a living testimony to Our Savior. I would say if your life is not a witness for Christ, yet you hand out tracts, the Lord will not bless this work.

Please do not take offense to this. I have no problem with tracts, but have realized there are many who see that as "the divine method of evangelism". I just want you to consider other religious groups that we all know to be full of lies and will be condemned to Hell who utilize these similiar methods. How will anyone know the difference? How will anyone know that we know the TRUTH if no one will explain it to them? Are you getting lumped in with these other false teachers?

Christ and the apostles never handed out tracts. I am not saying this negates the need to distribute tracts.

Share the Gospel! May the Lord bless your efforts! We should delight in talking with others about what our Lord has done for us! This is something we should never tire of? Why hand out a piece of paper if you can shout it from the mountain tops!?

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/1/28 13:54Profile

Joined: 2008/7/15
Posts: 15
Southern California

 Re: Tracts

I guess for some tracts have become a substitution for verbal witnessing. Conversation should follow after handing out a tract to simply just explain things. Even as Philip had to explain the texts to the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:27-39.

But I've known people to leave tracts with tips at restaurants, or hand them to people while on the go. I don't know though, I guess it's hard to say when or how to exactly hand out tracts.


 2009/1/28 14:08Profile

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151


i agree. i don't even have a problem with tracts. like i said, it is just something that has been on my heart. we can not forget to have that communication with the lost.

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/1/28 15:11Profile

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW


You are right, giving out tracts is not the best way of evangelizing and, hand on heart, I have not yet met a single person who came to Christ barely by reading a tract. We try to speak to people while we hand out tracts and preach open air. Recently I can under the impression God wants us to pray more and be less dependant on established methods and patterns we used to employ.
Jesus said "Cast your nets out on the right side of the boat." Why did he not bless our own efforts? He values obedience much more than effort.

 2009/1/28 19:27Profile

Joined: 2008/10/24
Posts: 76


WHAT! You have had people hand you tracts??? I'm 31 years old and no one has ever handed me a tract in my life!

I love tracts. They are great ice breakers to talk to people. Sometimes a person who is in a rush or something doesn't have time to talk but the tracts we use have websites they can go to to have all their questions answered and also get a free book mailed to them. I don't know how I would be able to do street witnessing without Gospel tracts!! they are a necessity. Also the ones we use are very clear in their message and thought provoking in their initial impression. They work great. Don't diss tracts. They help a lot. Just make sure they are attractive and interesting. don't hand them some slip of paper with two colors on it that quotes the most obscure KJV verses and talks about the rapture and the anti christ.


 2009/1/28 20:06Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 926


Tracts are good for when conversation is limited or impossible. It is better to "say it on paper" than to never say it at all.

Tracts used to be longer. Consider this one by Ryle, and you might think they are one of the ultimate ways of expressing the gospel message:

[url=]Thirst Relieved[/url]

If your life displays grace and holiness, the tract will carry more weight to the recipient.

 2009/1/28 22:26Profile

Joined: 2008/11/3
Posts: 77



theopenlife wrote:
Tracts are good for when conversation is limited or impossible. It is better to "say it on paper" than to never say it at all.

Tracts used to be longer. Consider this one by Ryle, and you might think they are one of the ultimate ways of expressing the gospel message:

[url=]Thirst Relieved[/url]

I've never found tracts all that affective. However, these lengthier tracts definately carry a lot more "meat" to them. Sure, people are less likely to take a tract that actually explains details and answers questions, but those who where desiring to know more about Christ would actually have something of substance. I'd rather give out three of these to people who were genuinely interested, as opposed to a thousand colorful and friendly ones that don't affectly say anything.

Buck Yates

 2009/1/28 22:35Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA



theopenlife wrote:
Tracts are good for when conversation is limited or impossible. It is better to "say it on paper" than to never say it at all.

Tracts used to be longer. Consider this one by Ryle, and you might think they are one of the ultimate ways of expressing the gospel message:

[url=]Thirst Relieved[/url]

If your life displays grace and holiness, the tract will carry more weight to the recipient.

I just love the J.C. Ryle tracts.

Thought I would add a Spurgeon quote to the thread:

"I look upon the giving away of a religious tract as only the first step for action not to be compared with many another deeds done for Christ; but were it not for the first step we might never reach to the second, but that first attained, we are encouraged to take another, and so at the last . . . There is a real service of Christ in the distribution of the gospel in its printed form, a service the result of which heaven alone shall disclose, and the judgment day alone discover. How many thousands have been carried to heaven instrumentally upon the wings of these tracts, none can tell."
- C.H. Spurgeon


 2009/1/28 22:59Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 926


"I'd rather give out three of these to people who were genuinely interested, as opposed to a thousand colorful and friendly ones that don't effectively say anything"

I can empathize with that thought, but I have done both and each has merit. I made about 5000 of [url=]this tract[/url] and sent a few hundred to each of my friends to pass out. On a given night we might engage in several conversations with unbelievers, each lasting half an hour or more, but also pass out hundreds of tracts to people walking by. Some are on their way to a movie, or dinner, and are genuinely interested but only have time for the tract. We included our email or blog sites on the cards for further contact.

Here's another one I made:
[url=]Seeds, weeds, and trees.[/url]

 2009/1/28 23:45Profile

Joined: 2005/8/3
Posts: 114
Berkshire, England

 Re: Tracts

I completely agree and certainly tracts are not the best way of evangelising. However I echoe your opinions in that I also do quite like tracts, because if nothing else they are a superb way of starting a conversation.
I think the main issue is, is how tracts are used. Some people will hand out tracts as a means of not having to personnally confront people, it can be all too easy to just blindly hand them out without taking the time to speak to anyone.
I have found that the best way with tracts is just to use them to open a conversation, when handing a tract out quite often the person will reply with "Oh... whats this then?", at which point a great opportunity then presents itself to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. :-)

Darren Broadhurst

 2009/1/29 11:36Profile

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