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Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 50,000 jobs kaput in one day

Iceland's government has collapsed because of their financial woes that I guess have their origins in and are eminating from the United States. Then yesterday it was announced by several companies here that 50,000 workers are to be laid off. Some say it amounted to 70,000. In one day! As if it weren't before it looks like things may get serious as in serious before this is over. Which is something you know of course. I have a few items and things that I have made that usually sell pretty well but nobody seems very interested right now. So I'm hurting a little. If anyone out there has been affected by all this (seems like I remember some comments along that line) I hope all is well and I can sympathize and I guess we just need to keep at prayer. All this government stimulus may or may not work so who knows what's ahead. If we speak of faith for our needs in the future it's liable to come from a whole lot of on the job experience. I don't guess I've lost my spiritual rocker but when I am watching sports lately and the stadiums are full and people are cheering I flash back to ancient times when the arenas were full and the people were cheering but their civilization was slipping away from them right outside the gates. Oh well, maybe that wasn't too way out. Anyway, I'm just sort of talking tonight. But blessings and encouragement to you from above.


David Winter

 2009/1/27 20:34Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 926

 Re: 50,000 jobs kaput in one day

I'll pray for you, Doc. If Christ is our treasure, we'll never go without.

 2009/1/27 22:09Profile

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151


these are hard times we are in but PRAISE God that our Lord is above all these things!

the worst that can happen to us is that we lose our life, and as Christians, this is not a bad thing for we get to be with our Lord for eternity!

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/1/28 15:38Profile

Joined: 2005/1/8
Posts: 132


the worst that can happen to us is that we lose our life

May be it just me - but isn't being homeless with kids worst? Back in 1923, the streets were at least safer for the homeless mothers and children. May God plea the cause of the poor and needy!!!!


 2009/1/28 20:07Profile

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151


i would say that being homeless with children is a very difficult thing, but i would say that this too is a temporary situation. i don't want to diminish the severity and challenge of this type of situation.

remember, God loves our children more than we ever could.

i guess i would question why we would allow a fellow saint to be left on the street with or without children...

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/1/29 13:26Profile

 Re: 50,000 jobs kaput in one day

Hi brother. No, you're not off of your rocker. I can see what you mean. You are in my prayers.


 2009/1/29 14:43

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