Poster | Thread | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: | | Quote:
Perhaps its us less-enlightened "traditional Christians" that need to learn from you. How exactly did God get a hold of you and save you? What is the means of your justification before God? And why is it that you call yourself a "Christian" when you bear no resemblance to the fundamental teachings of Christ in regard to this issue?
That's quite unecessary. It is an honest expression being given here.
[i] But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.[/i] Rom 14:10 _________________ Mike Balog
| 2009/1/28 9:01 | Profile |
| Re: Jason | | I want to thank you for sharing in a most transparent and fearless manner, your journey of faith. It's inspiring, because there are two things I know, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in me, one, God the Father and Jesus Christ will never let you go, you know that, and I feel it in my spirit, just as I know He will never let me go.
and secondly, Jesus was the Last Pascal Lamb, His Blood is splashed on the doorposts of your heart, and the angel of death will pass you over. As a Jew, I understand the meaning of His Blood, splashed on the doorpost of a yielded heart.
Don't fear, don;t fret, your like Jacob on the Jabbok river, wrestling with God, saying, I wont let you go till you bless me!
here's an audio message from Michael Brown, another Jewish follower of Jesus that really blessed me:
[url=]"Holy Desperation"[/url]
much love, neil |
| 2009/1/28 9:22 | |
| Re: Is the "gospel" fair? | | Oh Jason! How very dear and precious you.. and we all are to the Lord! I may not answer like the question you are asking but please I feel that it is needful to first talk about the Blood.Jesus' Sacrefice of His Precious Blood for all mankind that we may repent(turn around and walk in the other direction)to be saved from our sins entrance! `The gospel'(Jesus says ,`Is the gospel of the kingdom')is a place where the King,who is Jesus, rules..and is Lord.He comes in, to live in us by way of the Holy Spirit to do His work in us.Remember Jesus said,` It is the Father that does the work'So Jesus was`Lead up by the SPIRIT' Also,we to are required be lead by the Spirit of God'.( It is the King that wants to lead us. Isn't that what Jesus came preching`Repent and believe the gospel'...`Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand' ? And din't Paul preach ( when we really look at it)`The Kingdom of God and the princables of that kingdom' Hallow be THy NAME...(The Father' name,that we have recieved, for our own) Jesus' Prayer:`Thy Kingdom come In earth as it is in Heaven'
I was just thinking this morning,How Jesus ,when He was baptised..He then went into the wilderness for 40 days compleatly dieing to SELF(ofcourse He died to Self His whole life)..But I was thinking about how ,many of us,might be in a wilderness in our lives sometimes because we refuse to cross-over(`lose our lives for His sake') in sincerity, in much love, ebeth
| 2009/1/28 11:19 | | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| | 2009/1/28 11:36 | Profile | MisterCheez Member

Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 96 Colorado
| Re: | | I think it was John Piper who, in response to a similar question, said something like:
"Because the one who died is infinitely more valuable than the billions He died for."
And it should be noted that all mankind is guilty in the courtroom, there are no righteous persons demanding justice as your analogy proposed. We are all sinners, deserving justice. Jesus came to rescue us from the domain of darkness and to destroy the works of the devil. He came to save us and to fulfill God's righteous requirements which man abandoned in Eden centuries ago.
_________________ Brian Erickson
| 2009/1/28 13:26 | Profile |
| | 2009/1/28 16:16 | |
| Re: | | Thanks for the answers and links that all of you have provided!
graceamazed wrote:
Now to make a long story short, nearly six years ago some drastic things began to happen in my life. It was at that time that God truly got a hold of me and saved me. In the years that followed he has taught me much, and at this point I can say that little remains of what I used to believe. Even though I am most certainly a Christian, today I am very far removed from traditional Christianity and all that surrounds it.
Perhaps its us less-enlightened "traditional Christians" that need to learn from you. How exactly did God get a hold of you and save you? What is the means of your justification before God? And why is it that you call yourself a "Christian" when you bear no resemblance to the fundamental teachings of Christ in regard to this issue?
I will gladly answer these questions for you. However it may be a week or two before I can. I have a detailed account of my conversion experience as well as an account of what I believe written out, but I don't have a good way of making it available to you at the moment. I will do my best to get it too you as soon as possible.
| 2009/1/28 21:38 | | graceamazed Member

Joined: 2008/11/3 Posts: 77 Tennessee
| Re: | | Quote:
I will gladly answer these questions for you. However it may be a week or two before I can. I have a detailed account of my conversion experience as well as an account of what I believe written out, but I don't have a good way of making it available to you at the moment. I will do my best to get it too you as soon as possible.
I look forward to reading about it. Is there any way we can help you get it posted? Do you have any technical questions that someone on here could help you resolve? _________________ Buck Yates
| 2009/1/28 22:00 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
graceamazed wrote:
I will gladly answer these questions for you. However it may be a week or two before I can. I have a detailed account of my conversion experience as well as an account of what I believe written out, but I don't have a good way of making it available to you at the moment. I will do my best to get it too you as soon as possible.
I look forward to reading about it. Is there any way we can help you get it posted? Do you have any technical questions that someone on here could help you resolve?
Thanks for the offer!
I just purchased some web space today. However, it will probably be a week or two before everything is up and running. When I have it uploaded, I,ll send you the link.
I would try to post it on this forum, but it is quite long and it wouldn't be an easy task. Also, I'm afraid the formatting would get messed up in the process which would make it a little bit difficult to read.
Thanks again, Jason |
| 2009/1/28 22:23 | | ChrisJD Member

Joined: 2006/2/11 Posts: 2895 Philadelphia PA
| Re: Is the "gospel" fair? | | Hi everyone.
Before I share something here I want to wish to JLH74 all of God's best for you in your search for answers to the things that are important to you.
To the rest of us, I'm not sure that we can easily, or safely, attend to things which the Apostolic writters did not, in any lengthy or specific way, atttend to themselves.
I do not find in their writtings a willingness to break down into the tiniest parts the great mysteries they describe in otherwise few words.
It seems to me rather, that the Bible calls upon us to believe many things, some of which perhaps not so much on the strength that we may understand them, but rather, that [i]it is written[/i]. And that God has said it to be so.
Wish you all goodness and peace.
_________________ Christopher Joel Dandrow
| 2009/1/28 22:35 | Profile |