Poster | Thread | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: a quick note | | Quote:
To be honest with you when I see brothers and sisters on this forum putting up threads worthy of a reply and than I see those who are supposed to be more mature believers instead replying to threads that have no place on this forum I find it shocking.
A moderator is always watching the threads, even if he chooses not to reply. For years now it has been a habit for me to check the forum posts in the morning, before I go to work and during the day sporadically if time permits at the office. I also check the foums in the evening, before I go to bed. I'm very sure Mike Balog does the same, and I'm 100% sure Greg visits the forum on a daily basis also.
We really can't reply on every single thread. The body is so diverse, the topics here so eclectic, that we can't possibly micro-manage every single aspect in these forums. You would get very tired of seeing my avatar, for one!
It takes a lot of discernment to moderate these forums effectively, and you must be called to it by God. It's not a deal where you just say to yourself in human understanding, [i]"We need more mods"[/i] and then just elect them. God must begin the work by laying the burden on Greg, and then Greg must pray laboriously to find the perfect will of the Father in the matter. Quote:
Seriously unless we get our house in order meaning this forum we have no room to talk.
This forum is shared by a very diverse group of brothers and sisters. There will always be disagreements, contentions, people at different maturity levels hatching things out...and at times falling short. Even with the most mature. This does not mean that the forum is a "house out of order"; we as moderators do all we can to keep the order here, without unduly offending the inhabitants, because we want people to stay and continue to share and grow in the Lord. Like I said, there is a fine balance to maintain this dynamic, and the ministry of [i]moderation[/i] (please pause a moment to reflect on that word) therefore must be supernaturally proved by God to be at all efficacious.
Sister, if you have a burden, please pray for us. Prayer is the greatest resource you have for remedying whatever you feel needs to be remedied here on SermonIndex.
Brother Paul _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2009/1/25 9:07 | Profile | MJones Member

Joined: 2008/10/31 Posts: 320 Missouri
| Re: | | Quote:
PaulWest wrote: This forum is shared by a very diverse group of brothers and sisters. There will always be disagreements, contentions, people at different maturity levels hatching things out...and at times falling short. Even with the most mature. This does not mean that the forum is a "house out of order";
Feeling that it is a recent post of mine that this thread is about, I must say first, that I appreciate these words from Paul. Even if it wasn't my post, I still appreciate them.
Though I tried to be as sensitive to diverse opinions that do exist, I tried also to be true to my own as I responded to the issue that was raised on a thread I began. For what it is worth, as I stated in the post that I have now deleted, I didn't begin that thread with that issue in mind; I was not trying to stir anything.
I chose to delete my post, not because I now question the truth of it, but because I saw it possibly doing more harm than good.
The SI forum is a great place for those who have found God, to link not only with others who have as well, but also to those who are searching for Him. I want as much as anyone to see it be the stirring and strengthening agent that it has the potential of being.
My apologies to any who I might have offended. _________________ Mike Jones
| 2009/1/25 9:39 | Profile | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | I appreciate the job that the moderators are doing to maintain this forum. I don't think that we really want brothers to control the posts so tightly that they are commenting on everything that they disagree with. I believe that in most cases that serious error on doctrine that would do harm to the Body is addressed.
Those of us that send out posts should pray before sending anything out. We should pray to be led by the Holy Spirit. We should not send out posts just to try to get our own point of view across, but should really contemplate on how our posts are affecting the Body. Everything should be done for the glory of God and for the building up of the Body of Christ. We should do all things to maintain the unity of the Spirit.
I have learned a lot from the brothers and sisters that I fellowship with that are not like me. Much strife and contention can be avoided by realizing that many times brothers and sisters are sharing truth that we do not fully comprehend. We ought to be coming to the place where our discernment is growing and we are able to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. If we do find a brother or sister in error, we should pray for them, and if the Lord leads, correct them in all humility, gentleness, and love.
May the Lord bless this ministry and may His full purpose be carried out through the Body of believers that are part of this work.
In His Love,
Mike _________________ Mike
| 2009/1/25 10:29 | Profile | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: Moderators | | A couple things to add ...
We are not mind readers. If there is a complaint or an issue that is troubling you it needs to be addressed to one of the Moderators by PM or email not in an obscure fashion such as a posting like this.
Secondly, as it is also mentioned in the disclaimer, we do have lives away from here, that ought to be evident enough without saying so.
Yes, I popped in last night and being tired, perused the forum as usual - Saw nothing out of character any more than normative. This morning I logged on expecting some clarification, some complaint, some concern over this and found no PM - no email. If it was supposed to be obvious it wasn't apparent or it might have been buried. Now I see that someone took it upon himself to remove a posting due to this vague, undefined posting - This is the wrong way of going about things. We frown largely on this practice and have made mention of it again in the disclaimer in regards to editing out material that leaves the reader confused in the midst of a thread as example. This is likewise similar as we now stand wondering if this was or was not a matter of offense, contention, what have you. Anyone could misinterpret this and apply it similarly to themselves.
Suffice it to say that it is not to dismiss whatever concerns as illegitimate, only that we need to know just what they are and what they pertain to. This is not the avenue for expressing them regardless.
_________________ Mike Balog
| 2009/1/25 10:32 | Profile | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: Disclaimer | | A reminder,
[url=]MUST READ: SermonIndex Forum Disclaimer / Community Rules[/url] _________________ Mike Balog
| 2009/1/25 10:35 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
Feeling that it is a recent post of mine that this thread is about, I must say first, that I appreciate these words from Paul. Even if it wasn't my post, I still appreciate them.
Though I tried to be as sensitive to diverse opinions that do exist, I tried also to be true to my own as I responded to the issue that was raised on a thread I began. For what it is worth, as I stated in the post that I have now deleted, I didn't begin that thread with that issue in mind; I was not trying to stir anything.
I chose to delete my post, not because I now question the truth of it, but because I saw it possibly doing more harm than good.
The SI forum is a great place for those who have found God, to link not only with others who have as well, but also to those who are searching for Him. I want as much as anyone to see it be the stirring and strengthening agent that it has the potential of being.
My apologies to any who I might have offended.
It wasn't your thread I was referring to. I'm very sorry you deleted it.
I didn't mean the way it came across when I said "jumped ship", I just haven't seen the mods on the forum but it doesn't mean you weren't and Robert said you were. To be honest when an unbeliever or someone from our own church comes on here and sees some of the threads on this forum they really do expect to see people who mean business, I know I do.
Yes, there will be posting on here that is out of character for this site but that is why there are moderators. If the moderators are not catching it and so far I haven't heard from anyone who has than either I am overreacting or misunderstanding the purpose of this forum.
I have not been edified much at all lately with this forum. There is much more to a forum than the content but the spirit in which it is done.
Hopefully you are not misunderstanding my purpose in posting this. I just think we desperately need a reality check but I am almost certain that someone is going to make this into something it was not meant to be as usual.
| 2009/1/25 10:49 | | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: Patience | | Quote:
Hopefully you are not misunderstanding my purpose in posting this. I just think we desperately need a reality check but I am almost certain that someone is going to make this into something it was not meant to be as usual.
And unfortunately that would be yourself if you might just look at it. You created this and have made it into something by being so completely vague- Putting us as moderators on the spot in this fashion over something we do not have the foggiest idea about and still don't. If your expectation is one where we would go hunting through every post and thread looking for some elusive something you are sadly mistaken, it is a bit ridiculous. And by your own admission, someone has taken down a posting due to your ill-advised manner that wasn't even the issue.
Yes, there will be posting on here that is out of character for this site but that is why there are moderators. If the moderators are not catching it and so far I haven't heard from anyone who has than either I am overreacting or misunderstanding the purpose of this forum.
It appears to be both. The purpose of this forum is generally outlined in the disclaimer but if there is anything at all underwritten of it, it is in a word - [i]patience[/i]. We have fought hard and been long-suffering to try and make this a setting somewhat different without being controlling or manipulative, "creed" bound by way of schism or denomination\abomination - We would have the Brethren do their [i]own thinking[/i], ask questions rather that posit absolutes of motivation and intention and all the other myriads of situations and circumstances that we must always attend to.
I am not taking issue with your motivations but your manner. I will grant that I too am often remiss at the overdose of certain constructs being hammered away at it- At the seeming immaturity and combustive, angst ridden and cynicism of some- bitterness of others- I often long almost in a romanticizing of the past, of the very early years here when the participants were almost always cordial, intelligent, mature Christians and the dialouge could be even on some controversial matter but was met with equal weight and honesty, where the [i]ball was played more than the man[/i] ...
However, this site has grown and more and more saints have come into it's fold. They are of every walking variety, longevity - both of Faith and of age- Of circumstance and geography, of grasp and experience and all of them are welcome.
If anything we need to be even more long-suffering and patient, allow all the things available here to penetrate and do their own working on the hearts and minds of the viewers\hearers.
There is no point allowing this any further. Voice your complaints to the matter of discussion as it is posted or otherwise to the moderators as mentioned.
Thread locked. _________________ Mike Balog
| 2009/1/25 11:27 | Profile |