Poster | Thread | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
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His means of arriving at the point are off ...
Sounds familiar.
For someone with a great deal of Puritan aspirations behind him as is evidenced by your site, where did your sense of superiority in straightening everyone out come from?
You are not the first nor likely the last to come in as a one man army, refuting and contending (contentiously) with your own Brethren in this setting.
I had to rethink a great deal of this whole matter - look back over the amount and level of accusations you have stamped upon others here. Everything from blindness to insinuations of the character of individuals who you do not know. It's your verbiage sprinkled about - 'meaningless', 'cheap talk', 'ringing bells'- It's quite incredulous and haughty, presumptive. The Mighty Mouse syndrome, [i]I have come to save the day[/i] that this forum has experienced time and again.
This post originally, on it's face, was enough to spark all kinds of contention - All over a hypothetical posit that is flawed in it's origins - it is just not going to happen according to the scriptures nor according to all that has been expressed by many here, whatever nuances excepted. But just the [i]character[/i] of Who we are talking about in doing such a hypothetical is not easily dismissed by the pragmatic manner or end or point or musing that was sought after.
The attempt to at least give the benefit of the doubt, 'entertain' the idea for your sake has been only met with one rebuttal after another and more insinuations and contorting of intentions and accusations.
[i]That will be hard for you to do since you are not willing to take up the cross in its entirety.[/i]
As evidence. Who are you to say?
[i]But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.[/i]
[i]But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.[/i]
Applicable regardless and we all stand guilty for our own participation and continuances of this skewered question turned even more ridiculous.
It's not the last word by any stretch and the temptation is to just close this and it may still come to that. I have returned volley here because you have been so obstinate Old Joe, yet we still do not know many things that you alluded to and have chosen to keep to yourself. That's fine if it is your prerogative but to level the charges you have, to admit to nothing of your own contributions, to do nothing but respond as you have with this sense of superiority ...
You may have the last word. _________________ Mike Balog
| 2009/1/29 9:31 | Profile |
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ChrisJD wrote: Old_Joe,
I pray that the Lord Himself judge between us in the fullest severity of His judgment. Are you willing to give that a hearty amen?
The scripture says that if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged(1 Co 11:31) and king David, in the Psalms, prays unto the Lord, saying
"...enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified."
Old_Joe, it is certain that I can be wrong, and wherever I'm wrong, I believe that I would want the Lord to correct me in His gentelness and goodness and compassion.
Of course you only desire gentleness, goodness and compassion, that is what Oprah expects from God as well. The true child of God is prepared for anything that the Lord may send.
ChrisJD wrote: Old_Joe, whatever you may wish for me, I wish for you that God would bless you, and that He would protect you, and keep you from harm.
That is very similar to Saul's response to David, yet he could not come up with an amen and willingly submit to the utmost judgment of the Lord.
Will you give an amen? Or will you be like Saul?
Old Joe |
| 2009/1/29 9:47 | |
| Re: | | "I pray that the Lord Himself judge between us in the fullest severity of His judgment. Are you willing to give that a hearty amen?"
How about you Mike, are you willing to give a hearty amen?
Old Joe |
| 2009/1/29 10:06 | | crsschk Member

Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
| Re: | | Quote:
Of course you only desire gentleness, goodness and compassion, that is what Oprah expects from God as well. The true child of God is prepared for anything that the Lord may send.
Cynicism and sarcasm retorted to a very sincere and humble man who has been the epitome of levelheadedness, patient response, a true blessing in these parts for some years now. That you managed to dishevel him from his more normative moorings says much more about you and your turning everything into a dispute, an insinuation ...
The level of pride you exhibit is beyond your ability to even consider, quite remarkable.
This exercise has ran it's course and will be locked.
1Co 10:12 _________________ Mike Balog
| 2009/1/29 11:01 | Profile | ChrisJD Member

Joined: 2006/2/11 Posts: 2895 Philadelphia PA
| Re: | | Greetings all,
I want to say first that I want to honor Mike's offer to give Old_Joe here the last word and have every intention of giving place to that.
Since this has continued on somewhat and the question continues to be put to me, I hope that I can offer one more response and hope that it will be of some use for those that may be reading this.
Of course you only desire gentleness, goodness and compassion, that is what Oprah expects from God as well. The true child of God is prepared for anything that the Lord may send.
The Psalmist said,
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."
And I do not think I should pray amiss if I were to say with the Prophet Habbakuk " wrath remember mercy".
The Apostle Paul says, "Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God" with the promise of goodness to those that continue in God's goodness.
I think rather that the child of God is called to look unto that which God has promised and not rather to put Him to the test.
Old_Joe, I truely, so far as I can tell in my heart, wish you no harm, neither that even a hair upon your precious head should perish. I am fully persuaded that, being made in the image of God, there is much to find to love about you.
I hope that you will wish the same for me.
May God richly bless you Old_Joe. _________________ Christopher Joel Dandrow
| 2009/1/29 11:09 | Profile |