...I am interested in how you believe these facts personally affect your eternal outcome. Basically, I am wondering how each of you believes the gospel works (How does the death and resurrection of a man 2000 years ago make any difference in your life?).
_________________Buck Yates
Hello JLH74, I'm glad that this survey has popped up on the Sermon Index forums. Since God wants us to give an answer to everyone that asks why we hope to be saved, I'll give my answer.Obviously, I can only hope to be saved through Jesus Christ like it says in Acts; "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." That's already established. There is no other way to be saved but through Jesus Christ.I'm a sinner. I deserve to die and I'm going to die. I'm afraid to die because my sins make me frightened. I know God is just and good. I know He punishes sin. I know that He knows my present sins and I fear He'll send me to hell for them. I hate the evil that I do. Christ was born to a virgin. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He was God Himself in the flesh. He suffered and died on the cross taking my punishment upon Himself. According to the Word, I won't be punished for my sins because Christ took that punishment upon Himself. If I'm to find any peace in this world, I'm to believe this even though It won't be evident to me until I stand before God. It's the hardest thing in the world to believe. I risk my entire eternity on this. It's a scary thing. I don't understand it much but that's what I understand. I must become like a little child if I'm ever going to enter the kingdom of heaven. I pray that God would do this because my greatest desire is to enter His kingdom. I don't deserve it.
i'll be the first to give a brief answer. simply put - the doctrine of regeneration. what started as selfish motives has turned into true desire to know God. proof of this is my changing attitude toward sin. like i said, i'll keep it breif.
_________________Ben Fuehrer
How will the gospel save you? That's an odd question seeing that our salvation is not a future event but a present reality. I have eternal life abiding in me, I am not waiting to be saved, I am saved by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.In answer to the question, I heard the gospel, obeyed the voice of the LORD and He gave me His Holy Spirit. The gospel HAS saved me.
How will the gospel save me? or why won't the gospel save me? why many people are not saved by the gospel.
Going back to the original question, 'how will the gospel save me?'.By the grace of God through faith, with my sins atoned for by the blood of our Lord Jesus, upon the conditions of repentance, sanctification, and perseverance to the end, all of which has been designed by God for His Elects before the foundation of the world.