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 You all were right, and I was wrong, please forgive me.

In the past, on these forums, many saints would bring forward and expose false messengers, wolves, etc. Names like Joel Osteen and Todd Bentley come to mind.

and I would beg that we just ignore them. I never supported these people, I just thought, if we only talk about those we disdain, that would bring divisiness, and rancor.

But what I failed to recognize we are all the keepers of our own hearts, and the way that the Lord leads you to testify is the way you must go.

IE, that if your so grieved about an apostate messenger, you must testify to this, and now I know why,

Finally, last night I stumbled upon a online ministry of two twenty-somethings, watched some of their videos, and was just ABSOLUTELY GRIEVED in the Spirit....I mean I was also AGHAST.

These two men come out of that whole "holy drunkeness" "prophetic" "movement". We all know where that silliness emanated from, I'm not even going to mention the so-called "revivals" this stuff came out of.

and I watched these video's (prayed up, coz there's a definite anti-christ aspect about the whole thing) and they are just UNBELIVABLE in how BAD they are.

Right now, I'm still undecided, whether to unveil their names, site, etc, coz I ask myself is this edifying? I been praying since last night whether or not to do so. But first, I want to humbly apologize to any brother or sister, if it seemed like I was stepping on your liberty to testify as you AND the LORD saw fit

Alright, I'm going to unveil this tragic apostasy, but first, please, be prayed before you watch this stuff, ITS THAT BAD.

The young man's name is John Crowder, and the video comes from just one of his website's, "The New Mystic's". He is at the graveside of Dowie, that long dead fellow who founded Zion, Illinois, and you will actually see Crowder "manifest" demonically at his graveside.

[url=]John Crowder at Dowies Grave[/url]

if you can make it thru this video, one will follow and its just silliness, they look like they're drugged up, jibbering on about the getting "whacked out" on God, the "glory" pouring down, etc.

so after you watch this terrible mess, just prayer over it, that God doesnt let these two wreak too much havoc, or deception on the Church, or lead the lost sheep astray.

People are so hungry, they long for a real revival, a sovereign move of God, that is real, that is authentic. May God grant us our prayers for such a TRUE Glorious visitation of God pouring waters on a dry and thirsty land.

Its certainly not these two poor confused sods, may God have mercy on them, and wake them up.


 2009/1/23 14:20

Joined: 2008/10/9
Posts: 143
Ohio, USA

 Re: You all were right, and I was wrong, please forgive me.


I really exposed John Crowder.

[url=]Trouble by Some Guest[/url]

He has been at my church before. Sadly, some people want him back. But I don't think my pastor will have him back because of my objections.

It is good expose false teachers. There are young Christians that may be lead in error.

[b]8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
9 (for the fruit of the Spiritis in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),
10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.[/b] Ephesian 5

Notice it says to "expose them" in verse 11.

God bless you.

 2009/1/23 15:51Profile

 Re: Brother LoveGodsWay2

Oh my, I went to that thread, it was a Dec 2008 thread, read thru the whole thing....sorry you had to go thru that mess, and I remember now what drew my attention to this person was appolous''s scottishwarroir blog, and I saw a mention about "John Crowder "manifests"....and I clicked on it, and I found myself JUST AGHAST, and thats when it hit, thats the same way other saints on this forum felt about ...say Todd Bentley...or Joel Osteen, and I was wrong for telling them "just ignore this apostates, God will deal with them"

They HAD to proclaim their anguish at such displays, and who was I to "censor" them or tell them that were causing "diviseness" I understand.

Here's the way I feel, the body of believers has so much trouble and vexations coming at it from the world, what about when such silliness, apostasy and just rank junk, vexes from "within'?

What really GOT me was the getting "whacked out on god", and haveing "holy tokes" on statues of baby Jesus'!

I'm going to be real with you, for the first time in my life, the angry carnal side, wants to get a big pole, a heap of well-cured oak branches, some motor oil and gasoline, and burn these two at the stake....I know...thats a bad thought, and I rebuke it, but thats how wild it got me. So I just give it all up to prayer.

But now I understand what vexes some of the brethern, and makes them want to cry out, when they see what they regard as rank heresy.

God bless you too, neil

oh ps, you're right, what ABOUT the young Christians or the hungry seeker who these two will lead to ruination? I can see how young 20 something club hopping drug using kids would be drawn to this stuff.

But its so hard to get thru to the great masses of kids in this nation who regard Jesus as just an irrelevancy, or something "square", and these two pose as "hipsters". Oh Lord have mercy please, bring real revival, please God in Jesus' Name.

 2009/1/23 16:58



"sorry you had to go thru that mess, and I remember now what drew my attention to this person was appolous''s scottishwarroir blog, and I saw a mention about "John Crowder "manifests"....and I clicked on it, and I found myself JUST AGHAST, and thats when it hit, thats the same way other saints on this forum felt about ...say Todd Bentley...or Joel Osteen, and I was wrong for telling them "just ignore this apostates, God will deal with them"

Just for clarification :) I spoke against these guys and how my heart was grieved. The quote above may have some think that I promoted that nonsense...........Frank

 2009/1/23 17:47


Sorry if my writing was unclear.what i meanto say it was your clear warning that this tool of the enemy was afoot. i thank you for drawing my attention to this rank heretic. sorry for any miscommunication, neil

 2009/1/23 19:08

Joined: 2008/11/3
Posts: 77


Wow...the "Drunken Glory Tour"? After checking out John Crowder and their little website I don't really know what to say. I've seen a lot of people who believe they are genuinely seeking God, and find themselves caught up in some of the extreme expressions of charismata, but I don't think these guys are even deceived in what they are doing. Their "what we believe" page is actually fairly orthodoxed, but their applications and expressions of the "Christian" experience is more than unorthodoxed, its a mockery of truth. The Spirit of God supernaturally zapping fat off of people, angel feathers appearing, precious gems manifesting, manna from heaven, gold dust, etc.?

Don't get me wrong, let's call a spade a spade and denounce such heretics, but two questions:
1. Are genuine believers led astray by this?
2. Does God move in people's lives through "ministries" such as these in spite of the leaders? I also think of people that are caught up following the Benny Hinn types and are careful not to miss one evening of "Praise the Lord" on TBN. Does God move, work and save in spite of the "ministers"?

Buck Yates

 2009/1/23 22:00Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


I'm going to be real with you, for the first time in my life, the angry carnal side, wants to get a big pole, a heap of well-cured oak branches, some motor oil and gasoline, and burn these two at the stake....I know...that's a bad thought,

Natan, you are not in such bad company when you feel like this. In reference to people who offend little ones, Jesus said it were better to tie a millstone about that person's neck and cast him into the sea.

Methinks we all have been so infused with "how to win friends and influence people" that we have unwittingly developed such a tolerance for sin we no longer react to it and consequently we are also getting used to the dark. And who gets hurt? We.

Appreciate your post....spiritual growth means we usually have to change our minds about things. Someone has said if we are not growing we are dying. Something to think about.


Sandra Miller

 2009/1/23 22:49Profile

 Re: Frank

HI problem brother. I appreciate your heart and your transparancy on this matter, I sign of Frank

 2009/1/23 23:07

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 151

 Re: You all were right, and I was wrong, please forgive me.

it is important that we pray that God would change our hearts to be more like His. I pray this daily. May we hate the things He hates and love the things He loves.

Ben Fuehrer

 2009/1/25 15:14Profile

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