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Joined: 2008/1/23
Posts: 33

 "DAKE" Bible? Anyone know anything about this?

Hi, I'm ordering a Bible for my mom and one that keeps popping up in my search is the "Dake Annotated Bible" - and I haven't heard of this before. Does anyone have any information about this they could share with me to help me make the right decision? Thanks

 2009/1/22 9:48Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: "DAKE" Bible? Anyone know anything about this?

Hi Isaiah Six3...

I have a Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. While it isn't my first choice for a reading Bible, I do refer to it on occasion. Dake's is filled with information! It lists things every time a particular word or phrase appears in the Scriptures. He also includes quite a bit of detailed commentary -- some very good and some that I do not agree with (like every study Bible). As with every study Bible, I usually look at what the editor says and then search on my own to verify or test his words.

A Dake's Bible has quite a bit of great resources in it. However, it is an enormous book! The print is very, very small...and the columns are packed with words. I'm glad that I have it...although I usually stick with several of my other Bibles for day-to-day study and reading.

Hope this helps.



 2009/1/22 10:55Profile

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330


I don't believe it could have been said any better than the way chris has stated without going into all the specifics

I agree also with him.

 2009/1/22 11:06Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Dear Isaiah Six3,

Let me give you my humble opinion, if you will. I believe a Bible is an immensely personal possession. One which the user is best to pick out. If you are financially gifted with the means, perhaps you could buy several and let her select the one she prefers and then return the others (or, gift them to an organization that would distribute them to those who can not afford one of their own.) I have 4 main Bibles and duplicates of some of those. The one I hold and read most often is a medium size print KJV I bought at a yard sale for $1. It has soft leather-like covers and it feels comfortable to hold. Before I found that one (Actually, I should say before God gave me that one.) we bought a large print KJV that is like the big brother to that one. It is very easy to read but the size is not as comfortable to hold when I do my nightly bedtime reading. The other ones had hard covers and they are heavy, after a short while this tends to make old hands painful.

Does she want a home Bible, or a carry along Bible? I have two small 'palm of your hand' sized ones I carry in my purse. One has been through a hard life and if difficult to read (but still usable), the other has sharper to read print, soft leather like covers and best of all Psalms and Proverbs included.

Maybe you could take her to a Public Library and go through the ones they have (They do still have them, don't they?? Praise the Lord!). Or, check with a local Church and see if any of them have a library she could browse.

A personal Bible is something that becomes a part of yourself, it is good to have the luxury of getting the proper fit.

Your mother has a good son,
white stone


 2009/1/22 11:18Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: "DAKE" Bible? Anyone know anything about this?

I was waiting, hoping someone with more knowledge would respond to your inquiry.

I would be reluctant to buy one, seeing as there are many other Bibles out there. I have heard this Bible's notes are riddled with error, but am at a loss to explain what is erroneous because I am too ignorant. Reckon my position is that if there is a possibility of anything like this, it is to steer clear from it. I suspect you also have questions or else you would not have asked?

Actually, you can never go wrong with a good translation, a Strong's concordance, a pad of paper, pen, open heart with a prayer for God to speak to you as you read. (You need the paper and pen to record your insights. You might actually begin to write your own commentary!)


Sandra Miller

 2009/1/26 20:47Profile

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