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Joined: 2008/10/9
Posts: 143
Ohio, USA

 Re: Joel Osteen on Glenn Beck last night...

Last year Joel Osteen came on TV and my son asked me what I thought of him. My son is 14 yrs old.

I told him to watch Joel Osteen and then tell me what he thought.

So my son watched him and he said something like this:

"He is not very deep. He didn't use many scriptures and some things he said didn't sound correct, but he speaks well."

We have a local pastor on the radio who I heard preach last week. He quotes Thomas Manton and then paraphrases him to explain why there are arenas in America that have 30,000 people to hear preaching,

"It is because the preaching says two things over and over again. "You are great! and You are okay!'" ([url=]False Faith, Part A, James 2:14-17, By Alistair Begg[/url])

I think Joel Osteen's message to the world is this : "You are great! and You are okay!"

 2009/1/22 9:44Profile

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330


Dear Brethren,

God has showed me not to be critical and run down other people but to bring truth out exposing the errors so we know to hold to the truth.

I don’t watch much of any preaching on television lately but from time to time I will listen to see what is going on and also hopefully to be edified.

I remember a while back I turn on to Joel’s preaching and it just bothered me that he was teaching people to have confidence in themselves. The more I listened to him the more I was saying that’s not the gospel and my wife walked by and said why do you listen to him if it’s going to bother you. I told her that I just wanted to see what he was saying and hoping that I was wrong about him. I prayed Lord help me not to be judgmental.

I will say this about him. He is very positive and does not believe in being negative. I agree with some of his positiveness because we live in such a negative world. I believe his positive faith based messages have help people have a better attitude as long as they get a pep talk. I would say that he is probably the best self help preacher out their today. The problem with all this is that the true message of the cross and denying ourselves is not really being preached like it should so therefore you want see much preaching against sin.

Everybody can get something out of his message even while still living in sin. Many people can go there or listen to him that are not confronted with their true lost condition and therefore are not born of God but still benefit from his preaching on how to live a better life because it makes them feel better. I have decided to pray for him to have a deeper experience with God. I believe though that we who believe in the message of the cross don’t have to be negative either because it is our confidence in Him that makes all the difference. The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but to us who believe it is the power of God.

Blessings to all!

 2009/1/22 11:13Profile

 Stevie Krispy

Neil??? Is that you, bro??

Yes!!!...and there's a lot I want to tell you off the board, stuff you would like.

How is it on the mountain? I'm just forgeting this Osteen stuff in this response...what's is important, did football go okay this year? How are your babies? etc, wife?

there's a lot I want to tell ya, if I got you mad before, forgive me please, I'm a Yankee, what can I say? (lol) but I'll PM after I read this and finish up morning devotional readings.

your brother, neil

 2009/1/22 12:18

 Re: MrBillPro

Dear MrBillPro:

You have stated:
"You know it simply boils down to this, the Bible says in Galatians 6:7 "you will reap what you sow" I have never personally read any clauses or exceptions either before or after this scripture, that says if we expose anyone including Pastors that we will not reap the same exposure one day.

Look we have only two choices here expose or Pray, if you feel that God has placed the responsibility on you to expose Pastors by all means go for it, but unless the word of God lies you will also reap the same some day, exposed for some of your flaws."

[b]My response would be that I hope and pray that others would expose me for my flaws by the Anvil, by [color=990000]GOD'S VERY WORDS[/color] if and when I stray from THEM. Today, many Christians have no interest in what the Bible teaches, in Bible Doctrine, and that is THE reason why we have such apostacy today[/b]

"What is the gospel?"

As Paul makes clear, there is actually only one gospel:
1 Corinthians 15:1-8,11 [1] Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. [2] By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. [3] For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, [4] that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, [5] and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. [6] After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. [7] Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, [8] and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. [11] Whether, then, it was I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.

The purpose of confronting those that call themselves Christian but do not preach the true Gospel is twofold:

1. To draw them back to Christ
2. To warn others of their deception.

The Bible teaches us in how we are to deal with those that teach error:

(The same as Paul & John did)






The purpose of dealing this way with those that preach a false Gospel is to confront them of their error by the very Word of God, the ANVIL, and to draw them back to the truth.

We have all been called to “Preach” the Gospel- when we “go out” to work each day, or wherever we go---when we are at the market and meet others that God puts in our path, we are commanded to share the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ who came to this earth to die for our sin. We are all commanded to be “Preachers” of the Gospel.

Matthew 19:19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

Mark 16:15-16 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.




MrBillPro wrote:
You know it simply boils down to this, the Bible says in Galatians 6:7 "you will reap what you sow" I have never personally read any clauses or exceptions either before or after this scripture, that says if we expose anyone including Pastors that we will not reap the same exposure one day.

Look we have only two choices here expose or Pray, if you feel that God has placed the responsibility on you to expose Pastors by all means go for it, but unless the word of God lies you will also reap the same some day, exposed for some of your flaws.

I think Praying and exposing would be an oxymoron in my opinion, I don't think in good faith we can honestly and sincerely do both with a pure heart, I think some of our reasons come from our flesh, I personally choose to Pray for them so I will reap the same "Prayer" "unless" again the word lies, so folks what is more powerful, exposing the Pastors or praying for them? it's pretty simple, this is really cut and dry it's our choice.

Yes, I know I will have folks say well Mr. Bill, the word says it is our responsibility to expose, is it? it may be, but you better make real sure, before you do, you have made that choice through your spirit and Prayed and Prayed over and over again and your decision has not come from your flesh, because the fallout you reap may not be very desirable.

You know I think God has a clue on who are the flawed Pastors, and I am sure if he were here posting on SI he would say "all of them are flawed" and I am also pretty sure, if some took the time to expose all of them here on SI, they might need to purchase more server space, just some of my personal thoughts.
May God Bless All Of Our Pastors.

 2009/1/22 12:23

Joined: 2008/8/8
Posts: 50


I was just wondering what you all thought - when Paul stated his desire (prayer? - maybe not) that those who preached another gospel would "cut themselves off," was he speaking out of his flesh, or by the Spirit?


 2009/1/22 12:59Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


Walter, unless your diluting Galatians 6:7 you will still reap what you sow, or will you? are you saying that you will not personally reap what "you" sow or what here? I do understand what you have said in your post and trust me I had already expected that response. Walter if you re-read my post, I said if you are called to expose well brother go for it expose. I have personally never been called to nor ever had God speak to me to expose anyone "but" if I do I sure will obey him. Look I don't not believe we are all called to do this "why" because I have never felt in my spirit nor have even had God speak to me nor do I know how to do it in a Godly manner, this is how I personally know I am not called to do this, unless God told you I should. So Walter if you are called to expose there has to be more Pastors out there that are flawed were is your list? "or" is Pastor Joel just your jumping on the band wagon? when I see your list of others and trust me there out there I will sincerely believe that "Walter" was called to expose all these Pastors.
I think it is wrong for Christians to pick out certain scripture favorable to there opinion, because I can also pick out "if I wanted to" in favor of my opinion, so at this point right now in my life I am not personally called to expose flawed Pastors "but" if and when I am trust me I will obey my Father.


 2009/1/22 13:03Profile

 Re: A LITTLE LEAVEN IS OK...You think?

Overall waltern, I thoroughly support your position, and cannot understand this liberal thought train that excuses a little bit of heresy here and there.

I posted a thread in April 2008..."Your best life now, your worst eternity forever: Joel Olsteen, the flower of TBN theology."...[general topics..] How in the world can a real Christian NOT be disturbed by this?

Mister Olsteen publicly confessed that he believed that there were many ways, and religions, that lead to God. This is what Jesus, Paul and Peter referred to as a WOLF. How can some so cavalierly state that "to each his own, just worry about yourself" attitude is a sound approach to deceivers?

I'm sorry, but this kind of thinking and inclusion is as bad as the wolves it lets run free. Joel Olsteen is a false brother preaching a false gospel that is destructive to many who believe it's veracity.....and've got it right! That is the Bible answer to these anti-Christs like Olsteen.[ in place of Christ ]

 2009/1/25 19:05

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797


I know that it is not a debate on Cal/Arm, but(planting my tongue firmly in my cheek), if we come down hard on Osteen for teaching universalism simply because he feels that man has "light within" and "divine DNA in his veins". Is that any different than Arminius saying similar things? or Fox(founder of the Friends/Quakers)?

I'm just wanting to be totally clear on what you're saying. So you're lumping Arminians in with the likes of Osteen?

And what did Arminius say that is so much like Osteen?


 2009/1/25 20:17Profile

Joined: 2008/10/31
Posts: 320


I take it by the title you gave your post, 'A LITTLE LEAVEN IS think?' that you were referring to my reply to Krispy. If you will read it closely, you will notice that I did not say a little leaven was okay. When Jesus referred to a little leaven, He was specifically referring to the Pharisees who did not believe He was from God. So anything they taught was flawed from the beginning.

I have listened to Osteen off and on for 2 years. I have read his first book and 1/2 his second one. I have never heard anything that gives me reason to believe he should be linked with the catagory that some in this thread try to put him in. I simply haven't heard it.

At the end of each broadcast, he gives a person the opportunity to accept Christ and concludes that if a person has, he has been 'born again'. Those are his words and they are at the end of each broadcast.

So when I say he has the main part right, I am basing it on what I have heard collectively for over 2 years. It is not the case of a little leaven. It is no more, in my oppinion than a bad apple or two in a bag of good ones, which you and myself and all on this sight also have.

Mike Jones

 2009/1/25 20:50Profile


To MJones:

Since you have listened to Joel for quite a while, I would like to know how many times you have personally heard Joel Osteen preach about REPENTENCE? How many times has Joel Osteen preached about SIN? How may times has he even mentioned the word SIN?---NEVER, he refuses to even use the word sin (according to his interview with Larry King). How many times has he preached that Jesus Christ DIED FOR OUR SINS AND THAT HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND THAT NO MAN COMES UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY CHRIST JESUS (John 14:6)? How many times has he preached on the power and efficacy of THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST?

Joel Osteen preaches a “social gospel”, and also believes in Universalism. Another apostate Pastor that preaches and teaches this is Dr. Robert A. Schuler.

Jesus Christ had this to say about the way to heaven, the way to eternal life. Both paths are traveled by “Christians” on “the way”. Some Christians take the broad way and the wide gate, and end up in hell. Other Christians take the narrow way, and the straight gate that leads to eternal life, and there are few that find it. We are warned to beware of the false prophets of this world:

(Matthew 17:13-23)
13. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15[b]. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.,[/b]

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

Joel refuses to tell the truth that Jesus Christ is the only way for men to be saved in his interviews with Larry King and others on National Television. He is the kind of man that Christ will spew out of His mouth, like He will to the lukewarm Church of Laodicea.




MJones wrote:
I take it by the title you gave your post, 'A LITTLE LEAVEN IS think?' that you were referring to my reply to Krispy. If you will read it closely, you will notice that I did not say a little leaven was okay. When Jesus referred to a little leaven, He was specifically referring to the Pharisees who did not believe He was from God. So anything they taught was flawed from the beginning.


 2009/1/26 0:26

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