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Joined: 2008/11/3
Posts: 77


There was but it is plain that Paul was given particular permission and usually invited to speak. I am not sure this is what an 'open mike' suggests. How do you think the leader of the synagogue would have responded if Paul had suddenly started prophesying?

I agree, there must be certainly be order and everything must be done as unobtrusive as possible. I've participated for a time with a few separate ministries that pretty much take a true "open mic" approach - they have people that would lead in worship, but after that, the team sits down and there is literally an open mic for anyone that has a "word" from the Lord to share. Not only this, but they do not believe in "setting in order" or recognizing individuals as elders or authorities. My experience was that this was very unproductive, as you had all sorts of things being shared, but no one bring balance or correction to what people were saying. These experiences have given me a bad taste for even thinking about opening up much opportunity for others to freely share.

My thought would be something along the lines of this: Romans 8 is read in its entirety, before which I might have given some contextual explanation, but after which I might propose some questions to the congregation such as, "What does the Apostle mean by 'for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live'?" Or I might simply open up a general question of, "Was there a portion out of what we just read that the Spirit of God might have quickened within you that you'd like to comment on or share with us?" Keeping more of a dialogue atmosphere between me and whoever might be sharing - I would maintain my microphone and a separate one would be given to whomever might be sharing at the time.

Buck Yates

 2009/1/10 15:58Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


graceamazed on 2009/1/10 17:58:37
Keeping more of a dialogue atmosphere between me and whoever might be sharing - I would maintain my microphone and a separate one would be given to whomever might be sharing at the time.

Is this what we mean by an 'open mike'? This is not what I had in mind. This is a dialogue type meeting and probably the way that Paul functioned in the school of Tyrannus in Ephesus. This was an established form of teaching that philosophers used. Paul is using a 'culturally appropriate' form of evangelism.

I think this 'model' is useful in many contexts but it was not what I had in mind for an 'open mike' setting. I had more of a Corinthians 'model' in mind. I don't think that either of these 'models' is better than another. They are just different settings with different purposes in mind.

Ron Bailey

 2009/1/10 16:35Profile

Joined: 2008/11/3
Posts: 77


Is this what we mean by an 'open mike'? This is not what I had in mind. This is a dialogue type meeting and probably the way that Paul functioned in the school of Tyrannus in Ephesus. This was an established form of teaching that philosophers used. Paul is using a 'culturally appropriate' form of evangelism.

By "open mic" I mean, in a broad sense, the opportunity for any individual in the body to share what the Lord has quickened within them during the service. Somehow opening up the service for more than only the "pastor" to exhort the body. I am open to any edifying way of doing this, be it in accordance with one of the examples I gave or another way that someone might suggest as having been fruitful for them.

Buck Yates

 2009/1/10 16:48Profile

Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927


I have been involved in several house church meetings that were orderly and edifying.

Usually, songs are sung as people kind of "settle in". Then, one of the men will share an expository teaching from the Scripture (anywhere from 10-30 minutes). Then, the men will discuss and ask questions, staying away from rabbit trails. After that, another man may suggest a song, or another man may share a teaching. Eventually, someone will begin distributing the bread for the Lord's supper, and then the cup.

There weren't any obvious leaders in the middle of the meeting, however, obviously, some men stand out as being more gifted teachers than others. The elders of the group are there to spiritually guide the flock, stand against false doctrine, be a godly example, and generally help the flocks growth.

After the meeting, they usually had more casual fellowship and a meal.

With care in Christ,

Taylor Otwell

 2009/1/10 19:24Profile

Joined: 2008/11/3
Posts: 77


Hi Taylor. How well do you think that approach would work with a group of 150-200 gathered? They're a great group of believers who really do hunger for the Word of God and are open-minded to seeing the Spirit move among us.

Buck Yates

 2009/1/10 19:41Profile

Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927


Hi Friend,

Honestly, I don't think it would work that well. With that large of a group, perhaps it could be multiplied out geographically into smaller groups that could meet regularly, while gathering all 150-200 together on a more occasional basis? Maybe plot where the families live on a map of the city and see if they are some obvious lines that could break things into smaller groups. Obviously, you will want several strong, elder qualified men in each group.

With care in Christ,

Taylor Otwell

 2009/1/10 19:54Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


My friend was very blessed by her prayer, but couldn't remember her name and didn't really know her beyond the level of acquaintance, though they've been sitting 15' from each other every week for 3 or 4 years!

Oh, my! this is hard to believe, although I am not accusing you of lying. Maybe y'all should have some fellowship meals, involving the men in setting things up and clean up afterward. In other words, give people responsibilities where there is a literal working together to get a job done. This is the way we do it in our church...the men set up tables, chairs and assist in the clean-up - and they get to run the vacuum cleaner!! :-)


Sandra Miller

 2009/1/11 8:44Profile

 Re: "open mike" meetings and true freedom

Another way of saying body ministry. I am thrilled that some even consider this as the direction we must go, as many have come to realize that our present system of the professional Pastor and church corporations and organized denominations, are a dismal failure.

Truthfully, for all of us who have even limited experience in this, we all know how fast this can descend into Chaos. Big woman, high hair, prophesying loudly about the most spiritual of things, and absolutely off the wall, or well intentioned babes wanting to prove their depth in similar ways.

I like what Philo said about the organic meeting and trust. If we know those who labor among us, and their character, then YES!...the body edifies itself in Love. If we are a group of strangers, [ which most churches really are...] then the structure of the meeting changes nothing. Ego's rule, along with dogma, emotional whims, and the inevitable hijacker. The Lord will be quenched, or limited at best.

I believe the answer dovetails perfectly with the "current state of affairs" thread. 1]..Establishing true and spiritual Eldership. The Lord has given gifts to all in the Church, and true function in meetings should allow everyone that the Lord wants to use to be used. However, there is such a thing as "carnal" people [ which all of us have been..], and the immature [which all of us have been }.

"Quench not the Spirit."....One of the functions of oversight is to allow God to rule as Lord the Spirit. Practically, the elders must step in when the Spirit is being quenched, gently but firmly, and there must be trust and humility established to see that what you do and say may be out of touch with God.

Also, in the meeting, Elders must assure doctrinal purity, and there should be a "bearing witness" by them to the direction and flow, without dominating.

2] The community precedes the meeting. The church is a house of friends, and with real commitment, this can grow to even love..[agape] This can be done with churches in the many thousands. It was proven after Pentecost, in Jerusalem...and many Pauline church plants.

I think a key IS the smaller meeting. "they met house to house"...great joy...breaking of bread. Along with Godly discipline, and the Lord's involvement and a church that will enforce it, you will have holiness. Along with Apostolic teaching of loving the least as the most or greatest...the church will learn to love one another in reality.

3] We must abandon numbers as our standard of success. It is absolutely useless to the Lord. Numbers mean nothing, and we must destroy the model of the paid professional that lives off the tithe. These people will always feel obligated and qualified to lead everything. We must become a family for this type of church to function. We joy together; we weep together. When one rejoices we all do, when one weeps, we all do.

Larger, "corporate meetings" cannot be as free, and probably used for revelation from some of the smaller meetings, worship and praise, and more select "larger words" that the Lord would make clear.

Again, the Lord would bear witness to the Elders, but favor the body as a whole.

We are on a journey. This will probably begin to happen, when we need the Lord to rescue us, and realize we need each other to we would need our mother and father, and love our own children.

just some thoughts,,Tom

 2009/1/11 10:09

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