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Joined: 2008/10/24
Posts: 76

 Please critique our custom Gospel tract million dollar bill

Brothers and sisters, could you offer any suggestions regarding the message on our million dollar bill Gospel tract. Do you think it is clear? Should something be deleted? Check it out:

Here's the Million Dollar Question... What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? You may gain money, possessions, and comfort in this life but what happens after you die? Most people believe they're good enough to go to Heaven. Let's look at God's standard of goodness, the Ten Commandments: Have you ever lied or stolen? If so, you're a liar and a thief. If you've used God's name to curse, that's blasphemy. Have you ever committed adultery? Maybe you haven't, but God judges not only your actions but also the thoughts and intentions of your heart (Jer 17:10). Jesus said, "Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:28). Since God is so holy and good, He must punish sin. He has written His law upon your heart and reveals it through your conscience. After death comes judgment (Heb 9:27) and when you are found guilty, you will go to Hell. Your sin is rebellion against the perfect, eternal God of the universe. Therefore, perfect justice demands your punishment be eternal. Imagine yourself in a courtroom, guilty of many serious crimes. The fine is one million dollars or life in prison. You have no money, so the guards begin to drag you away. Suddenly someone in the courtroom yells, "STOP!", and approaches the bench. He speaks privately with the judge, and returns to his seat. The judge then looks at you and declares, "That was my son. He has agreed to pay your fine in full; you are free to go." That's what Jesus Christ did for you! He died on the cross as a sinless substitute to bear the punishment you deserve. This satisfied the demands of divine justice in your place. He then defeated death by rising from the dead three days later. The Bible expresses it like this: "God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom 5:8). So what must you do to be saved? Forsake your sin and throw yourself at the mercy of the Judge. Trust in Jesus Christ alone as your only hope and ask God to forgive you on the basis of Jesus paying your fine. He will never let you down.

It also has these three websites on the bottom under the message:


 2009/1/8 20:49Profile

 Re: Please critique our custom Gospel tract million dollar bill

To me, It looks Good! Press onward and upward towards the high calling!

Just a quick pointer to others who may not be aware, You will get more takers for your tracts if say "DID you get one of these", with some enthusiasm.
If you say "Would you LIKE one of these?", they will often say what is it? they will be more likely to hesitate.
God bless

 2009/1/8 21:02

Joined: 2008/10/24
Posts: 76


If they ask what it is I tell them its a Gospel tract and ask them if they know what that is. Then I tell them it contains a message about GOD and the afterlife and I as, what do you think about GOD? Do you believe HE exists?

Then its all downhill from there. I witness to them and it goes great 9 out of 10 times. Everyone is wondering about spiritual things and most are open to hear what you have to say. I ask them questions in order to have them think through their world view and then when I explain the Gospel it makes so much more sense than the contradictions they didn't even know they believed until they were asked about it. Then I plead with them to earnestly consider whay was said and leave them with a DVD or booklet with an email address. It is really easy if you take Charles Spurgeon's words on my signature tag below seriously.


 2009/1/8 21:47Profile


God bless you!!

Keep the fire flamed, great work!!


 2009/1/8 21:50



 2009/1/8 22:22

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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