Poster | Thread | TroyorTakoda Member

Joined: 2008/12/13 Posts: 46
| Re: Books | | Oh man I forgot about that Samuel Morris book that's some really good stuff. We had to read that one summer for a youth discipleship camp. I also forgot about that George Mueller book, but that's a really good testimony to the power of prayer. Also, Rees Howells-Intercessor by Norman Grubb and Revival Praying by Leonard Ravenhill are two others I might have to look at again. You can get a free digital copy of Absolute Surrender from e-sword, and I'm about to take some notes on Intimate Friendship with God that I will repost here. _________________ Troy A Lasseigne
| 2009/1/6 8:34 | Profile | fuehrerbe21 Member

Joined: 2008/10/21 Posts: 151 Wisconsin
| Re: Book reviews | | The Normal Christian Life - Watchman Nee
This book should be read and reread by all saints. Two things that really stuck out to me during my first read of the book was the information he had to share regarding the Holy Spirit and then the last chapter regarding the Purpose of the Gospel. The last chapter reminded me a lot of John Piper's Desiring God. I felt as if Piper maybe got some of the concepts of Christian hedonism from Nee.
Hug Your Customers - Jack Mitchell The Fred Factor - Mark Sanborn
These were two books I had to read for my new job. They are both about customer service, and I know you said they should be books that are edifying to the saints here on the site, but even though they are not Christian writings does not mean they are not useful for edification. While neither of them are explicitely Christian, I felt as if they were writing about Christian principles. In Hug Your Customers, I felt as if the Christian principles were to love others as you love yourself and in The Fred Factor would be doing things as if you were doing them for Christ. Something to check out for all of you who interact with customers on a regular basis.
_________________ Ben Fuehrer
| 2009/1/7 10:31 | Profile |
| Re: Mrs. Howard Taylor | | [img][/img]
Mrs. Howard Taylor, Her Web of Time by Joy Guinness is the biography of Geraldine Guinness Taylor and her husband Howard. Geraldine was raised in a Christian home where the main focus was serving the Lord. Howard was the son of Hudson Taylor, missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission. Howard and Geraldine were married in China and gave themselves to reaching the Chinese people for Christ. They also faithfully took care of Howards parents in their latter years. Before they were married the China Inland Mission discovered Geraldines gift for writing and started giving her writing projects. She wrote many biographies of missionaries of the CIM. As a young woman she learned the secret of the Spirit-filled life and to the end of her life the fragrance of Christ came through her and touched the lives of others. She and Howard prayerfully undertook her writing projects together. It was through much prayer and seeking God that each book was written. Their marriage was a beautiful picture of Christ and the church, and was an example of Christ-likeness to others in all of the places that they visited. They were faithful to Christ to the end of their lives. I was greatly blessed reading of their child-like trust in their heavenly Father, even in the midst of trying circumstances. And it was really inspiring to read of a Christian couple who walked in such complete dependence on God to their dying day.
Here are a few excerpts from the book:
Our sufficiency is of God. We are His workmanship. We realize it much more towards the end of life. Our way through life has been feeble, faltering and slow, a restricted following, but He fits it all in, adjusting mistakes, through weak instruments. We see the failure, the circumscribed vision, and yet it is wonderful how the Lord makes it come to something. We are His workmanship. His plan was communicated little by little, and we followed it stumblingly. He has been wonderful, wonderful. Geraldine Taylor (written near the end of her life)
the memory of so beautiful, guileless and loving a life
There is much thoroughness and attention to detail that I need to learn from his example, but most of all his joy in the Lord, his beautiful contentment in whatever it pleased the Lord to allow. . . . His simplicity, sincerity, and humility impressed me even when I was a boy, though I did not analyse them then. They are three of the greatest gifts a man can have. He had them. All three. A nephew of Howard Taylor after his death.
I highly recommend this's one of my favorites now. :) |
| 2009/1/20 21:28 | | passerby Member

Joined: 2008/8/13 Posts: 742
| Re: Book reviews | | A Voice in the Wilderness by Loran W. Helm
Easy to read, very heart warming real life stories. Accounts of God's kindness that passes popular theology; that God is well-pleased with a childlike faith.
I think I got the link from one of the posters here at SI. |
| 2009/1/21 1:42 | Profile | ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: Book reviews | | There are two contemporary writers, both now gone on to their reward, who have blessed me much in my growing up years. Their insights to life, how God works in events come back to challenge me, teach me and encourage me. These writers were:
1. Corrie ten Boom. She was a spinster who lived a quiet life, living with her family in Holland, working as a watchmaker. She became well known after WW2 when she started sharing publicly how God sustained her through time spent in concentration camps. Her insights of God, being led by the Holy Spirit are insightful and enduring. I have read all her books, I think, and there is not one I would not recommend.
2. Richard Wurmbrand. He was born a Jew, married, and lived a life of sin until God used a humble layperson to introduce him to the LORD. (This alone is a marvelous story - read it and be blessed. Richard mentions it in many of his writings). After Richard and his wife Sabina were glorious saved and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, they went on to become firebrands for the LORD, ending up in Communist prisons in Romania. Richard's story, insights gleaned from that school are powerful, pertinent even to us soft moderns!
Knowing what churches these people belonged to I know there will be parts of their doctrine I do not embrace. But I also know God was with them because they loved him and worked hard to serve him. They did not sit around and wait on God to do everything for them: they were working hand in hand to accomplish His will. Their insights into how God works through suffering is a must read. And I suspect these lessons just may come back to teach us in practical ways in the immediate times ahead.
ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
| 2009/1/21 10:12 | Profile | fuehrerbe21 Member

Joined: 2008/10/21 Posts: 151 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Spiritual Authority - Watchman Nee
I just finished this book last week and found it to be very insightful. My mentor suggested I read it and I thought it was going to be about why I should submit to the worldly authority that is above me because of some issues I was having at my other job.
It blew me away to read that this is merely one type of obedience. Sure, obedience to delegated authority is important, but to be disobedient to God's authority (in any manner) is far worse.
While reading it, I often thought of one of Paul Washer's sermons in his faith series (can be found on his website) that I listened to regarding obedience and faith. _________________ Ben Fuehrer
| 2009/1/21 13:47 | Profile | fuehrerbe21 Member

Joined: 2008/10/21 Posts: 151 Wisconsin
| Re: | | To Train Up A Child - Michael and Debi Pearl
Anyone with children should read this. I have implemented much of the advice in this book with my 16 month old daughter and in just 1 week, there has been a drastic improvement in her behavior. She is obedient. She does what you ask her the first time! It is amazing!
It is a quick read, but does not flow real well. It is filled with a lot of Biblical principle and reminded me a lot of my own relationship with God and how I am His child. _________________ Ben Fuehrer
| 2009/1/29 13:36 | Profile |