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Joined: 2008/10/31
Posts: 320

 As The Shepherds Watched

As The Shepherds Watched

As the shepherds watched their flock at night,
an angel came in brilliant light.
Good news he brought from God above
to announce a gift of joy and love.

Today for you a savior’s born
in the town of David on this blessed morn.
To you alone I give this sign,
this babe in a manger you will find.

Suddenly a company of heavenly hosts,
as the angel praised who deserved it most.
‘Glory to God’ of whom we attest;
He brings peace to men as His favor rests.

When the angels left, the shepherds said
let’s go and see this manger bed.
Just as were told, this babe they found,
and quickly spread this word around.

All who heard were quite amazed;
this shepherd’s tale of their recent gaze.
But Mary treasured the things she’d seen;
she pondered all that it might mean.

So today as we observe this birth,
will we pause enough to think it’s worth.

Will we treasure that of which we sing,
and ponder all of which it means?
Or will we for the joy we’ve found,
be compelled to spread the word around?

His gift brought peace and His favor rests,
now we the one’s who must attest.


Merry Christmas to all my new SI friends.

Mike Jones

 2008/12/25 8:17Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

 Re: As The Shepherds Watched

Unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
In order to redeem our souls
The Father sent the Jewel of heaven

The birth we celebrate this day
Was planned before the world began
But it announced the grand unfolding
Of our God’s eternal plan

Angelic praise burst through the skies
Proclaiming the birth of this child
The One whose purpose was His death
That God and man be reconciled

Let earth and heaven now proclaim
With voices raised in wondrous praise
That Jesus, now the risen Saviour
Forever lives, forever reigns

Merry Christmas to you too, Brother MJones.



 2008/12/25 8:20Profile

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