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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 7 students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class

[b]7 students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class[/b]

Seven Christian students in Quebec have been handed suspensions in the last few days – and could face expulsions – for refusing to participate in a new mandatory Ethics and Religious Culture course that, according to a critic, is a "superficial mishmash of trendy theoretical platitudes" with the goal of convincing children that "all religions – including pagan animism and cults – are equally 'true.'"

Canada's National Post has reported on the developing confrontation between educators who have ordered students to take the course and students and their parents who object to what they see as a virtual indoctrination into a social and moral relativism.

While seven students already have been targeted for punishment, hundreds more are demanding to be relieved of the obligation to attend the classes, and several parents have begun legal actions over the course. ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2008/12/20 22:06Profile

 Re: 7 students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class

This is terrible. How are the homeschooling laws in Canada?

 2008/12/20 22:50

Joined: 2005/5/9
Posts: 659

 Re: 7 students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class

good for them. our country is going to hell.

 2008/12/21 5:00Profile

Joined: 2008/12/23
Posts: 124

 Re: 7 students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class

I dont mean to be mr johnny raincloud over here but i have reasion to belive we are entering the birth pangs... (Matthew 24:8-9) "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of my name."

no they have not been martyed but this is only a step. but yet that should lead us with so much hope becasue that means that HE, our everything is on his way! so dont be scared!

(I cor 15:58) "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."


 2008/12/23 1:57Profile


Socialism and anti-Christ foundations go hand in hand. Inclusiveness is the order of the day. All of us have a place, and must be accepted, as long as we don't hurt you. This is the law.

This thinking must be on a collision course with Biblical Christianity, for Jesus is only inclusive within Himself, in an absolute way. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life....[b]"No man comes to the Father except through me!"[/b].......and ......[b]"Do not think I came to the Earth to bring Peace. No, but I came to bring DIVISION."[/b]

Jesus then becomes the fly in the ointment, in that he demands obedience and worship, and holiness in order to be a member of Himself. He is not inclusive. To belong to Him you must repent and Believe, and we are not all the children of God....but He makes it clear , abundantly clear, that we will be , and are, Children of the Devil in rejecting Him as the only Way.

Canada, along with Europe, are just a little ahead of the USA, forerunners. I believe the entire World is being set up to readily receive the anti-Christ, whom I believe will be Muslim.

The division is being made today, as Satan is tearing down the mores and pillars of true Faith. [b]"You shall be hated by all."[/b] This is a faith promise that may not be in a lot of devotionals, but it was never the less promised and prophesied by Lord Jesus Himself, and will come to pass. What is amazing to us, is that it IS happening, right before our eyes. ANYTHING but Jesus, and His dominion.

This is why Warren was chosen , possibly as the new Billy Graham....the darling of the left...[socialism...] to present the new face of an INCLUSIVE Christianity. We're,..[Christians..]just another facet of a global God and "all of us are His Children." But, the Left means that we will confront you and bash you until you submit to this truth that must be held for the sake of a loving and positive Union. We are comrades, after all.

I see the smiling faces of the propaganda films of the 30's in Bolshevik Russia...we are one family..we are the World. We are all Brothers and Sisters.

We've elected a President who will champion the cause of the Left, which in the end, is not inclusive at all. This spirit hates Jesus of Nazareth, and His disciples for this very reason...we cannot be inclusive, and keep our souls. Compromise is Apostasy, and the true gate to Hell itself.

 2008/12/23 9:04

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