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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : HALLELUJAH !!

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Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE


Composer Georg Frederick Handel was bankrupt
in 1741 when a group of Dublin charities
offered him a commission to write a musical
work. It was for a benefit performance to
raise funds to free men from the debtor's
prison. He accepted the commission and gave
himself tirelessly to work on it.

In just 24 days, Handel had composed the well-
known masterpiece "Messiah" which contains the
"Hallelujah!!" chorus. During this time, Handel
seldom left his room and barely took the time to
eat. At one point, his servant found him on his
knees weeping great tears over his unfinished
score. Recounting his experience, Handel wrote;
Whether I was in my body or out of it, I know
not. God only knows." Afterward he also said;
"I did imagine I did see all heaven before me
and the great GOD Himself."

Martin G. Smith

 2008/12/20 16:44Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE


{bump} I wanted more to read this!!

Martin G. Smith

 2008/12/21 19:36Profile

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