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Joined: 2008/10/31
Posts: 320

 The Hole He Dug For Me

The Hole He Dug For Me

A whole was dug for me one day,
my Master placed me in.
I wanted out. I feared the worst;
I feared it was my end.

The hole was deep; had no way out.
I wondered if my grave.
But instead of buried – planted me,
for the rest of life to save.

The hole enough to cause despair
but not enough for Him;
He pulls the dirt to cover me
then tamps to seal me in.

The hole the site where death would die,
no chances would He give;
was there that death was put away,
was there that life first lived.

The hole this life in darkness grew,
unseen by human eye;
the tender stage of new began
but first the old would die.

And now this hole reverses roles,
where first it was to kill;
now protects as life is formed,
its new role now to fill.

This hole holds in, becomes the bed
in which this life will grow,
but planted deep and tamped in tight,
the process starts out slow.

Eventually the hole gives way to life;
it cannot be contained.
The roots first sign of life unseen,
now the visible life sustains.

The hole He dug I thought my grave,
it turned out not my end;
He dug it deep and planted me
that new life could begin.


John 12:24
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Mike Jones

 2008/12/20 9:37Profile

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