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Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA

 A Puritan Prayer - May my Heart be Full of Thee

As the sun is full of light, the ocean full of water,
Heaven full of glory, so may my heart be full of Thee.

Vain are all divine purposes of love
and the redemption wrought by Jesus
except Thou work within,
regenerating by Thy power
giving me eyes to see Jesus,
showing me the realities of the unseen world.

Give me Thyself without measure,
as an unimpaired fountain,
as inexhaustible riches.

I bewail my coldness, poverty, emptiness,
imperfect vision, languid service,
prayerless prayers, praiseless praises.

Suffer me not to grieve or resist Thee.

Come as power,
to expel every rebel lust, to reign supreme and keep me Thine;
Come as teacher,
leading me into all truth, filling me with all understanding;
Come as love,
that I may adore the Father, and love Him as my all;
Come as joy,
to dwell in me, move in me, animate me;
Come as light,
illuminating the Scripture, moulding me in its laws;
Come as sanctifier,
body, soul and spirit wholly Thine;
Come as helper,
with strength to bless and keep, directing my every step;
Comes as beautifier,
bringing order out of confusion, loveliness out of chaos.

Magnify to me Thy glory by being magnified in me,
and make me redolent in Thy fragrance.


 2008/12/19 9:22Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

 Re: A Puritan Prayer - May my Heart be Full of Thee


Thank you for posting this. It's exactly what I needed this morning.

God bless you brother.



 2008/12/19 9:53Profile

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