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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : Soldiers of the Cross...

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 Soldiers of the Cross...

Are we the soldiers of the cross,
the follwers of the Lamb?
And shall we fear to own His cause
or blush to speak His name?

Must we be carried to the skies
on flowery beds of ease?
While others fought to win the prize
and sailed through troubled seas

Are there no foes for us to face?
Must we not stem the flood?
Is this vile world a friend to grace
to help us on to God?

Sure we must fight if we should reign
Increase our courage, Lord!
We'll bear the toil, enudre the pain,
supported by Your Word

Your saints in all this glorious war,
shall conquer though they die;
they see the triump from afar
and seize it with their eye

When that illustrious day shall rise
and all Your armies shine
in robes of victory through the skies
The glory shall be Thine!

(Isaac Watts)

 2008/12/19 7:56

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