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 Staying out of The Currents of The Ship Swallower-

Key Word:- FIND

Title:- Staying out of the Currents of The Ship Swallower

1 Timothy 1:18,19
This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck…

In 11th Century England, the Earl of Godwin was the most powerful Anglo-Saxon then around. A large landowner in the South East of the country, he was also responsible for a strip of land, a small low lying island called Lomea, just a few miles off the coastal town of Deal. It is reported that either his mismanagement of funds designated for the upkeep of the sea wall on Lomea, or direct judgment from God against his disloyal and deceitful actions regarding the king, led to the disappearance of Lomea in such a fantastic storm, that like Atlantis, it sunk below the waves.

The name ‘Godwin’ may be mean ‘God’s friend’ but history paints this infamous Englishman in a very different light. Like most of his contemporaries at the time, his life and legacy was full of intrigue and deadly political maneuvering. However, the sinking of his island of Lomea into the English Channel has left an even more deadly mark for mariners over the centuries, in the form of the infamous ‘Goodwin Sands’.

Having lived for some months in the coastal towns of Deal and Walmer I remember walking along the coastline of the English Channel and gazing out onto the distant breakers running up and into these same sands at low tide. In the summer, it is possible to land your boat there and walk across the hardened, rippled surface and play cricket and even soccer on what must be the most unique playground in the middle of the English Channel!

Twelve miles long and five miles across at their widest point, the shape of The Goodwin Sands changes so constantly, that charting them with accuracy is impossible. A combination of bad weather and the pull of strong currents in the area, turn these quiet and quaint sandy playing fields into moving and monstrous magnets and so to thousands of ships and some estimated 50,000 dead over the years, the sands are anything but playful! Yes, I said 50,000! These sands are dreadful and deceitful; a sucking graveyard of an open mouthed and ever hungry, accursed ship swallowing monster!

Now friends let’s learn some lessons from the Goodwin Sands. Goodwin may be Anglo-Saxon for God’s friend, but today you must:

first know that not everyone who claims to be a friend of God, is a friend of God. Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian. Satan has planted tares amongst the wheat; has sent wolves amongst the sheep. Be careful now and watch for fruit. Especially if these ‘nice’ Christians are more concerned with dollars for Jesus than dying for Jesus! You know what I mean, don’t follow them, don’t be so gullible for in the end, their heritage to others will be nothing but cursing, death and destruction. Watch them now. Watch them.

Secondly, know that our enemy, though sometimes so clearly seen, can shift his shape and disappear below the waves. He is movable, monstrous and magnetic. The strong tides of this world will always lead you upon his gaping and growling mouth. Keep clear then, of this world's currents, for no matter how tall the guarding buoy of faith, or how loud the ringing bell of a good conscience, when a storm comes down, he shall shift his shape and the currents he has instigated, shall pull you onto himself. Note the markers of faith, and the sounds of good conscience, but most of all, most of all, keep out of the currents if you can. Keep out of this worlds currents. Keep out of his currents!

Thirdly, and most importantly, the best form of defense for the Christian is attack. There is something positive we can do. Paul, says “WAGE A GOOD WARFARE.” To Timothy he instructs him to make use of the ‘prophetic words’ granted to him regarding his calling, his purpose, his destiny and his person. Paul seems to be saying here, “Remember who you are; who you have been proclaimed to be in Jesus! Remember who you are in Jesus and what He has commissioned you to do! Remember who you are, what you are to do and the promises and power He has equipped you with to fulfil His will! Believe it and like that Popeye, that strong sailor of old, so when the enemy comes in like a flood, you might reach into your heart and pull out a large can of 'whoopass' spinach and pour it down your pipe of power. Get bulked up, pumped up and then by the words from Him who is both faithful and true, from the eternal Amen, FIGHT REAL GOOD IN THE LORD’S BATTLES.

Friend, who are you? What are you? What has He commanded you to do? Where are you in the line? What have you been given? What do you still need to be able to wage a good warfare? Do you know? For Gods sake, for the sake of His Kingdom, isn’t it about time these questions were answered in your own heart? Get on your knees and ask for revelation. Find people who have power with the Father and who can speak to you concerning His destiny, commission and calling for your life; get them to speak these things into and over your life, for you shall not wage a good warfare without these heaven sent revelations. You shall not!

So find out today what they are, for the swirling sands of the enemies of God, the ship swollower’s of old, are waiting open mouthed, for his deadly currents to drag such passive Christians as yourself, upon his sinking and shape shifting sands.

Listen:- Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12

Pray: - Lord. What do You have to say to me concerning these things? “Speak, LORD, for now Your servant is listening.” In Jesus name I pray, amen

 2008/12/18 2:18

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