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Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: Sins or demons

In the place of prayer personally and in partner with others, [u]not to mention in the Word of God[/u], I have noticed that things such as lust, lies, anger, gossip, stealing, etc. are sin that need to be confessed RATHER THAN demons that need to be bound/cast out. It's really that simple. There are many ways to put this: Darkness cannot cover Light: Light dispels darkness.

Neil Anderson can be helpful to listen to because his messages flood the ears/mind with scripture after scripture. So would an audio bible. For individual draw to the “shiny things” of the enemy of our soul, it can be helpful to get concrete in renouncing lies from the Father of Lies that were believed/embraced and affirming the opposing Truth of God. At a certain point in our growth and abiding in Christ, we are led by the Spirit to do this. Neil Anderson simply made it concrete and encourages an exhaustive approach. I think settling the issue of death and getting clear about the root of each sin in the “old man” (with the life side following) is the most biblical way to walk.

As far as I can tell, [u]every[/u] [u]single[/u] sin “situation” is different. (How many vectors are there that are not due north). Thus, [u]only[/u] the work of the Holy Spirit’s revelation of the Word of God (Truth) is effective. That is how difficult it is for MAN to do what I just called “that simple.”

I wonder how much it helps to spell such things out unless you go on to do the Word of God. Yet, I just could not help pointing out the obvious confusion of sin with demons (see the list on his site).

Bible 1985: You have not answered questions about your having a home fellowship with mature believers, a group Bible Study, etc.

 2008/11/22 5:17Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 354


I was going to a church , my first church for a time but my pastor seemed to get tiresome from my problems over and over and i decided that it would be best that i left so i didn't annoy him. Also i was feeling worse in the church. I have tried out a few churches since but nothing special from any of them. I am very serious about my faith and i look for those 24 / 7 christians and haven't found them in the church. i also go occasionally to a bible study with christian friends in indiana, but only a few times a year, but they don't understand my problems. Actually because no one has understood my problems or has kinda of seemed to lack the caring for me part has been a big reason i have stayed away from most christians in general. Most seem to not really care or want to go out of their way at all. I seem to have to go out of my way and i am the one with the problem. I get more help hear than anywhere. When the Lord first came into my life 5 years ago it was a wonderous walk. I didn't go to church and had no christians friends for the first 6 months. I was healed by God and then my eyes were opened up to Gods word and i had to ask jesus to save me many times. I would walk down the street and feel his presence and not worry. I no longer cared about the things of th worlds and i mean that literally, i had no interest within, something changed me. I didn't want anything anymore, the materialistic things i didn't care about. I just wanted to give and serve God with all my heart. I no longer really cared about my needs. I followed whatever the word of God said. It wasn't until i got myself caught up in this world and the way some christians live here and still our into the worldly things that i began to slowly fall. Everything was perfect when it was just me and jesus. I miss him, he was always their for me and i loved walking in his grace, to walk in the spirit of God and not in the flesh is to fill completely at peace and set free from this world. Oh what disobedience can do and how awful sin is. If i only had more knowledge of the Bible as i do now, if only the holy spirit would had convicted me like my life was on the line before i fell.

 2008/11/22 8:16Profile

Joined: 2008/8/13
Posts: 354


thanks joan m

 2008/11/22 8:16Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: Belly buttons


healing and deliverance comes from gaining a renewed mind. it's not as complicated as you think.

Chanin and Krispy are giving you what you need to hear, the admonishen to [i]slow down[/i] is just as important and I will go a bit further ...

You have got to realize that some of us have been in this same place even if it has it's variations. What it comes down to is will you take the hard to be said but needful things to heart and do something about it?

Many of us have read your posts since you have been here and as Chanin pointed out, there is a commonality to them.

Neil T. Anderson is not what you need right now, what you need is a realization of your incessant navel gazing. A quick scan of your most recent post explaining your predicament is overwrought with the personal pronoun - [b]I[/b], then [b]my[/b] followed by [b]me[/b]. I know this is redundant to you as it has been expressed before but I had this very same maladjustment of disposition until some good Brethren from this very forum began to press my nose in it, so to speak and it was taken to heart.

"Dying' to yourself is not an abolishment, listen to the Lords words;

[i] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.[/i] Mat 16:25

It is the paradoxical gain, the displacement of importance and order - Surely you would wish to be in that place where little bothers you, where contentment has the upper hand and reign, to be like Jesus in never being disheveled or displaced within Himself. We all do.

I don't think you are unlike most of us when it comes to reacting, but discipline is the word you must get down into the fabric of your being. Your tendencies from what you have conveyed here are to dismiss and look for those things you wish to hear - An appreciation for acquiesce to what you have already set your mind on, as an example; "[i]I think this book might do the trick, if I could find someone to agree with me then I know I am on the right track[/i]" - Something to that effect?

Forget about 'not being understood', we understand that, we are not any different as peculiar people - in fact, if the many did understand it would prove the opposite and be even more fearful.

Brother, if you want to overcome this peccadillo of disposition than go and do the hard thing. Humble yourself, take that advice to go find a good [i]Biblical[/i] counselor, not just a "Christian" counselor as was so well put by our sister, she knows what she speaks of. And if it takes ten attempts till you hit pay dirt, what of it? But forget about all this deliverance business, your enemy is your [i]self[/i] and will always be the greatest match- not the devil, not the world - The flesh. And the controller or rather manager is your mind. The Holy Spirit is not going to do the work for you. You have got to learn in essence to [i]ignore[/i] your own evil imaginations, [i]crucify[/i], [i]mortify[/i] the members of your body - These are all analogous, eupheisms - if you will, for the same thing.

You know brother I do think this is your problem as hard as it might sound ... you are looking for an easy out, an escape, a [i]deliverance[/i]. If you have convinced yourself that your only avenue out is by deliverance than that is the first to go, get it out of your mind. By that I do mean 'instant' deliverance, you will get delivered alright in due time but it is going to require you to change your mind about things, make a 180 degree turn, a paradigm shift in thinking.

It wasn't until i got myself caught up in this world and the way some christians live here and still our into the worldly things that i began to slowly fall. Everything was perfect when it was just me and jesus. I miss him, he was always their for me and i loved walking in his grace, to walk in the spirit of God and not in the flesh is to fill completely at peace and set free from this world. Oh what disobedience can do and how awful sin is. If i only had more knowledge of the Bible as i do now, if only the holy spirit would had convicted me like my life was on the line before i fell.

"some Christians" - "If only" - Look brother, realize something, whatever is past and repented of is [i]done[/i] if it has been truly repudiated. You may suffer the regrets but that is a good thing, a reminder going forward, as Charles Simeon put it "[i]Though I am forgiven I do not know what reason I need to have for forgiving myself[/i]". If "some Christians" have caused you to err than it seems pretty self explanatory, what they do is not your problem, nor your excuse;

[i]Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.[/i] Joh 21:22

Did you ever take up the advice to study those heroes of the faith, even in recent generations, do the comparison thing? Realize just how good and blessed you truly are even with this trouble you are experiencing? Has it occurred to you that your very troubles are those things that test and stretch your faith, [i]make[/i], actually [i]create[/i] character within you? That the Lord does nothing with a man until He literally crushes him from the inside ... All these old adages are not throw away comments, they are truth. If you went merrily along, if you came here speaking all the time of how wonderful everything is, how prosperous you are, the great prophetic insight that was given you and all the other gobbledygook that passes for Christianity in this hour I would say that you were cursed, not blessed - The worst thing that can happen to us is to be hoodwinked into a false sense of so called 'happiness'. To be left alone by the Lord - unchallenged.

Mat 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Luk 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

In this life, [i]trouble[/i]. Listen to this with that perspective;

[i] And, brothers, we make known to you the grace of God which has been given among the churches of Macedonia; that in much testing of trouble, the overflowing of their joy, and the depth of their poverty, abounded to the riches of their generosity.[/i] 2Co 8:1-2

Get to work brother, none of this happens for no good reason. Take up that advice given earlier if none of this makes an impression upon you. Read a [i]different[/i] book than you think, such as Chanin offered. This is the key, challenge yourself, do the thing you don't [i]feel[/i] like doing.

Take a couple of band-aids, put them over your belly button and quit staring at the darn thing.


Mike Balog

 2008/11/22 10:34Profile

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952


THe only Person who will never fail you, is JESUS CHRIST.
If you put your trust in anyone else, they will fail you.
He won't.
You can talk to Him at any time, and share your very heart with Him.
He loves us, in spite of ourselves.
May He draw you unto Himself.
God Bless you

 2008/11/22 10:52Profile

Joined: 2007/12/27
Posts: 23

 Re: i prayed with a deliverance minister

There's not a whole lot I could add or take away from this discussion, but I would like to say that the deliverance sessions that I've seen are normally done with very little experience. Many people get so itching to cast out demons and break demonic family ties that they forgot to tie the end with inner healing. Jesus is forgotten and he is not invited into these situations to come and close the demonic gaps of the past.

I personally believe that demons can afflict believers, because it is not the mere words of confession of faith which save you, it is daily devotion to God. And if someone is not serving God with their whole heart and compromises to the world, worldy things will seep in. We are saved by grace, but this grace must be accepted.

 2008/11/22 12:11Profile

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