Poster | Thread | bible1985 Member
Joined: 2008/8/13 Posts: 354
| i prayed with a deliverance minister | | His name is stan johnson and he is a big beliver in spiritual gifts, he speaks in tongues. I said oh well i am not getting delivered so why not. So he prayed with me twice this week, tried to cast out the demons and nothing really happened. Until today at work i began to feel this evil feeling within my self manifest and it was trying to take over my mind and body. Their was this really bad smell to around me and i was hearing laughing within me too. I left work early because it became too much for me. I have always had a real bad feeling about these spiritual gifts and the pentecostal churches in general. You know the ones where they speak in tongues and dance crazy in the spirit and even holy laughter. Last tim i went to one i swore God warned me not to go their when he gave me this terrible feeling of fear upon me. I should have stopped praying with him right when he started to pray in tongues. He also prayed that i would be empowered by the holy spirit. Man i feel like i did the wrong thing this time once again. The speaking in tongues thing did not sound Godly either, but very scary. John |
| 2008/11/21 3:33 | Profile | enid Member
Joined: 2006/5/22 Posts: 2680 Nottingham, England
| Re: i prayed with a deliverance minister | | I might seem presumptous in what I say, so I will ask questions to avoid being too presumptous.
First, is the Stan Johnson of whom you speak based in Topeka, Kansas?
I did a quick search on the internet for that.
As it is, I don't know where you live, so it might not be him.
Another thing is, are you a Christian? You will have to tell me, because I don't know. I don't know if everyone who contributes on this forum is a Christian.
If you are not a Christian, then salvation is of the Lord, Psalm 3v8, and you need God's salvation.
If we go by scripture, it is not necessary for salvation to precede deliverance, see Mark 5v1-20 about the man with the legion of demons.
But, if you are a Christian, please ask yourself, how can a demonic spirit and the Holy Spirit co-exist in the same person?
I'll leave it at that.
God bless. |
| 2008/11/21 4:41 | Profile |
| Re: | | Yea, I was unsure of how to respond to this as well. Enid asks some very important questions that really need to be answered first before anyone can help.
I will say this... most believers who attend Pentecostal churches are sincere and saved. Most of those churches are ok, even tho I may not agree with all of their doctrine.
But in recent years some very strange and spooky stuff has been going on in Charismatic & Pentecostal church. There used to be a stark difference between Charismatics and traditional Pentecostals, but no longer.
When I see things like Todd Bentley, or people crawling on the floor barking like dogs... my suggestion to folks is to just stay away. When we open ourselves up to strange unbiblical things we are treading on thin ice.
I will say this tho... most of your post has to do with your "feelings". Your feelings about nothing happening during or after the prayer time... your feelings about him praying in tongues... your feelings at work... your feelings when visiting churches.
The Word of God, not your feelings, is the final authority on all things concerning faith and practice.
Krispy |
| 2008/11/21 7:21 | | moreofHim Member
Joined: 2003/10/15 Posts: 1632
| Re: John | | John,
I have read alot of your posts. I truly empathize with you. What I am seeing/reading is that you seem to go by these 'feelings' that you think are spiritual (maybe dark, or fearful). Can I please beg of you to consider that these feelings are nothing more than scary thoughts (anxiety) causing your mind and body to 'feel' fearful and overwhelmed.
I used to believe so many of the things you are saying- but then I learned that much of what i thought that was 'evil spirits' or a fearful feeling or a confused mind, etc... was nothing more than my own fearful thoughts. Without realizing it, I was scaring myself- and my mind and body would react to that.
I know I've said this before, but you sound like a classic case of anxiety. You manifest all the symptoms. You should try to find a 'biblical' counselor (not just a christian counselor).
Also, if you have the chance please check out Lucinda Bassett's book called from Panic to Power. I don't agree with 100% of what she says, but i believe that if you would read the symptoms and signs, you would see that this is very common to alot of people with anxiety.
You are not alone. Alot of people experience these same feelings. But that's all they are. I know they seem real, but they're not. You've got to renew your mind, brother. Replace those unbiblical thoughts with the Truth of God's word.
I know you're looking every where for help- but most of the distress is coming from you- from your own thinking.
Praying for you!
In Him, Chanin _________________ Chanin
| 2008/11/21 8:46 | Profile | bible1985 Member
Joined: 2008/8/13 Posts: 354
| | 2008/11/21 9:08 | Profile |
| Re: | | He's from Greensboro, eh?
Looked over his website. Can't tell much about him, and dont have time this morning to listen to any of his teachings. Did note that in his bio it says he was healed of being born with one leg shorter than the other. That's interesting because many false "healers" claim that "miracle" for their own... and it's been exposed by hidden cameras to be nothing more than a slight of hand trick. WV Grant was busted on Dateline, I think it was.
Not saying your guy is faking this, I can't know that. Just think it's ironic that this is the miracle he claims.
Anyway, John... you don't need this guy. You need sound Biblical counseling and more than that you need the Word of God in your life. You need to spend several hours a day in fervent study of the Word. I suspect you dont right now.
Krispy |
| 2008/11/21 9:28 | | bible1985 Member
Joined: 2008/8/13 Posts: 354
| Re: | | does anyone recommend neil t. andersons book bondage breaker or victory over darkness, i was recommended it. |
| 2008/11/21 12:49 | Profile |
| Re: | | Why are you chasing after ministries? You're looking for someone to prescribe a remedy for you. I'm all for sound Biblical counsel, but what you need to do is slow down... bury your head in the Word of God... study to show yourself approved... and pray.
Either the Word of God has all the answers, and is the final authority on everything, or it's a worthless book needing to be burned.
As long as you keep searching for your answer in books and ministers... you'll never find it. Eventually you will realize (I hope) that your answer lies in Jesus Christ. That the only way you're going to find what your looking for is to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit. And that only by the renewing of your mind can you find victory... and the renewing of your mind will NOT come until you begin to put the Word of God into your heart, soul and mind.
Right now... you're chasing the wind, my friend.
Krispy |
| 2008/11/21 13:04 | | moreofHim Member
Joined: 2003/10/15 Posts: 1632
| Re: John | | John,
I agree with Krispy. I know you are desperate for answers but you're looking in all the wrong places. I have the Anderson book you mentioned. I wouldn't really recommend it. If anything it will probably scare you more. So much of what these people tend to teach about is nothing more than superstition. Have you ever thought of yourself as a superstitious person?
Please find a biblical counselor- a good site to check out: www.CCEF.ORG - check out the free downloads (some on fear)
another good counseling site is
p.s when i was going thru the worst of my fearful times (i thought i was going crazy or that I was just being attacked, etc....) I had people- on this forum even that told me that it was demonic, that I needed prayer. I am glad I didn't listen. My discernment told me that God is in control and I am not at the mercy of any evil. if you are a christian, Christ is living in you. I am living proof that much of this is just superstition- and healing and deliverance comes from gaining a renewed mind. it's not as complicated as you think.
I am praying that your eyes and ears will be open to see the simplicity of it all. There are no magic formulas- no one is going to pray for you and you will be instantly delivered. God is wanting to heal you and take you through a process to show you that you need to renew your mind- that you need to think biblically. It takes some hard work.
I hope you will take what I am saying to heart.
Praying for you, Chanin
edit: another good site to try and find a biblical counselor in your area is _________________ Chanin
| 2008/11/21 13:46 | Profile |
| Re: Neil Andrson's books | | bondage breaker or victory over darkness are GREAT!! |
| 2008/11/21 15:40 | |