Poster | Thread | moreofHim Member

Joined: 2003/10/15 Posts: 1632
| Re: abortion | | Chris,
One candidate boasts that he will promote it. One candidate promises to limit it.
Yes, I know what you are saying. I know that it is choosing the lesser of two evils - so to speak. So unfortunate.
Be blessed, Chanin _________________ Chanin
| 2008/11/4 13:22 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
I think we all know that just because McCain says he opposes abortion does not mean that he opposes all abortion-- (Vision Forum blog and
But Palin is... and I'm not just thinking about the present, we also need to look to the future.
With a Democrat White House, and a Democrat House and Senate with no checks and balances who knows how far abortion will be advanced in this country.
Krispy |
| 2008/11/4 14:04 | | ccchhhrrriiisss Member

Joined: 2003/11/23 Posts: 4779
| Re: | | Hi Krispy...
I agree. I believe that the most important outcome of a Presidential election is not the President himself...but the position of the Supreme Court. Those 9 justices have the power to declare what is lawful or unlawful for Presidents, Congressmen, States, lower judges and even your neighbors. They have the consented power to declare whether or not abortion is legal...or whether or not homosexual can marry. _________________ Christopher
| 2008/11/4 14:14 | Profile | Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: How Shall We Then Vote? | | Quote:
If youre a Christian and still torn about how to vote tomorrow, theres only thing to do: dont.
Possibly. Then again, it may be that sometimes we have to grow a spine. :-(
MC _________________ Mike Compton
| 2008/11/4 14:28 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
Possibly. Then again, it may be that sometimes we have to grow a spine.
I was thinking that... but I'm happy to let you take the heat for actually saying it! lol
Krispy |
| 2008/11/4 14:59 | | GodsFire Member

Joined: 2008/11/4 Posts: 77
| Re: | | I can really appreciate MJ's response because the issue is always much deeper than our personal surfaces....
Also, as I wrote on John Piper's blog,
I believe abortion is the by-product of all the garbage that we as a nation and as a people are engaged in. Abortion, Killing babies, Ha, we have so many huge issues to be concerned about, but to simply single out one and call it the most detestable issue or sin there is?
I think not saints! We deem it to be important but God would desire to get at the deep condition of our hearts that cause or allow for abortions to be carried out.
I am not at all being cynical, but Saints of the Most High God, we need to really repent for families that are broken up, families that do not know God, educate on the importance of not having premarital sex, why it offends God, and what the price will be.
Let's get off the message that Abortion and Homosexuality is soooooooooooooo sinful, that is a gimme for us I hope, we need to draw near to God so that HE will draw nearer to us to bring forth solid and convincing conviction and shame for our UnGodliness.......
Weas a people should never harp on one or two sins or else we become like the catholics and start rating whether the sin is mortal or venial.
We need to consecrate, we have to conecrate as Moses did Aaron and his sons as they were to partake of the office of priests. The family, the grove, the community needs to see this all out truth.....
You see saints, we live outside of the veil, many will argue that, but our actions and conversation reveals that no matter how right we are or how wrong I am to many.....
:-( |
| 2008/11/4 15:25 | Profile | Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: | | Quote:
I was thinking that
My comment wasn't an advocation for any candidate here in the forum. And I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. My point is that if you opt out of voting, do it because you believe firmly that the bible explicitly forbids you from doing so.
The wrong reason not to vote, in my opinion, is because you want to avoid feeling bad about voting for the lesser of two evils. Life has it's share of awful choices. If we are honest, we face them in the various paths we choose to do things like earn a living, or how we raise our different children, or even serve our imperfect churches, and many other choices that cannot be run from.
Life gives you rotten choices all the time. If you can't make this one with so much at stake, what other ones can't you make?
but I'm happy to let you take the heat for actually saying it!
MC _________________ Mike Compton
| 2008/11/4 15:40 | Profile |
| Re: | | Hey Comp... I completely understood what you were saying. No need to explain it to me.
Krispy |
| 2008/11/4 15:57 | |
| Re: | | Godsfire... You are correct. And I see you're new here... welcome.
I would venture to say that over 95% of the people on this forum are serious about their faith, and devoted wholly to God and His Word. Many of us are involved in ministry.
This is not a "fluff" Christian forum like you might find on Yahoo or Christianity Today's website.
We [b]do[/b] understand that it is much more than voting pro-life, or whatever else. We [b]do[/b] understand that it's about going into all the world and preaching the gospel. Letting the Holy Spirit work in the minds and spirits of men to change their heart toward God.
But because today is election day our conversation turns to the practical application of what we believe. So we're discussing the voting process, and one of the main issues is abortion.
Most of us here understand and agree with your words... and most of us here are doing something about it on both the spiritual and practical levels.
In other words, you're preaching to the choir... but it is a great reminder for us all, and I thank you.
Krispy |
| 2008/11/4 16:03 | | rbanks Member

Joined: 2008/6/19 Posts: 1330
| Re: | | I was reading through this thread and decide to mention that as Christians we are to be salt and light to this world. We are to pray and ask God to give us wisdom in all our decisions in this life. The bible says for us not to be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
We who are citizens of the USA and pay taxes have a fundamental obligation before God to render to Caesars, that which is Caesars and to God that which is Gods. We are to promote the gospel and not trust in politics but we are to be concerned about righteousness and what would be the best conditions for Christians and their part in reaching the lost. Voting is the fundamental right for all citizens in the US and to not vote is a vote.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
I hope all will consider the scriptures before us. Notice whom we are to pray for, how we should want our living conditions to be, and that we should want all to come to the knowledge of the truth. I believe that we all on here today know that a lot of our tax dollars are going for ungodly causes but we are all suppose to pay our taxes. Jesus says for us to pay our taxes to the governmental authorities in the land where we live on earth. How do we think they get in office? I believe that since Jesus commands us to pay our taxes then He would also want us to vote for the people that we believe would do more to help the cause of Christ on the earth. Remember the only way you can get out of paying taxes and your responsibility to vote is to move out of the USA, but if you are like many of us, you are thanking God for the blessings that we have been fortunate to receive above many countries of this world.
I have exercised my responsibility and I am praying for this nation that many people will come to the knowledge of the truth. I pray that we dont loose all our freedoms, moral values, and Christian influence that have tremendously blessed our nation. I pray that more will be saved and many will repent of their ungodliness. I just cant stand by and do nothing, when I have a responsibility, because God has blessed me to live here temporarily but I also have a responsibility if the Lord tarries his coming to those after me.
| 2008/11/4 16:15 | Profile |