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Charity ministries has many tapes from Bro.Denny Kenneston, Darell Champlain, Zac Poonen, Keith Daniel, Gerald Du Toit,K.P.Yohannan. You do not want to miss any of them. Their # is 800 227
Yes thank you for notifying us of this ministry, I have spoken personally to many brothers and sisters that are part of this charity gospel ministries and they are very dear saints. I am trying to make as many Keith Daniel sermons available in mp3 format and also video files. They are totally free on this end and I am sure are less costly then making tapes, so if you have a the ability to produce CD's out of mp3's using SermonIndex is a better option. But if you don't have CD player technology and would like tapes Charity is a great ministry to get the recorings from. Please note that they run totally off the support of God's people as does this ministry.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon