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Joined: 2008/1/23
Posts: 33

 Where on here did I see chap by chap on 1 John??

Hi everyone, a few weeks ago, I found a series of sermons by SOMEONE which was going through the book of 1 John verse by verse. I thought I would remember who the preacher was to come back to it, but unfortunately, I don't. Does anyone know where I saw this?


 2008/11/1 16:50Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: Where on here did I see chap by chap on 1 John??

Richard Owen Roberts is a verse by verse man. I have heard him preach on 1 John re 14 times John says now we KNOW we are the children of God. What was preaching content of what you found here? Audio? video? text?

 2008/11/1 18:34Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797


Then there is J. Glen Owens which is here. [url=]A series.[/url]

 2008/11/1 19:04Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Where on here did I see chap by chap on 1 John??

Chuck Smith does a good series of messages on 1 John...[url=]HERE[/url]

Zac Poonen covers 1 John very well but it is not verse by verse...[url=]HERE[/url]

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2008/11/1 21:52Profile

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