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Joined: 2007/10/1
Posts: 83

 Learning The True Gospel

Maybe a strange request but I've been listening to Paul Washer's 10 indictments and it refers to the modern 'gospel'. I see so clearly where we fall down and I even see myself falling into the traps which he so rightly condemns.

What areas of the bible do I need to study to make the gospel real in my heart rather than the sham I grew up with??

I really need to get grounded on this but need some direction to get me started.

 2008/10/29 8:33Profile

Joined: 2008/10/2
Posts: 203

 Re: Learning The True Gospel

Hi notmyown,

I would start with the book of Acts, since it records numerous instances when 'the gospel' was preached. What was the gospel message that was preached by Peter and Paul and the other apostles in Acts ? This is the same gospel that I believe we should be preaching.

Here is a link to a chart that summarizes what the content of the gospel message was, each time it was preached, as recorded in the book of Acts :

God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

 2008/10/29 11:49Profile

Joined: 2007/10/1
Posts: 83


That's a great help. Many thanks for that. :-)

 2008/10/29 17:35Profile


The gospel made real in our lives is when we through being born again love God first and foremost above all else. The power that is available to us from God by our loving him is beyond all measure.

Search the deap mystery of what happens when a man or women truly LOVES God.

 2008/10/29 19:25

Joined: 2008/9/26
Posts: 52


I would recommend any that want to know the true gospel to do a thorough study of the book of Romans. After all that is Paul's systematic approach to the gospel.

 2008/10/30 12:46Profile


EvangelistC, Excellent recommendation!

 2008/10/30 17:02

Joined: 2007/10/1
Posts: 83


Good call. Many thanks again guys.

 2008/10/30 17:43Profile

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