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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : Paul Washer - Regeneration vs the Idol of "Decisional Regeneration" (Deeper Conference)

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Joined: 2005/10/28
Posts: 246
Logan City, Queensland, Australia

 Paul Washer - Regeneration vs the Idol of "Decisional Regeneration" (Deeper Conference)

Here's the video of Paul Washer's breakout message from the recent Deeper Conference (Way of the Master). It touches on similar issues as "10 Indictments", but with a greater emphasis on popular evangelistic methods that are at the cause of what Bro Paul preached about in the former.

[url=]Paul Washer - Regeneration vs "Decisional Regeneration"[/url]

Benjamin Valentine

 2008/10/27 6:03Profile

 Re: Paul Washer - Regeneration vs the Idol of "Decisional Regeneration" (De

Can any one give a different source for this file?

I would like to download it but have not been able to.

 2008/10/27 8:37

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554



 2008/10/27 8:42Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Re: Paul Washer - Regeneration vs the Idol of "Decisional Regeneration" (De

Praise God for men like Paul Washer that are not afraid to address these hard subjects. I am sure that brother Paul doesn't get many invitations from seeker friendly churches.

Every church that I know of that is reaching out to save souls usually has a altar call at the end of the service for people to make a decision for Christ. Of course we know that Bill Graham used this method in his great crusades.

I know that there are many people that are truly saved that have made a decison for Christ, but on the other hand many are not saved, and then are told by well meaning church members and pastors that they were saved because they repeated a prayer asking Jesus to come into their heart. I agree with Paul Washer that if a person is truly born again then there will be fruit in their lives to prove it. Many pastors and evangelists see their success as to how many pray the sinner's prayer at the altar call without questioning the methods that were used to get the sinners down to the altar. Psycological methods of manipulating people have replaced fervent prayer for souls, and relying on the Lord to do the work of regeneration in the life of the one seeking salvation. The only reason why any have been saved by making a decision to accept Christ is because the Holy Spirit was already drawing them to Christ and they fulfilled the conditions to be saved.

As brother Paul has said, we cannot tell a person that he is saved, but we can instruct by the Word as to how to be saved, and a person can truly know if they are saved or not.



 2008/10/27 10:16Profile

Joined: 2005/10/28
Posts: 246
Logan City, Queensland, Australia



Benjamin Valentine

 2008/10/28 19:22Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Paul Washer - Regeneration vs the Idol of "Decisional Regeneration" (De

Is there a transcript of the essay Bro. Washer read at the beginning of this sermon?


Sandra Miller

 2008/10/29 19:34Profile

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