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Joined: 2006/10/16
Posts: 80


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

“But I wrought [acted] for my name’s sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen” (Ezekiel 20:14).

God is about to do something new and glorious. This new thing is beyond revival, beyond an awakening. It is a work of God that he alone initiates when he can no longer endure the polluting of his holy name. There comes a time when God determines that his Word has been so trampled into the mire, and abominations have so defiled what is called “the church,” he must rise up and defend his name before a lost world.

“For his own name’s sake,” God is going to do two mighty works. First, he is going to purge the nations and his church with awesome redemptive judgments. He is going to stop the invasion of his house by homosexuals and charlatans—and he is going to purify and cleanse the ministry and raise up shepherds after his own heart.

Second, God is going to glorify his holy name with a great intervention of mercy. In the throes of judgments being fulfilled, God is going to save the day by a supernatural “turning” of a remnant back to himself. What he did for Israel when they were being judged, he will do again in the days ahead.

You can read it all in Ezekiel 36:21–38. Summed up, this is what is prophesied: “I will have pity for my holy name which has been profaned among the heathen…not for your sakes, but for my own name’s sake. The heathen shall know that I am God. I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean of all filthiness. I will give you a new heart and a new spirit. I will cause you to walk in my ways. I will save you from all your uncleanness. Not for your sakes do I this, but for my own name’s sake.”

“Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand, and wrought for my name’s sake, that it should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight I brought them forth…. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have wrought with you for my name’s sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord God” (Ezekiel 20:22, 44).
Posted by David Wilkerson

 2008/10/21 12:28Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE


Oh, yes, God is going to do some house-cleaning
The money-changers and those who prostitute
religion for gain, those who abuse their position
of authourity over the flock will be the first
to go. God is raising up a remnant of people
who honor and magnify His name, who set them-
selves apart from the stain of sin and the filth
of the world, who love righteousness and truth
more than life!! Want to be a part of that ??
I DO !!

Martin G. Smith

 2008/10/21 12:53Profile

Joined: 2006/10/16
Posts: 80


GRACE....GRACE as we go thru the refiner's fire and come out as pure gold.
This reminds me of words to a song....and when the work's completed may I have a servants heart...not my will but thine be done.

Pray saints !!

 2008/10/21 12:54Profile

Joined: 2006/10/16
Posts: 80


Dear Saints,

This is the day we have prayed and fasted and wept over for so long ...I pray that mens hearts will not harden, BUT REPENT in and thru this. May we God do all that we can to restore the body to health, help us to redeem the time and help bind up the wounds as the people come out of the destruction and rubble. Let us have the healing balm of Gilead in our hands. For so many have been deceived by this false teaching and money power hungry leaders.

Sorry, I have seen my friends and people I have loved fall into the snare of the enemy and take the easy road of comfort they were offered and as God allows the calamities and destruction to purge and purify all of us "the church" ...I pray for Grace and mercy !!!!

 2008/10/21 13:04Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797


Oh Yes. Yes. Yes. Coffee

Are you also watching now, in prayer?

May our Father find our offering acceptable.

 2008/10/21 13:11Profile

Joined: 2008/9/26
Posts: 52



 2008/10/21 14:21Profile

Joined: 2007/10/27
Posts: 86


Shall we examine David Wilkerson's False prophecies before we get too excited here.

David Wilkerson
False Prophecies & Unscriptural Teaching
I have a hard time writing about David Wilkerson for two reasons:

1. He is a mixed bag. Some of his sermons and writings have a lot of good points.
2. His book, "The Vision" is the one that I had just finished reading when I first turned to Christianity. This was in 1975, in my bedroom in the village of Langenselbold, West Germany. So, for the longest time it was hard for me to be impartial. Yet when assessing teachings and teachers of our faith, we need to hold them to the same Biblical standard (Acts 17:11).

This article will look at David Wilkerson's prophecies and teachings. After we have seen examples, we can make conclusions based on our open-Bible policy.



He preached this in the Solomon Church in December of 1994:

"Right now I sense in my spirit that in less than 5 years there will be no more so-called gospel television networks. They will all fall into bankruptcy and absolute ruin."

From a prophecy of September 7, 1992:

"I have had recurring visions of over 1,000 fires burning at one time here in New York city. I am convinced race riots will soon explode! New York City is right now a powder keg-ready to blow!...federal and State Welfare cutbacks will be the spark that ignites the fuse. Next year, New York City could have over 100,000 angry men on the streets, enraged because they have been cut off from benefits....Federal troops will have to move in to restore order. New York City will have tanks running down its avenues....Churches will be closed for a season because it will be too dangerous to travel about. Fires will rage everywhere."
Although Wilkerson set the expiration date of this prophecy himself - " Next year" (i.e. 1993), he now says that this is yet future. This is a common expedient for those who assume themselves to be prophets, moving the goal-posts, hoping that others will forget by then.


On April 15 of that year, Wilkerson prophesied this:

"For the last two years I have been crying aloud, warning all who would hear that America is receiving her last call and that judgment is at the door. I did not say this was the end of the nation, but the last call before a financial crash."
"I am writing this letter to you on Saturday, April 15, 2000. I have on my desk the headlines in yesterday's paper: "BLACK FRIDAY - BIGGEST ONE-DAY DROP IN HISTORY." The Dow fell 618 points - the Nasdaq fell 355. I do not know what is coming in the next sixty days. If the market bounces back, I can assure you it will be temporary. THE CRASH IS INEVITABLE - NOTHING CAN STOP IT."

To his credit, he admitted his mistake after the non-event, after the market instead of crashing, reached a record high on May 22 of that year:

"In prayer, I have told the Lord I am ready at any time to confess I am wrong - that I must have spoken from my own fears or that I have spoken unadvisedly. Recently, when the market reached record highs, I wondered if those calling me a false prophet were right."
He admits that he was motivated by fears when he gave this warning. I am not advocating that we kick a man when he is down, or that none of us are human. It is good that he admitted his mistake. But let me ask you this: When times get rougher than they are now, do you want to consult a prophet/teacher who is motivated by fears the next time he says "Thus says the Lord". I don't. We need to tear our eyes and hearts away from all authority figures and look to the Bible. If we listen to teachers and preachers, it must be the same way that the Bereans listened to Paul and Silas - with open Bibles and a determination to use them intelligently. In my mind, Wilkerson has already lost credibility by his mis-prophesying.



"God's last-day church ...will be even greater than that [the first-century church,] ... mightier, stronger, and even GREATER revelation of Jesus. A greater unction from the Spirit than ever, GREATER EVEN THAN PENTECOST....As I see it, the gospel of Jesus Christ has not been fully preached in this generation!"
(God's Vision for the Last Day Church 5-23-94)
There are plenty of verses that tell us that this just isn't so. In the last of the last days we will face ever greater apostasy and confusion. To expect a mighty revival is to set yourself up for major deception.

 2008/10/21 15:25Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779



If you want to "expose" our brother, why not include credible, firsthand citations? A proper citation isn't just a listing of what he supposedly said, when and where. If you are going to do this, then please be open enough to present such things from firsthand sources rather than from a website or work that hopes to diminish the views of the brethren regarding this man. Allow us the opportunity to test and verify your statements.

Did you find these things on your own, or did you find them listed in a website or in a newsletter? Did you check the validity of the citations and sources? Have you spoken with (or attempted to speak with) Brother Wilkerson (by phone, mail, email or in person) about these things BEFORE you decided to present them?

Such public accusations can be a troublesome thing if they are meant to influence -- especially if we haven't truly researched such things in depth or if we don't know the man.



 2008/10/21 17:38Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi Rev...

"God's last-day church ...will be even greater than that [the first-century church,] ... mightier, stronger, and even GREATER revelation of Jesus. A greater unction from the Spirit than ever, GREATER EVEN THAN PENTECOST....As I see it, the gospel of Jesus Christ has not been fully preached in this generation!" (God's Vision for the Last Day Church 5-23-94)

There are plenty of verses that tell us that this just isn't so. In the last of the last days we will face ever greater apostasy and confusion. To expect a mighty revival is to set yourself up for major deception.

Really? Plenty of Scriptures say that there isn't going to be a mighty revival? Then why on Earth are we having a Revival Conference? Why are we constantly praying for a mighty revival in our land -- if your claim that it isn't going to happen is true?

Brother, I wonder if people would have ignored the Welsh Revival, the Great Awakening, the Second Great Awakening, etc... -- if they had listened to you? Those revivals turned the land right-side up! The Great Awakening influenced (and was even written about by) the founders of this nation! Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, wrote about George Whitefield saying that you could tell that the revival had spread through a town because the bars were closed and you could hear the singing of hymns.

Regardless of whether or not there will be a great move of God before the Lord's return -- I will still pray for it! I am hoping that the Lord would ignite a passion in His people and the sinners in this land! I pray that multitudes will return to Christ before He returns to this world!

I will pray for revival. I see nothing in Scripture that makes me believe that the Lord refuses to revive His Church or the people and lands for which we pray.

Just something further to think about.


 2008/10/21 17:48Profile

Joined: 2006/10/16
Posts: 80


This was not posted here to lift up anyone and in responding to defend anyone. When I read this article the word excitement never came to mind...nor did it come across to me as prophecy..but a dread that when I read the scriptures a knowing of what is yet to come to this nation as God uses judgment for redemptive purposes ...I still will pray HIS Grace and Mercy upon all of us!

I live in Califonia, I have seen the steady decline of the church and state. Still praying that men everywhere will not harden their hearts in the day of trouble but repent and turn.

Pray for us here, I know that we are living in His longsuffering, but the cup runneth over and we must be judged FOR HIS NAME SAKE.

Please Pray !!!!

Your Sister in Jesus

 2008/10/21 17:49Profile

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