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Joined: 2008/10/9
Posts: 143
Ohio, USA

 How Do We Preach Christ Crucified?

From "The Power of the Cross"
By John Henry Jowett

[b]How Do We Preach Christ Crucified?[/b]

How is a great gospel like this to be preached? If it is the doctrine in which I best discern the holiness of God, if it is the doctrine in which I discover the horribleness of sin, if it is the doctrine which reveals to the the realities of grace, if it is the doctrine in which I find the resources of ethical revival - How shall I preach it? There is only one way. [i]A gospel of infinite compassion must be preached in the spirit of compassion in which it was born.[/i] My brethren in the ministry, we need to pray, and to pray long, and to pray fervently, that we may never become hard. I think if there is one thing we need more than another it is the grace of compassion. We want to have a spirit of compassion until we almost instinctively perceive the poignant need of those to whom we seek to minister

 2008/10/9 12:30Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: How Do We Preach Christ Crucified?

"If the Love that forgives us becomes a flame
burning within us; if compassion is the cause
of everything that is said and done; then all around us would shine with a gospel radiance--
and these words would be illuminated from within:
"Love, and say it by your life!"


Martin G. Smith

 2008/10/9 13:49Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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